Computer-Based Algebra 1 End-of

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Transcript Computer-Based Algebra 1 End-of

Florida Computer-Based
Assessment District-wide
Infrastructure Trial Training
Spring 2013
Clarification of On-line Test
• Infrastructure Trial
– Invalid sample of test-like material
• ePat Practice Tests in TestNav and TestHear (accommodated forms)
– FCAT 2.0 Reading (Grades 6, 7, 9, 10, and Retake)
– FCAT 2.0 Mathematics (Grade 5)
– FCAT Mathematics Retake
– Algebra I End-of-Course (EOC)
– Biology I EOC
– Geometry EOC
– US History EOC
– Civics EOC
• Full Test Content
Infrastructure Trial vs.
ePat Practice Tests
• Please remember that the content in the Infrastructure Test is
NOT appropriate for student practice.
Infrastructure Trial Test
Practice Tests (ePats)
Designed to test school and
Designed specifically to introduce students
district infrastructure and requires to the testing platform, the e‐tools, and the
a specific number of large items
types of questions that will be on the
computer‐based assessment
Available only through school
setup and administration in the
Training Center
Available to all students from
Will place an equivalent load on
district network infrastructure
similar to that of actual
computer‐based testing
Runs as “stand alone” software – does not
place any data traffic load on district
network or internet bandwidth
Infrastructure Trial vs.
ePat Practice Tests (contd.)
• Please remember that the content in the Infrastructure Test is
NOT appropriate for student practice.
Infrastructure Trial Test
Practice Tests (ePats)
Demonstrates full security of
testing platform
Does not demonstrate security of testing
platform, which makes it more accessible
for students to use at home
Single trial test developed to be
used with all of Florida’s
computer‐based assessments
A new practice test is developed for each
content area
- FCAT 2.0 Reading (Grades 6, 7, 9, 10,
and Retake)
- FCAT 2.0 Mathematics (Grade 5)
- FCAT Mathematics Retake
- Algebra 1, Biology 1, Geometry, US
History, and Civics EOCs
Infrastructure Trial:
Schedule of Activities
School Assessment Coordinator/ Technology Coordinator
March 11-15
• Download and read the Infrastructure Readiness Guide.
• Create your passwords for each Pearson site.
March 18-22
• Create the same testing environment that will be used for Spring testing
(e.g., testing rooms, number of computers, appropriate switches and hubs,
power supplies).
• Download and install Proctor Caching Software and TestNav 6.9 and/or
latest TestHear software (if it has not already been installed).
• Prepare test sessions in the PearsonAcess Training Center and print
Student Authorization Tickets and Seal Codes, as applicable
•Use the tools (e.g., TestNav System Check) provided by Pearson to
determine network user capacity and bandwidth requirements.
• Run Proctor Caching and cache content for Trial.
• Simulate the appropriate number of student logins based on the total
number of computers intended to use concurrently for testing in the spring.
• Start test session, monitor progress, and stop test session.
April 1
April 2
April 3
• Collect feedback from volunteers and submit summary to district.
• Complete one comment form online per school.
School Assessment Coordinator
School Technology Coordinator
Summary of Responsibilities
Create sample students
Select proctor cache computer(s) and download and
install proctor caching software
Create sample test sessions
Download and install TestNav 6.9 and on all student
workstations and/or TestHear on selected
computers, and configure TestNav 6.9 and/or
TestHear to use proctor caching
Print Student Authorization Tickets
and Seal Codes, as applicable
Conduct the System Check Tool
Cache test content and start
proctor cache software each day
of testing
Configure browser setting for caching content
Coordinate the Infrastructure Trial
–Start test session
–Use appropriate script
–Monitor session
–Stop session
Assist with technical issues during the Trial
Collect feedback from volunteers
and complete school comment
form at
Purge test content from proctor caching computer
after successful completion of trial
PearsonAccess “Operational” and
PearsonAccess Training Center
• PearsonAccess ( )
• “Operational” Blue Header
– A website used for almost all test preparation (e.g., preID, test
setup, administration, and reporting tasks.
– Verify you are accessing the correct administration every time
you log in.
• Training Center Brown Header
– Access the Training Center Tab on the PearsonAccess home
– Provides an opportunity to practice PearsonAccess tasks and
means of managing the Infrastructure Trial
Note: User accounts are required for school assessment coordinators
to access both sites. Technology coordinators can work with school
assessment coordinators to access sites, as needed.
