Transcript Slide 1

 Dance
 Folk dance
 Anatolian Folk Dances
 classification by dance theme
 classification by dance characteristics
 Some examples
 Practical work
 Dance is an art form;
 generally refers to movement of the body
 usually rhythmic and to music
 used as a form of expression and social interaction
 presented in a spiritual or performance setting
Folk dances
• Folk dances (authentic )
– Are performed by non-professional dancers
– Are performed with traditional music
– Not for public performance
– Are inherited from tradition
Anatolian folk dances
 Anatolian folk dances can be classified in two different
 classification by dance characteristics
 classification by dance theme
Classification by dance
 BAR:
 their formation is that they are performed side-by-side, hand,
shoulder and arm-in-arm
 woman and man bars are different from one another
 mostly performed with davul and zurna
 mostly performed shoulder to shoulder
 has a rich figure structure
 rhythmic elements of halay dances are very rich; generally faster
than bar dances
 mostly performed with davul and zurna
 different from other forms in tempo, rhythm and measure; they are
performed very fast
 in general performed by groups
 Principle instruments are “kemençe” and “tulum”; also performed
with cura zurna and davul
 different forms of zeybeks can be observed in different regions
 generally performed by one person or two
 have various tempos: very slow, slow, fast, very fast; but generally
slower than other forms
 instruments changes with zeybek characteristics; main instruments
are kaba zurna, baglama, clarinet and davul.
 is a form of circle dance common in Balkans (“xopo” in Bulgarian)
 performed in groups
 genrally performed with two zurnas and davul; common measure is
 always performed with wooden-spoons; has a rythmic characteristic
 generally performed with baglama, clarinet and violin; and mostly
accompanied by folk song
Classification by dance themes
• Fight and struggle
– Bıçak Horonu (Trabzon), Harkuşta (Bitlis)
• Named after a well known person
– Kerimoğlu (Muğla), Sülüman Ağa (Edirne), Kezban Yenge (Burdur)
• Ceremonial dances
– Çayda Çıra (Elazığ), Seğmen (Ankara)
• Religious and spritual dances
– Semah, Sin sin (Adıyaman)
• Dances inspired by nature
– Coşkun Çoruh (Artvin), Portakal Zeybeği (Silifke), Horon Kurma (Trabzon)
• Dances originated from production and agricultural relationships
– Teşi (Antep, Artvin), Galuç (Adıyaman), Kımıl (Urfa), Türkmen Kızı (Mersin)
• Dances originated from animal imitations
– Kartal Halayı (Bingöl, Tokat), Kurt-Kuzu (Diyarbakır), Ördek (Bolu)
 atolye_ornekler.wmv