Preparing Future Leaders for Tomorrow

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Transcript Preparing Future Leaders for Tomorrow

Municipal police departments face ongoing
challenges when it comes to recruiting and
retaining officers, particularly in the face of
increased competition from counties, state and
federal agencies, as well as other municipalities.
At the same time, leadership within our public
safety agencies faces growing uncertainty as
many of our top officers prepare to retire without
an obvious pipeline for replacing them. This
session will explore various public safety
personnel trends and provide examples of best
practices for ensuring the knowledge, skills and
abilities of your force and its leadership for years
to come.
Susan Burdette,
Commissioner, Bel Air
Craig A. Moe,
Mayor, Laurel
Charles H. Hinnant,
Chief of Police, Cumberland
R. Kenneth Meekins,
Chief of Police, Hampstead
Today we will speak about our Government & Police Departments- Then discuss the
following topics:
Future Leadership (Succession Planning)
Strong Mayor form of government – Chief Executive Officer
Five elected City Council members – Legislative Branch
Full Service City
Mayor Appoints all Department Heads, Council Confirms
City Administrator
196 Full time positions - 2- Part time positions - 65 Auxiliary positions
26,500 Population
Operating Budget $ 30 million
Approximately 5 square miles
Full Service Police Department
Police Department Budget $ 7.8 million
City Fire Marshal
Full Zoning Authority
Full Service Police Department
68 Sworn Police Officers
10 Communications Staff
10 Support Staff
26,500 Residents
2013 Calls for Service : 49,155
2013 Arrests: 1,398
Chief Richard McLaughlin
City of Laurel
Mayor & City Council form of Government
City Administrator
Full Service Public Safety, Police, Fire & EMS
284 Municipal Employees
20,572 Population
Approximately 11 Square Miles
7 Public and 2 Private Schools
1 Community College
1 Hospital
CSX east coast engine repair and transfer yard
Border West Virginia and Pennsylvania
Aging Population
Economic Challenges
Full Service Police Department
52 Sworn Police Officers
11 Full & Part Time Civilian Employees
2013 Calls for Service: 28,177
2013 Arrests: 2,174
Chief Charles H. Hinnant
City of Cumberland
Mayor & Town Council Form of Government
Town Manager
20 Municipal Employees
Approximately 3.1 square miles
6,500 Population
Headquarters for JoS. A. Bank Clothiers
Full Service Police Department
9 Sworn Police Officers
1 Support Staff
6,500 Residents
2013 Calls for Service: 5300
Chief R. Kenneth Meekins
Town of Hampstead
“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”
John Wooden
Use you agency’s public image and the image of the town/city
Salary & Benefits, other Incentives
Entry Level v. Lateral Hires
Shared regional hiring processes & candidate pools
Job Fairs, Media Advertising
Web & Social Media
Military Veterans, Minority Recruitment
Pre-Test Questionnaire
Written Tests
Physical Testing
Polygraph & Background Investigation
Medical Exam
The recruiting, retention and availability of quality personnel challenges the Laurel
Police Department, as it does many Maryland Police Departments. It’s a Nationwide
Need the support of your local elected officials
Laurel has not lowered its hiring standards for Police Officers
Competition from other agencies, local police departments
Support and funding from Laurel’s Mayor and City Council
◦ Recruitment Team
◦ Interview On-Site
◦ Increased Starting Pay
◦ On-Line Advertising
◦ Job Fairs
Retention and Preparing Laurel’s Police Department for the future and succession
planning are very important to the Mayor and City Council
Meeting the challenges by working with and educating the Mayor & City Council:
◦ Meeting with Police Chief Monthly
◦ Ride-A-Long
◦ Social events and Annual Police Award Banquet
◦ Discussions with FOP
◦ Training events
◦ Discussion of issues and Council concerns
Unfilled Police positions can cost you money and concerns for officers safety
Chiefs should educate elected officials on programs, cost of equipment, training
programs, etc.
Incentives for Laurel’s Police Officers, it has to be the right balance between the City
and the Police Department
◦ New Salary Plan
◦ New Work Schedule
◦ Allow Part Time
◦ Take Home Car Program
◦ Specialty Units & pay
◦ Reimbursement - School/Training
◦ Training for the Career Paths Determined by the Officer
◦ Military Pay
◦ Collective Bargaining
◦ Meetings with Chief
“The will to succeed is important, but what's more important is
the will to prepare.” Bobby Knight
Competitive Profession
Employee Contracts
Salary & Benefits
Employee Recognition
Specialized Units
Job Satisfaction
Goal Setting
Residential (HOA, Condo Assn)
Buy in from Command & Supervisors
Target Training
Elected Officials
Retention Interviews
Business Community
“ If we can take young people who excel at the highest levels, put
them on the same kind of pedestal as the all-state basketball
player and the all-state football player, and begin to get the
same kind of recognition, it will have a profound effect, and we
are finding that it does.” Benjamin Carson
Service Organizations
MD Chiefs
“Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard
effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any
goal that is worthwhile.” Vince Lombardi
Preparation begins immediately after the new Chief walks through the door.
Personnel Development (FBINA, Northwestern, Johns Hopkins, MPCTC)
It is a shared goal of the town/city and the Chief
Adjust and Evaluate annually.
Internal/external selection
Mentoring leaders
Leadership training programs
Succession Planning is a process for identifying and developing internal people with the
potential to fill key leadership positions in the department.
◦ Must allow Chief the flexibility to run the department - who better to know who will
make good future leaders in the department?
◦ Mayor & City Councils should fund training budgets for Police
◦ Chief or HR department to create employee path to leadership
◦ Plan now for the future, you need succession planning in the department
◦ Mandate cross training at your management level
◦ Provide good salary and benefits for officers
◦ Special law enforcement training