Before Trial:
Creating Sample Students
• Sample students must be created within the Training Center in
order to administer the Infrastructure Trial.
– Not actual students in your school
• The number of sample students to be created should be based
on the maximum number of computers that will be used
concurrently during testing.
– Creating at least ten percent more students that you plan to
test concurrently to have extra Student Authorization
Tickets in the event of any login complications.
• Each ticket is valid for one login attempt, unless the student is
resumed in PearsonAccess.
– Instructions for resuming students are provided on pages 21-23
of the Infrastructure Guide.
Before Trial:
Creating Sample Students
• 1. Log in to the Training Center.
• 2. Go to the home page and click Create Students.
• 3. Ensure that you see your school listed under the
Organization drop-down menu.
Before Trial:
Creating Sample Students (contd.)
• 4. Next, you must
– designate a CLASS NAME (create a new class or select an
existing class from the drop-down menu) and USE ALL CAPS
– test name (Florida Infrastructure Trial), and
– the number of sample students you would like to create. Up to
99 sample students can be created at a time.
• 5. Click Create Students
Before Trial:
Creating Sample Students (contd.)
• 6. A prompt will then appear to continue with creating students.
Select Yes – Create Students to continue, or No – Cancel Create
to cancel.
• 7. A confirmation screen will appear once the sample students have
been created.
• 8. Repeat the steps above until you have created sample students
for the number of computers that will be tested concurrently, plus at
least 10% additional students.
Before Trial:
Creating a Sample Test Session
• 1. In the Training Center, Go to the Test Management tab and click
on Manage Test Sessions.
• 2. Click on New Session.
• 3. Enter the Session Name, School, Test to be Administered
(“Infrastructure Trial”), Default Form Group Type (“TestHear
Reading Test” or “TestNav”), Scheduled Start Date, Scheduled Start
Time, and Location/Room.
Entering a date and time for a session is for planning only. A
session has to manually be started on the Session Details screen.
Before Trial:
Creating a Sample Test Session (contd.)
• 4. Click View By: Classes to see a list of classes. Click the box
next to the name of the class to be added. (View By: Students can
also be used and individual students can be selected.)
• 5. Click Save to create the session. A confirmation page will be
displayed once the session has been created.
Before Trial:
Printing Student Authorization Tickets
Authorization tickets include a Login ID and test code for each
individual sample student. This information is necessary in order to
log in to the Infrastructure Trial.
1. In the Training Center, go to the Test Management tab and click Manage
Test Sessions.
2. Click the session name to go to the Session Details screen for that test
3. To print authorization tickets, click on Authorizations > Student
Authorizations and then select the format in which you would like to
download tickets.
– The authorization tickets can be downloaded in three different formats: Detail
View, Grid View, and List View.
• a. Detail View only shows one authorization ticket per page.
• b. Grid View shows six authorization tickets per page in a three row/two
column layout.
• c. List View displays three authorization tickets per page separated
Before Trial:
Printing Student Authorization Tickets (contd.)
• Once you have selected the file you want, open it and print the
authorization tickets.
Note: It is strongly recommended that you select one format and
use it consistently at your school.
Before Trial:
Printing Seal Codes (TestNav Only)
• 1. In the Training Center, go to the Test Management tab and click
Manage Test Sessions.
• 2. Click the session name to go to the Session Details screen for that
test session.
• 3. To print seal codes, click on Authorizations > Seal Codes.
• 4. Open and print the seal code.
Before Trial: Configuring Browser Setting for
Caching Content (Technology Coordinator)
• Once the Infrastructure Trial test session has been
created, content can be cached.
• Notify your technology coordinator to Configure the
Browser Setting for Caching Content and cache the
content (see instructions in Technology Coordinator
Guide posted at under
Support tab. Disregard any references to completing
tasks in PearsonAccess; the Infrastructure Trial is
managed via the Training Center.
Before Trial: Configuring Browser Setting for
Caching Content (Technology Coordinator)
• 1. The Proctor Caching Software must be enabled and running.
• 2. The Web browser must be configured (see Technology
Coordinator Guide).
