The Power of Prayer

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The Power of Prayer
What is Prayer?
1. Prayer is communication with God
2. Prayer is offering our expression of love
to God and receiving His love to us
3. Prayer can be intercessory for others
4. Prayer is joyful and blessed
5. Prayer is praising and worshipping God
6. Prayer should be made by the elders of
the church for people (James 5:14) for
the sick
More Meanings of Prayer
1. Prayer described as incense, a sweet
fragrance, to God
2. Many verses ask for God to hear our
3. Some prayers are for repentance
4. Sometimes prayer is to be done with
5. A Hebrew tradition was to put on
sackcloth and ashes – old, dirty clothes
and ashes – meaning having a spirit of
6. Prayers should be offered for the sick or
when sick
Hebrew and Greek Meaning
Hebrew word for prayer – “tephillah” (pronounced
tuh-fee-law`) – intercession, entreaty, supplication,
prayer, a hymn or sacred song
Hebrew word for supplication – “techinnah” –
(pronounced tehk-hin-nah`) – prayer, cry for mercy
and grace, supplication for favor
Greek word for prayer – “proseuche” (pronounced
pros-yoo-khay`) – prayer addressed to God; a place
set apart or suited for the offering of prayer, such as
a synagogue, or a place near the sea or water where
there was no synagogue
Greek word for supplication – “deesis” (pronounced
deh’-ay-sis) – seeking, asking, entreating, entreaty
to God; can be a request such as a prayer request
for a need or want
Why Pray?
Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer.
The Bible commands use to be in a continual state
of prayer – “Pray without ceasing – be in a constant
state of prayer”
(1 Thess. 5:17)
Exhorted to pray for all people including people in
authority such as kings and people in authority (1
Tim. 2:1-2)
Prayer provides the chance to confess our sins to
God (1 Jn. 1:9)
Prayer gives us the chance to praise with
thanksgiving and glorify God.
Prayer gives us the chance to listen to God and
hear His voice.
The prayer of the upright is God’s delight
(Pro. 15:8)
Where Pray?
1. In church – “My house is a house of
prayer” (Isa. 56:7, Matt. 21:13)
2. God is everywhere – pray anywhere
3. Our prayers go into the Holy of
Holies into God’s holy temple
(Jonah 2:7)
How to Pray
1. Pray to God the Father, in the name
of the Son, in the power of the Holy
2. Pray as Jesus taught us to pray in
the Lord’s Prayer
3. Don’t worry about how well you
pray – the Holy Spirit “makes
intercessions for us with groanings
(trans., groanings, sighs) which
cannot be uttered.” (Rom. 8:26)
God’s Answers to Prayers
1. God is with us in our prayers – “When
two or three are gathered, there I am in
their midst”
2. God does answer our prayers –
sometimes it is a no and sometimes it is
a yes
3. Pray according to God’s will and he will
answer your prayers
4. Sometimes miraculous things happen
when we pray – miracles and healing can
come from prayer
Examples of Miraculous
Answers to Prayers
Joshua prayed and the sun and moon stood
still during battle for a day (Josh. 10:12-13)
Hezekiah asked God for more time to live and
received 15 more years; God moved the sun
dial 10 degrees or about 20 minutes backwards;
God said he heard his prayers and saw his
tears (Isa. 38:5-8)
Prayer of Elijah for fire from heaven at Mt.
Carmel (I Kings 18:38)
Elijah prayed for a drought and then for rain
(James 5:17)
Examples of Miraculous
Answers to Prayers
Daniel was “touched by an angel” – Gabriel –
who flew swiftly and touched him during
evening prayers (Dan. 9:21)
Cornelius prayed and an angel (man in bright
clothing) appeared saying “Thy prayer is heard,
and thine alms are had in remembrance of
God.” (Acts 10:31)
Principles of Prayer
1. Should go to prayer “speedily” when
needing to pray (Zech. 8:20-21)
2. Jesus said “My House will be a House of
Prayer” (Matt. 21:13)
3. Jesus people healed the blind and the
lame after he chased the moneychanging thieves out of the church!
(Matt. 21:13)
4. Be specific in your prayer requests
5. Pray for God’s will (example in Lord’s
More Principles of Prayer
Jesus said “Whatsoever you shall ask in prayer,
believing, you shall receive if according to
God’s will (Matt. 21:22)
7. Paul said to persevere and continue steadfastly
in prayer (Rom. 12:12, Col. 4:12)
8. Must pray for the sick and they can be healed
(James 5:12-14)
9. Asked to anoint people when praying for them
(James 5:15)
10. Must confess faults to one another and pray for
one another (James 5:16a)
11. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man
availeth much.” (James 5:16b)
12. We need to be alert (“sober”) and pray much
more during the end times (1 Pet. 4:7)
Command to Pray
Be anxious for nothing; but in every
thing by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests
be made known unto God.
(Phil. 4: 6)