VOCABULARY in CONTEXT - Caledonia Junior High School

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Transcript VOCABULARY in CONTEXT - Caledonia Junior High School

Understanding Words in CONTEXT S-A-G-E

Unfamiliar Words

 One of the main reasons people dislike reading is because of the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar words.  If we can’t understand what we read, then we can’t engage (connect) with what we read.

 The result is that we simply read the words on the page without understanding what it is we are reading.

Words put into Context

  How do you usually find out what a word means?

Words put into context, simply means to understand what a word means by understanding its context . So, what does context mean?

 Context refers to the words surrounding the unfamiliar word , which provide clues to the words meaning.


ac·ro·nym [ak-ruh-nim] – noun a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words Rather than looking in a dictionary, a reader can save the time searching for a word, simply by using for contextual clues to determine what a word means.

 S-A-G-E is an acronym for the clues.

A - antonym G - general sense E - example


syn·o·nym [sin-uh-nim] Noun a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as joyful, elated, glad.

 The meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary words may be understood by other similar words in the sentence or sentences around it.

 Example: If we assess ourselves favorably, our self esteem will be high, but if we judge ourselves negatively, it will suffer.


an·to·nym [an-tuh-nim] noun a word opposite in meaning to another.

 The meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary words may be understood by other dissimilar words in the sentence or sentences around it.

 Example: Religions in North America are not changing, especially in this period of shifting values.

static , but

G-ENERAL Sense of the Word

 The meaning of unfamiliar words may be understood by the general sense of the word and the sentence containing it—and by other sentences around it.

 Example: A former employee, irate over having been fired, broke into the plant and deliberately wrecked several machines.


 The meaning of unfamiliar words may be understood by an example given by the author, either in the sentence containing the word or in a sentence near it.

 Many textbook authors make use of this context clue.

 Transitions like “for example,” “for instance,” “including” and “such as” often introduce examples.

 Example: Nocturnal creatures, such as bats and owls, have highly developed senses that enable them to function in the dark.



Quick Review (I)

Often, a reader can figure out the meaning of a new word without using the dictionary—by paying attention to the word’s ____.

In the sentences below, which type of context clue is used for the italicized word?

You can’t take certain classes unless you’ve taken a prerequisite ; instance, you can’t take Spanish II unless you’ve taken Spanish I.

for A thick pine forest sat the foot of the mountain, but higher up, the trees become sparse .

Talent may take years to surface. When LeBron James was a young child, his great aptitude for basketball was not at all apparent to his teachers.

Quick Review (II)

Directions: Identify the vocabulary word and use the context clues to determine its meaning.


When people are broke, they find that many things which seem indispensable are not so necessary after all.





It’s amazing that my neighbors always appear immaculate , yet their apartment is often quite dirty.

Doctors should alleviate the pain of terminally ill patients so that their final days are as comfortable as possible.

Rose thought selling cosmetics door-to-door would be a lucrative part-time job, but in her first month she earned only twenty dollars.

Working as a team, a coyote and a badger may simultaneously attack an area crowded with squirrels. The attack panics the squirrels, making them easier to catch.

On an Assessment

   It may be helpful to try substituting the unfamiliar word with one that is more familiar.

Example: The tiger was volatile ; you never knew how it would behave. For instance, sometimes it was tame and other times it was vicious.

The tiger was _____________.

Continued…On an Assessment

    Furthermore, understanding your parts of speech will help you choose the right type of word to substitute.

For instance, you would only substitute a noun for a noun, and a verb for a verb…etc.

The tiger was volatile (adjective).

The tiger was unpredictable (adjective).