• 3. Java version 1.4.2_, 1.5.0_x, or 1.6.0_x must be installed. (A
caching applet requires a Sun-compatibleJava Plug-in to run. To
determine your Java version, visit and click “Test
the version of Java your browser is using.” Once clicked, your Java
version will appear in a pink box. Go to to
download a newer version, if necessary.)
• 4. Pop-ups must be enabled for
• 5. The site should be added to the
list of Trusted Sites in your browser.
Before Trial: Configuring Browser Setting
for Caching Content-Windows (contd.)
Important Note:
• The test content cannot be cached from the Proctor Caching
computer; instead use any other computer on the same network
as the caching computer.
• In order to cache a test, change the proxy settings within the
browser using the applicable set of instructions based on the
browser you are using. The proxy settings only have to be
changed on the computer being used to cache test content.
The browser settings do not need to be adjusted on the
student workstations. Take note of proxy setting in your
browser; after caching, you will need to change your setting
back to resume access to internet sites.
• The Infrastructure Trial is now ready to be cached.
Before Trial: Caching Test
• Log in to the Training Center and navigate to Test
Management > Manage Test Sessions. Select a
session to cache and click on the Session Name to go
to the Session Details screen. Then click the Proctor
Caching button.
• Then, a page will be displayed with instruction, click
Before Trial: Caching Test
Content (contd.)
• A page will be displayed with the contents to be cached. Click Next.
• A page will then be displayed showing the progress of the caching
Before Trial: Caching Test
Content (contd.)
After all test items have been retrieved, the status page on the workstation used to
cache test content will present a confirmation message.
At this point, the Proctor Caching computer is ready for the Infrastructure
Trial. Click Return to Session Details to return to the Session Details screen.
Note: The main reason a test may not be cached properly is if Pearson’s sites
have not been allowed through a district’s or school’s content filter or firewall.
Refer to the Additional Configuration Requirements section of the Technology
Coordinator Guide pages 33–37 for instructions on allowing Pearson’s sites 23
through content filters and firewalls.
Before Trial:
Starting a Test Session
The session must be started before sample students are able to log in
to the Infrastructure Trial.
1.In the Training Center, go to the Test Management tab and click Manage Test
2. Click the session name to go to the Session Details screen for the test session.
3. Click Start in the top left corner of the Session Details screen.
4. A confirmation screen will appear. Select Yes – Start Session to start the session
or No – Cancel if you don’t want to start the session yet.
5. A confirmation page will be displayed once the session has been started
Conducting the Infrastructure
• Volunteers log in to complete the Trial test.
– Volunteers will simulate the testing process.
– Students or adult volunteers can be used - not necessary that computer-based
testing students are used.
– Trial is NOT appropriate for student practice.
– One volunteer can log in on multiple computers (5-8 tickets per volunteer is
recommended) because volunteers supply a random answer every 10 seconds.
Once Student Authorization Tickets have been designated for each volunteer
and seal codes have been posted (for TestNav Infrastructure Trials), call the
volunteers into the room.
– Ensure that volunteers sign into TestNav or TestHear according to which software
you are using for the Trial.
• They will need to be in the correct session and assigned the correct Form Group
Type to be able to successfully sign into the software (see pages 13-14 in the
Infrastructure Readiness Guide).
– Once the Infrastructure Trial has started, a volunteer must log into each computer to
be used for testing.
– Each volunteer should be provided a pen or pencil to log issues on back of the
Student Authorization Tickets.
Use the script provided in the Infrastructure Readiness Guide pages18-20.
Estimated time for Trial is approximately 30 minutes.
Launching TestNav 6.9
• TestNav 6.9 is launched
by double-clicking the
TestNav 6.9 icon on the
• Enter the URL for the
Infrastructure Trial in the
Address line. This URL
can be found on the
Student Authorization
Tickets. (Note: The URL
is case sensitive.)
• Click Go and TestNav will
present a login page.
Logging in to the Infrastructure
Trial via TestNav
• Enter the Login ID and Test Code and click Login.
• TestNav will load the test items and the welcome
screen will appear.
Launching TestHear
• TestHear is launched by double-clicking
the TestHear icon on the desktop.
