Transcript Teuta

Republic of Croatia
National programme of
digitization of archival, library
and museum holdings
Dunja Seiter-Šverko
Lana Križaj
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
European initiatives
National initiatives
Digitization – why is it important?
Key issuses regarding digitization policies and
 Principles of digitization
 National programme of digitization of ALM
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
Basic European initaitives in the field
of information society:
 eEurope 2005 Action Plan (2002-2005)
 eEurope+
 i2010 (2005-2010)
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
Culture in the digital age
ICT could contribute to the European
cultural richness in the way of:
- protection
- accesibility of works of art aiming at
education, entertainment, tourism and
economic development
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
In accordance with those initiatives
Member States have established
trans-european mechanisms for
digitisation policies and programmes
in the field of cultural content and
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
Fundamental documents in the field
of culture:
 Lund Principles, 2001
 Lund Action Plan, 2001
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
Charter of Parma 2003
 Agreed on the fundamental principles of
Lund documents
 Implemented within the framework
provided by the Lund Action Plan,
operationally supported by MINERVA
European network
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
(Ministerial Network for Valorising Activities in
 Networking of Memebr States ministeries
aiming at harmonising activities carried out for
the digitization of cultural and scientific content
 Establishment of the common European
tecnological and content platform
 Creation of recommendations and guidelines
about digitization and metadata as well as the
long-time accessibility and preservation
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
(The National Representative Group on
digitisation policies in the EU Member States)
 NRG members – officially nominated experts from each
Member State and acts as a steering group for the
activities related to the coordination of digitisation
policies and programmes, with special emphasis on
cultural and scientific resources and the contribution of
public cultural institutions
 Aim – to monitor progress regarding the objectives
encapsulated in the Lund Principles
 NRG meetings take place every six months – Croatia has
participated twice on those meetings – Salzburg, June
2006 and Helsinki, October 2006
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
National initiatives
 Programme e-Croatia 2007
 National Council for Information Society (June
2006): recommendation – to digitize the
cultural heritage
 Strategy for the Development of Broadband
Internet Access in the Republic of Croatia /
Action Plan for the implementation of Strategy
for 2007 – on October 13 2006 adopted by the
Croatian Government
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
Importance of digitization
- why?
 Digital environment as a space of
expression, communication,
experience, attitudes and value
 Accessibility of resources
 Networking capability
 Creation of new services
 Protection
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
Key issues
 Selection criteria
 Expenses
 Methodology, standards,
 Fragmentation of resources and
 Product shaping and management
 Long-term protection, sustainability
and usability of products and services
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
The principles of digitization (1)
 1: The institution which intends to
digitize its resources or build their own
digital collections in some other way
should consider and adopt the
digitization policy.
 2: Digitization activity should be
planned through the projects with
clearly specified objectives and results,
activity plan, responsibilities,
resources, and evaluation procedure.
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
The principles of digitization (2)
 3: Materials which are to be digitized
should be carefully selected and
thoroughly prepared, starting from the
objective and digitization procedure.
Preparation for digitization always
includes the preparation of metadata as
 4: Wherever possible, the standardized
procedures should be established.
 5: Project of digitization should consider
and offer the solution for the long-term
preservation and digital collection
management issues.
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
The principles of digitization (3)
 6: Good digitization programme
envisages the systematic development
of organizational capabilities and
resources, high involvement of
personnel and co-operation with other
 7: Digitization programme should
comprise standards and procedures for
monitoring and quality control.
 8: Digitization programme should take
care of intellectual property and
copyright issues in the accordance with
the relevant national legislation.
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
The principles of digitization (4)
Digitization =
 Processing +
 “Digitization” +
 On-line access +
 Rights management +
 Long-term preservation.
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
National programme –
basic propositions
The development of comprehensive
widely accessible content in digital
form is one of the key assumptions
for the protection and evaluation of
cultural heritage, for networking and
presentation of Croatian cultural
heritage in European, regional and
other cultural networks, for the
preservation of cultural diversity
and use of cultural contents in
education, tourism and other service
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
Objectives (1)
Digital collections produced by digitization of
archival, library and museum holdings are of
high quality and usable as the way of
protection as well for easier access to
Digitization is carried out in the framework of
appropriately planned and conducted
projects, in accordance with generally
adopted principles, standards and priorities.
