Transcript File

Logging in
 Go to
 Click Login
 Type your student ID on the list
 Password: Password on list
Change Password
 Setup
 Click change password
 Select new password
Setup Book
 Set up
 Book
 Year : 2014
 Description: Year 1 or Year 2 or Year 3
 Instructors: Mrs. Cox and Mr. Larson
 Leave the rest
 Then set up another book for 2015, and other years as
Setup Enterprise
 Description: Project title (ex. Market Swine,
Landscaping, Horticulture)
 Type: Select either Ownership or Placement
 Group: Only used if you have more than one project.
Use A for one project, B for another project, so on
 Check the box next to the word ACTIVE.
Calendar of Events and Operations
 Select the dates from the chapter default that you have
 Other dates you need to enter must be entered
mm/dd/yy, so September 4th, 2014 would be entered
 You should record all major events in your Operation
(Project) Such as; Received animal, weighed animal, bred
animal, planted plants, etc.
 Descriptions must be complete so that someone
unfamiliar with your book will understand.
 Provide a location if possible.
FFA Activities
 This is where you will keep track of your degrees held,
offices held, committee served on and speeches given.
FFA Activity Log
 This is where you will record the FFA meetings and
activities that you do through out the year.
 Must have an entry for Activity (what it is), Placing or
Responsibility (what you did there)
 For level you need to select the appropriate level
Chapter= Only Calexico FFA Members are there
 Section= Only people from the Imperial Valley are there.
 Region= Only people from Southern California are there.
 State= The whole state is there
 National= You leave the state to do something
Community Service/ School Activities
 All community Service done should be entered and
have hours served.
 School activities can be anything done with the school
other than FFA. Such as sport teams, class office,
attending a pep rally or football game.
Business Agreements
 Business Agreements are found under the Setup Tab
 Must be completed before the beginning of your
 Ownership Agreement: Used for SAEs that you own
such as animal, plant and mechanics projects.
 Placement Agreement: Used for SAEs where you
work for somebody else, such as volunteering,
working with the chapter breeding projects, working
at a feed store, and most landscaping projects.
 This is the part that has to do with keeping track of
your project.
 Budget
 Journal
 Loans
 And some other ones that may apply to you
 Completed BEFORE Starting project
 Leave the Date
 Select the appropriate enterprise
 Category: is what the item(s) would be considered.
 Description: what are you actually buying
 No. Units: How many are you buying
 Unit description: what is it, head, bag, bale, each
 Price/Unit: How much does each item cost
Budget (Cont)
 Amount: LEAVE BLANK! It will calculate it for you!
 Type: Select either Expense or Income.
 Expense: Something you are buying.
 Income: Something you are selling.
 Save it
 It is entered pretty much the same as the budget.
 You will also include hours
 You can also include a check#, invoice#, or other
reference information, but it is not required.
 Should be completed at the end of the year.
 Does not apply to everyone.
Other Transactions
 Educational Expenses: Used only if you spend your
money on stuff for school. ( Conferences, test fees,
college applications…
 Support Family: Used only if you spend your money
on things for your family (Gas, utilities, food, clothes)
 Loans: Used if you borrow money from someone.
(bank, cousin, tio, your mom)
 Personal Finances: rarely apply
 Cash on hand: only used at end of the year
 If you get lost there is a student Recordbook manual
under the help tab
 The home screen will have very important reminders
for you
 Calendar
 Tasks