• Enter the URL printed
on the Student Authorization Tickets and
click GO to proceed to the student login
Logging in to the Infrastructure
Trial via TestHear
• Enter the Login
ID and Test
Code and click
• TestHear will
load the test
items and the
screen will
During the Trial:
Monitoring Test Sessions
• Once a session has been started, there are
a number of actions that may need to be
carried out in order to complete the
Infrastructure Trial.
• These actions may include:
– resuming sample students,
– resuming sample students with saved
responses, and
– marking tests in completed status.
During the Trial:
Monitoring Test Session (contd.)
The student has not logged into the session yet, but is ready to be
logged in.
The student is currently in the session.
The student has exited the session, but has not submitted their
responses yet.
The student has completed the test and has successfully
submitted their responses.
The student’s responses have been submitted manually.
The student is ready to log back into the session.
The student is ready to log back into the session with saved
During the Trial:
Resuming a Student
• 1. To resume a sample student, go to the session page and check
the box next to the Student Name that needs to be resumed. Then
click Resume Test.
During the Trial:
Resuming a Student (contd.)
• 2. After Resume is clicked, a confirmation page will display. Select
Yes – Resume Tests to start the session or No – Cancel if you
don’t want to resume the student yet.
• 3. Another confirmation page will be displayed once the student has
been successfully resumed.
• 4. Go back to the session page and the student’s status will now
show “Resumed” and the sample student will now be able to log
back in to the session.
• 5. If a student logs back into the test, but none of their responses
appear, the student will need to exit the test again.
• In order for the responses to be populated again, the student will
need to be marked in “Resumed-Upload” status.
– To mark the student in “Resumed- Upload” status, the student
will need to be resumed twice.
During the Trial: Common Error
Codes / Solutions
The login information you have
provided is incorrect. Please try
Verify the student login
information has been entered
correctly and log in again.
The test you are attempting to access
with this login information is already
in progress. If you are attempting to
restart this test, please notify your
Test Monitor to authorize your login
to resume the test.
Make sure the student is
either in Ready, Resumed,
or Resumed-Upload status
and log in again.
Your test session has not been
started. Please notify your Test
Go to the session page and
click Start in the top left
corner. Students may now log
Exiting the Infrastructure Trial
• Once all test items have been viewed and
tools have been tested in the Infrastructure
Trial, the test can be submitted.
• Submit the test by clicking click Submit,
“Yes, submit my test” and Yes once
• Responses will now be submitted and the
student status will show as “Completed”
on the Session Details screen.
After the Trial:
Stopping the Test Session
1. Before a session can be stopped, students must be either in
“Completed” or “Marked Complete” status. To stop the session, select Stop
in the top left corner of the session page.
– a. To mark a student’s test complete, the student must be in “Exited”
– b. Go to the session page and check box beside the student to be
marked complete.
– c. Click Mark Test Complete.
– d. A confirmation page will be displayed and the student’s status will
now show “Marked Complete”.
2. After Stop is clicked, a confirmation page will display. Select Yes – Stop
Session to stop the session or No – Cancel if you don’t want to stop the
3. Another confirmation page will be displayed once the session has been
stopped successfully.
After the Trial: Purging Test
Content (Technology Coordinator)
• Notify your technology coordinator to purge test content
• To purge test content (Windows):
– 1. Go to Start > Programs > Proctor Caching > Purge
– 2. Click Delete to confirm that you would like to purge the
contents of the cache.
After the Trial:
Infrastructure Trial Survey
• To assist Pearson and the FLDOE to identify areas
of need and to direct resources and support
• One representative (School Assessment Coordinator
or Technology Coordinator) from each school:
– Review all notes on Student Authorization Tickets to
provide school-level response
– Provide feedback to District Staff by completing a
comment form online available at by April
3, 2013.
Proctor Caching –
Network Diagram
Proctor Caching –
How does it help?
• Proctor Caching allows you to cache test content to your
local network before the test.
• Reduces burden on your ISP by eliminating redundancy
in requests for test content.
• Stores an encrypted local copy of all pre-cached tests.
• A caching solution is required for Florida online testing
and will deliver the best online testing experience.
Test Delivery –
Local Installation
• Download and install TestNav 6.9 and/or TestHear on
each workstation used for Test Delivery.
• Configure each machine to communicate with the
Proctor Caching machine.
• More challenging to manage than a server installation.
