Hanford Fire Department

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Hanford Fire Department


Hanford Site

The Hanford Site occupies 586 square miles in Benton County, Washington That is roughly the equivalent to half of the total area of Rhode Island.

Hanford Areas

The Hanford site is broke into 4 general areas 100, 200, 300, and 400 area Each area is connected by major routes and highways

100 area

The 100 area is located on the Northern most portion of the site It is home to nine nuclear reactors along the Columbia River

200 Area

The 200 area is the central portion of the site Broken into three separate portions 200W, 200E, 600 area.

300 Area

Located at the southern most end of the site near Richland WA.

400 Area

Includes FFTF and surrounding structures.

Also Columbia generating station.


Routes around the site

The site is connected by 9 major routes Route 1, 2N, 2S, 3, 4N, 4S, 6, 10, 11A, 40


The main routes that split the site are route 11A and 4S, N Route 11A which runs the entire length of the site from east to west starting at the intersection with route 2N and 2S.

Route 11A ends at the Yakima barricade

Route 11A

11A is approximately 15 miles long starting at the East side of the site.

Major MP on 11A are 7 and 8 where route 4 intersects.

This intersection is a high probability area for MVC.

Route 4

Route 4 is broken into two sections. 4N and 4S The division is located at the 4 corners which is the intersection where 11A divides route 4 in half.

Both route 4N and S start at the 4 corners.

Four corners

Route 4S

Route 4S starts at the intersection with 11A and runs 23 miles south to Richland.

Route 4N starts at the intersection with 11A and runs 8 miles ending at 100 D.

North to South routes

The routes that run N to S are mostly labeled with even numbers.

All the routes start at 11A and run away from it North and South.

N to S routes are 2, 4, 6, 10

Route 2

Route 2N starts at 11A and runs 11 miles up the NE boarder of the site. 2N ends at 100D and 4N Route 2S starts at 11A and runs 7 miles to the Wye barricade.

N to S Routes Cont.

Route 6 comes off route 11A around MP 12 and runs N 3 miles where it intersects with route 1.

Route 6 continues past route 1 an additional mile then turns west and goes another 3 miles where it ends at Hwy 24/Gate 127.

N to S Routes Cont.

Route 10 starts at the Wye barricade and runs South 7 miles to intersect at the intersection of Hwy 240 MP 20 and Hwy 225 MP 11. Approximately MP 2 is where LIGO is located of route 10.

Additionally around MP 3 is the intersection for Route 40 leading E to the 400 Area.

East to West routes

The routes running parallel through the site all start on the east side and run west.

Route 1, 11A, 3, 40 The majority of odd numbered routes run east to west

E to W routes

Route 1 starts at route 2N and runs west 10 miles through route 4N and around 100BC ending at route 6.

Station 91 is located at the intersection of route 1 and 4N Approximately MP 4

E to W Cont.

Route 3 starts at MP 10 of 11A and runs south 1 mile until it intersects with 20 th street leading into the 200 west area.

From there it turns East and runs another 3 miles to the intersection of 4S and 4 th street leading into 200 East area. Route 3 connects 200 east and west. Approximately MP 3 is the Hanford fire department administration offices and St. 92

Route 3

Route 3 is the only route that runs west to East and 1 of 2 routes that runs both N to S and W to E.

Route 6 is the other.

Route 40

Route 40 is also two streets combined to 1 route. It connects the two main entrances of the 400 area.

Route 40 is also a even numbered route that runs E to W It starts at approximately MP 15 of 4S and runs East around the 400 area and ends 3 miles later at route 10.

Route 40

Starting at 4S route 40 is also called Kentucky Blvd.

Starting at route 10 it is also called Alabama Blvd.


The Hanford site is also surrounded by 4 Highways that the fire department covers.


Hwy 240

Hwy 240 starts at the Yakima barricade and the intersection with Hwy 24 and runs 30 miles South toward the city of Richland.

Some notable MP markers are MP 8 where the Rattlesnake barricade is located.

(Open only in the morning and evening for traffic coming on/off site)

Also MP 20 where route 10 enters into 240.

Hwy 225

Hwy 225 starts in Benton City and 11 miles north towards Hwy 240. Where it intersects at MP 20 of 240 and route 10.

Hwy 225 has the gate to Rattlesnake mountain’s eastern road to the summit.

Hwy 24

Hwy 24 starts in Yakima and runs East 39 miles until the Yakima barricade Where it then turns N for an additional 6 miles across the Columbia river It then then turns East towards Othello for another 36 miles.

Hwy 24

Hwy 24 approximately MP 30 is the location of the Silver dollar. Silver Dollar is used as a reference point during wild land season and for MVC on HWY 24.

MP 41 is the location of the S curves where HFD responds to many MVC’s

Hwy 243

Hwy 243 starts at Hwy 24 just past the Vernita bridge just across the Columbia river.

Hwy 243 runs threw Mattawa along the Columbia river where it stops at Hwy 26 just before I-90.

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