Understanding Weather and Climate Ch 7

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Transcript Understanding Weather and Climate Ch 7

Clouds and rain formation
Review of last lecture
• Global water (hydrological) cycle
• Water Vapor Basics (names of different phase changes,
latent heat)
• Two methods of achieving saturation and condensation
(diabatic vs. adiabatic processes). Different types of
condensation - dew, frost, fog (radiation, advection,
upslope, precipitation, steam), clouds.
The most common atmospheric
circulation structure
or No
Imbalance of heating
 Imbalance of temperature
 Imbalance of pressure
 Wind
Satellite observation of clouds
• NASA’s International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project
(ISCCP) Combine the measurements of 5 geostationary and 1-2
polar orbiting satellites. 1983-Now, cloud top height and optical
• NASA’s Earth Observation System including a set of polar
orbiting satellites (A-Train), especially CloudSat (with a cloud
radar) and CALIPSO (with a cloud lidar). Ongoing, cloud particle
information, detailed vertical structure.
• Clouds consist of many tiny water
droplets (~10 μm) and/or ice particles
• Most clouds form as air parcels are
lifted and cooled to saturation
• Clouds have a wide range of height
and thickness
• Clouds are instrumental to the Earth’s
energy and moisture balances
Level of saturation/condensation
Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
• Static stability – refers to atmosphere’s susceptibility to being displaced
• Stability related to buoyancy  function of temperature
• The rate of cooling of a parcel relative to its surrounds determines
its ‘stability’ of a parcel
1) rate of cooling of parcel (unsaturated v. saturated)
unsaturated – dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR)
saturated – saturated adiabatic lapse rate (SALR)
2) rate of cooling of surrounding atmosphere
environmental lapse rate (ELR): an overall
decrease in air temperature with height
ELR is measured by weather balloon. Long-term
global average ELR = 0.65oC/100m.
Three possible outcomes:
1) absolutely unstable air
2) absolutely stable air
conditionally unstable air
The three types of stability
What stops ‘unstable’ air masses from rising indefinitely ?
1) Entrainment
• Turbulent mixing of ambient air into parcel
• Leads to evaporation along cloud boundaries
• Evaporation uses latent heat, cooling the cloud
 reduces buoyancy
Courtesy Russ Dickerson, U. Maryland
2) Encountering a layer of stable air (inversion)
• a rising parcel may reach a stable upper air
• the parcel cooling rate will exceed that of
the ambient air
• the parcel will slowly cease ascension and
come to rest at some equal temperature level
• three types: radiation, frontal, subsidence
Cloud Properties
1. Cloud top height/pressure
2. Cloud thickness (optical depth)
3. Cloud coverage
• When clouds comprise more than 9/10th of the sky = overcast
• When coverage is between 6/10th and 9/10th = broken
• When coverage is between 1/10th and 6/10th = scattered
• Cloud coverage less than 1/10th = clear
NASA’s International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP)
Cloud Classification - commonly used in climate research
Why do clouds constitute a wildcard for climate change?
• Clouds are both good reflectors
of solar radiation (cooling effect)
and good absorbers of earth
emitted longwave radiation
(warming effect).
• The net effect (cooling or
warming) depends on the type of
• In a changing climate, increases
in high thin clouds would promote
warming, while increases in low
thick clouds would cause cooling
• Climate models have difficulties
in simulating clouds, especially
low thick clouds (stratocumulus)
• Conclusion: Clouds cause the
largest uncertainty in model
simulations of future climate.
warming effect
cooling effect
Video: The climate wild card
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py1dE
Global distribution of precipitation
Precipitation formation - cloud drop growth
• Not all clouds precipitate due to their small
sizes and slow fall rates
• Balance between gravity and frictional
drag  eventually become equal to
achieve terminal velocity VT, which is
proportional to the square root of cloud
drop radius VT=c r0.5 ,where r is drop
radius and c is a constant.
• For a cloud drop to fall, its terminal
velocity must exceed the vertical velocity
of the upward-moving air parcel.
Otherwise it will be carried up.
• Cloud drop growth is required for
precipitation to form
Mechanisms for cloud drops to grow larger
1. Collision Coalescence (warm clouds, T > 0 C, form rain)
2. Bergeron Process (cool/cold clouds, T < 0 C, form snow)
Cold Clouds
Cool Clouds
1. Collision Coalescence: Growth in Warm Clouds
• Process begins with larger collector drops
which have higher terminal velocities
• Collector drops collide with smaller drops and
merge with them (coalesce). Coalescence
efficiency is generally very high, indicating
that most collisions result in the two drops
• If collector drop is too big: compressed air
beneath falling drop forces small drops aside
• If collector drop is too small (same size as
other drops) it will fall at same speed and no
collision will occur
• So, collection efficiency is greatest when the
size of collector drop is slightly larger than the
size of the other drops
• After the collector drops become large, the
larger one among them can serve as a “supercollector” to collide with other collector drops
Raindrop shape and maximum size
• Determined by competition between surface
tension and frictional drag. Frictional drag is
larger at the bottom than at the top
• Small drop (<0.08in): frictional drag <<
surface tension  Sphere shape
• Medium-size drop (0.08in<size<0.25in):
frictional drag approaches surface tension 
Parachute shape
• Large drop (>0.25in): frictional drag at bottom
> surface tension  Split (The surface tension
at the top allows the raindrop to remain more
spherical while the bottom gets more flattened
• Maximum drop size of about 0.25in or 5 mm
• Formation of clouds: 3 types of stability. Two factors
limiting the height of clouds.
• 3 cloud properties. 9 ISCCP cloud types. Why do clouds
constitute a wildcard for climate change?
• Forces acting on a cloud/rain droplet. Terminal velocity.
How does it change with cloud drop radius?
• Growth mechanisms for rain and snow
• Formation of rain: coalescence process (the collector is
larger than the cloud droplets but not too large)
Works cited
• http://www.edudemic.com/study-finds-most-people-thinkcloud-computing-is-run-on-actual-clouds/
• http://hyperphysics.phyastr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/diph2o.html
• http://nyffetyff.deviantart.com/art/Raindrop-189805290
• http://www.its.caltech.edu/~atomic/snowcrystals/photos/p
• http://www.crh.noaa.gov/unr/?n=06-04-99_pg1
• http://www.clker.com/clipart-cartoon-sun.html
• http://pmm.nasa.gov/node/145