• System automation tools like SMS (Windows) and Apple
Remote Desktop (Mac) make local installs much more
TestHear Installation Best
• The updated TestHear software (released
September 13, 2012) must be downloaded to
each workstation that will be used for
accommodated forms
– Available at:
• Review minimum specifications
– TestHear can only run on computers using
Windows or Macs that are running Windows
• Only local installation is available for TestHear
TestNav/TestHear Installation
Best Practices
Each student user profile to be used for testing must meet the
following requirements:
• Enable student permissions.
– Students must have read-access to the TestNav or TestHear
installation directory.
– Students must have full permissions for the TestNav\Logs and
TestNav\Temp directory.
– Students must have read- and write-access to the Student
Response File save locations whether they are located on the
workstation or on a network share.
– Students who will be testing using the TestHear software must
have full permissions to the TestHear C:\Program
Files\gh\TestHearPearson\Data directory.
TestNav/TestHear Installation
Best Practices
• Configure applications that launch automatically.
– Ensure that any monitoring software (e.g., LanSchool, Altiris,
Netop, SynchronEyes) that would allow student workstations to
be viewed from another computer during testing is turned off.
– Any applications that may automatically launch on a computer
should be configured not to launch during testing sessions.
Common applications that may launch automatically include:
• Anti-virus software performing automatic updates,
• Power management software on laptops (low battery
• Screen savers, and
• Email with auto message notification.
• Disable Popup Blocking Software (for PearsonAccess)
– A pop-up blocker will block the pre-caching screens from
opening on administrative workstations.
TestNav/TestHear Installation
Best Practices
• Set screen resolution.
– All tests are authored to a screen resolution of 1024 x 768;
ensure that your testing machines are capable of 1024 x 768
resolution, and set testing workstations to this resolution.
– Screen resolutions below this setting will cause an error as
TestNav tries to load the test.
– Screen resolutions above this setting will be auto-adjusted in
TestNav to 1024 x 768 as the test loads for the students. If the
test does not cover the entire desktop, the screen turns black, or
you receive an “out of range” error message, follow the steps
below for disabling the auto-adjust screen resolution feature.
– TestHear does not resize the screen resolution, so monitors
should be adjusted to 1024 x 768 prior to testing.
TestNav/TestHear Installation
Best Practices
Firewalls/Content Filters
• The following domains and ports must be allowed to pass through your
Internet firewall or proxy system.
• Port 443 is for admin access only.
• Student level traffic is port 80.
• Hash encryption can inadvertently form a word.
TestNav/TestHear Installation
Best Practices
• Configuration for Specific Proxy Environments
– The TestNav 6.9 file is the only
configurable settings file. This file can be edited with
Notepad or TextEdit.
– Editable variables in
• Proxy_Host - Designates a proctor caching or proxy
machine IP address
• Proxy_Port - Designates a proctor caching or proxy
machine port number
• Primary_Save_Location & Alternate_Save_Location
- Designates the Early Warning save locations
System Check for TestNav 6.9
The TestNav 6 tab provides instructions for verifying that TestNav has
been installed and configured correctly. TestHear configuration cannot
be verified using the instructions on this tab.
The Network User Capacity tab is used to test the bandwidth among
student testing workstations, the Proctor Caching computer(s), and
Pearson servers. This tool will provide an estimate of how many
students can be tested on the designated Proctor Caching computer.
The Testing Volume Calculator tab is a tool for estimating how many
students are able to test concurrently while taking the amount of
available bandwidth and network traffic volume into account.
System Check for TestNav 6.9
• The following steps will guide you through the
process of using System Check for TestNav 6.
• 1. Click the TestNav 6 tab and follow the
instructions provided.
• 2. Once you see the “Congratulations” screen in
the TestNav window, click the Network User
Capacity tab.
System Check for TestNav 6.9 (contd.)
• 3. Click Add Caching Server. Enter a generic name
for the Proctor Caching computer to be tested, the IP
address of the Proctor Caching computer, and port
4480. Click Save.
System Check for TestNav 6.9
4. Click Start and System Check will perform a bandwidth test. Once the
test has been run, System Check will show an estimate for how many
students can be tested on the specified Proctor Caching computer(s). The
default selection for this bandwidth test is the TestNav (All Sub)/TestHear
(Non-Reading) test, which should be used for all EOC assessments. The
Student Testing Capacity will automatically recalculate to show the number
of students capable of testing on the current bandwidth.
System Check for TestNav 6.9 (contd.)
• 5. Now click the Testing Volume Calculator tab. This tool will
be used to estimate how many users can be tested with the
bandwidth that is available.
• 6. Select the test type in the administration drop-down box. The
default for this screen is the TestNav (All Sub)/ TestHear (NonReading) test, which should be used for all EOC assessments.
• 7. Enter the number of students that will be testing concurrently
on a Proctor Caching computer.
System Check for TestNav 6.9 (contd.)
8. Slide the green bar under “Available link speed between work stations and Proctor
Caching work stations” to specify the available bandwidth between the testing
workstations and the Proctor Caching computer. This number can be based on the
results of the Network User Capacity tab or on information provided by district or
school analysis of network capacity.
9. Now slide the green bar under “Average network utilization for the network
between work stations and Proctor Caching work stations” to indicate the percentage
of bandwidth normally used at this site (excluding the bandwidth that will be used for
testing). This percentage is based on district or school analysis of network usage. It
is recommended that the time of day/week students will be testing is analyzed to
determine peak usage and that peak usage is entered in this percentage.
System Check for TestNav 6.9 (contd.)
• 10. Once this is done, the “Outputs” box will now either be white, yellow, or
red. See the graphic below.
• In order for the Infrastructure Trial to be successful, it is highly recommended
that the Outputs box display a white background. If anything other than a
white background is displayed, odds are that you will encounter difficulties
during testing.
• Once all the tools within System Check for TestNav 6.9 have been used, you
have successfully established a plan for your testing environment.
TestNav Early Warning System
• The TestNav™ Early Warning System (EWS) is designed to save
student responses locally in the event of a network interruption.
• EWS saves the student's responses to an encrypted backup file so the
student can either continue testing or exit the system without losing
– Designate two (2) file save locations for student responses in the
event of a connectivity loss to the testing servers.
• Best Practice: Primary response location should be a shared
location because it allows access to stored student responses
from one location. The alternate response location should be a
location on the local workstation.
– Students must have full access to the designated “save locations.”
– When connectivity is restored and the students are resumed to
continue testing, the locally saved responses are transmitted to the
testing server and added to the responses already stored there.
• This activity occurs in the background of the test delivery software while
the software continues to provide test questions to the student.
Common Technical
Proctor Caching
• Configuration error – Looping
• Not pointed to a proxy server to reach the internet
• Not changing browser settings before pre-caching
• Java JRE not installed
TestNav 6.9
• Windows Firewall – Allow javaw.exe in the TestNav 6.9 folder
• Software Version Error-Download most current version of TestHear
Network Local Congestion Errors
• Test loads slowly
• Percentage indicator increments slowly
Support Calls
Information needed to diagnose technical issues
Test Nav 6.9 /
Pearson Access
Are you using PC or Mac?
What is your user role?
What screen are you on?
What task were you trying
to complete?
What was the error
message? If there was no
error message, what were
you trying to complete?
If you were working from
the manual, what page
were you on?
Proctor Caching
Is the student using a PC or a
Are you using a PC or
What is the session name?
What task was the student
trying to complete?
Were you setting up
Proctor Caching on a
workstation or a server?
Did an error code or message
Have you installed the
Proctor Caching software?
Can you provide a log file?
What is the IP address of the
proctor caching computer?
Did you start the Proctor
Caching software prior to
attempting to Proctor
Do you use a proxy server, if
so, what is the IP address?
Have the TestNav / TestHear
URLs been allowed through
your firewall/Content filter?
Have the TestNav 6.9 URLs
been allowed through your
Firewall/Content filter?
Pearson Support
Technical Assistance During Trial
[email protected]
Support Information
• Support resources for the Infrastructure Trial can be
located on the PearsonAccess Florida page under
Support > Additional Resources.
• These resources include downloads for:
– Infrastructure Readiness Guide (required)
– Technology Coordinator Guide (required)
– CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide
District Contact Information
Student Assessment and Educational Testing
Maria C. Bruguera, Director I
Email: [email protected] or
Mara Ugando, Staff Specialist
Email: [email protected]
Infrastructure and System Support
Mr. Roly Avila, Supervisor
Email: [email protected]