Ellis Island, New York

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Transcript Ellis Island, New York

Immigration, 1877-1924
U.S. History II
A Century of Immigration: 1820 - 1920
 5,907,893 Germans
 16.4% of all immigrants
 25-36% between 1830-1890
 4,578,941 Irish
 12.7% of all immigrants
 35-45% between 1830-1860
 4,195,880 Italians
 3,000,000 between 1901-1920
 2,147,859 Scandinavians
Why They Left – Push Factors
 Lack of jobs
 Agriculture no longer
 Escaping persecution
 Dodging the draft
Irish Tenants Evicted
Why They Came – Pull Factors
 Wages 2-3 times higher in
 Friends & relatives already
 Greater economic, social,
& political freedom
Immigrants on board
How They Came – Means
 Recruitment
 Padrones
 Steamships
 “Birds of Passage”
HMS Majestic, White Star Line, 1889
Cabin vs. Steerage Accommodations
Ellis Island, New York
Covered Entrance
Great Hall
Hearing Room
Where Immigrants Settled
Urban Immigrants
Ethnic Ghettoes
 Never completely
 Dumbbell tenements
 Created organizations to
preserve culture
Benevolent associations
Singing clubs
Mulberry St., Manhattan
Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2000
Tenement Sweatshop
Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2000
Nativist Attacks
 Nativists distinguished between good “old
immigrants” & bad “new immigrants”
 “old” immigrants hailed as pioneers who settled as
families on the land, assimilated & became citizens
 “new” immigrants were single men who worked
in factories, lived in slums, & were less intelligent &
more degenerate
 Immigrants blamed for evils of urban,
industrial America
 Conservatives claimed they were labor radicals –
Anti-immigrant cartoon from
The Ram’s Horn, 10/31/1896
socialists, anarchists
Unions saw them as strikebreakers
Social workers decried their unsanitary living
Academics claimed they were racially inferior
TR warned of danger of “race suicide”
Immigration Restriction Legislation
 Page Act (1875) – prostitutes & convicts excluded from entry
 Asian Exclusion:
 1882 – Chinese Exclusion Act
 1907 – Gentlemen’s Agreement with Japan
 1917 – Asiatic Barred Zone created
 1924 – all “aliens ineligible to citizenship” excluded
 Foran Act (1885) – contract labor outlawed (except
 1891 – federal Immigration Bureau created
 Federal inspection centers like Ellis Island built
 Courts ruled that immigration decisions were administrative – not
subject to due process or judicial review
Restrictive Legislation, continued
 1882, 1891, 1903 & 1907 acts excluded
those with a variety of physical or mental
 1917 act imposed literacy test on all
 “Emergency” Quota Act (1921) – quotas set
at 3% of 1910 census figures for each nationality
 Reed – Johnson National Origins Act
 Initial quotas set at 2% of 1890 census figures
 In 1929 “national origins” quotas took effect, based
on estimates of ethnic heritage of white population