Digital collections could be accessed in
accordance with usability rules through
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
Objectives (2)
The complete digitisation of material in the
long term leads to the creation of recognizable
and relevant contents and “cultural space” in
the electronic environment.
Digital collections are part of the organised
management system which offers sufficient
guarantees for their permanent preservation
and availability.
Institutions whose resources are not
sufficiently developed shall not be deprived of
the possibility to digitise their materials.
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
 Cooperative national project of digitisation of
archival, library and museum holdings “Croatian
cultural heritage”
 Elaboration of standards and guidelines for the
digitisation of material
 Establishment of support and monitoring
systems for the digitisation projects
 Portal “Croatian cultural heritage”
 Establishment of cooperative digital archives
 Education
 Infrastructure development
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
Specification of programme costs
The overall planned costs of the programme amount to
5,800.000,00 HRK. In the period 2007 to 2009 it is
necessary to provide 1,933,000,00 HRK annually for the
implementation of the programme.
Amount (HRK)
Functioning of the Project Office
Professional training and support for institutions
Drawing up of standards and technical specifications
Procurement of equipment for the cooperative digital
Telecommunication costs
Support to digitisation projects in institutions
Computer services
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
Chronology (1):
Initiative of the Ministry of Culture, National and University
Library and Croatian Library Council
Working group nominated by the Minister of Culture: 6-2005
National Digitization Programme Proposal drafted by working
group: 2-2006
National Programme adoption: 9-2006
Strategy for the Development of Broadband Internet Access:
Operational plan for the implementation of Programme eCroatia 2007: 10-2006
For the first time the resources for digitization of cultural
heritage have been provided from the National Budget for
Agreement on co-operation on the implementation of National
Project “Croatian Cultural Heritage” (Ministry of Culture,
National and University Library in Zagreb, Croatian State
Archives and Museum Documentation Centre): 03-2007
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
Chronology (2):
 Council and Office of the National Project : 03-2007
 Organization and establishment of the Project : 052007
 Working groups for drawing up of standards and
guidelines for:
- Selection criteria and preparation for digitization
- Digitization procedures
- File storage formats (for preservation and access)
- Digital collections development
- Quality control of digitization procedures
(to be completed in November 2007)
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
Chronology (3):
 Address-book of the cultural institutions in
Croatia followed by the questionnaire on
existing digital collections and on-going
projects : 07 - 2007
 Call for open tender for the digitization projects
: 15.07.-15.09.2007.
 Department for digitization of library, archival
and museum holdings (within the Ministry of
 Portal “Croatian Cultural Heritage” – tender :
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
 MODULE 1 : target group: management level
(five workshops in county centres in Croatia)
 MODULE 2: CSSU (Centre for permanent
professional training for librarians) : stuff in
cultural institutions
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
Projects supported by Ministry in 2007:
Croatian National Theatre Split: database for archival
materials and partial digitization
Dubrovnik Summer Festival: digitization of archival materials
Library “Fran Galović” Koprivnica and City Museum
Koprivnica: digitization of local news-paper “Glas Podravine”
City Museum Zagreb: Digitization of documentation
Museum Documentation Centre Zagreb: digitization of
collection of museum posters and old and rare objects from
Bauer collection
National and University Library Zagreb: digitization of
Croatian manuscripts held in foreign institution
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
 Cooperative national project of digitization of
archival, library and museum holdings “Croatian
cultural heritage”
 Elaboration of standards and guidelines for the
digitisation of material
 Establishment of support and monitoring
systems for the digitisation projects
 Portal “Croatian cultural heritage”
 Establishment of cooperative digital archives
 Education
 Infrastructure development
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
from November 2007 visit us on
The 3rd SEEDI international conference digitization of cultural and scientific heritage
September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro