Transcript Lab #4

Lab #4
The Kingdom Fungi
• unicellular (yeasts) to multicellular, heterotrophic organisms
– absorption of nutrients obtained by digesting organic matter outside
the fungal body
– essential role (with bacteria) in decomposition
– return nutrients to the environment through this digestion
• mutualistic association of some fungi with algae
– known as mycorrhizal fungi
– the association is called a mycorrhiza (mycorrhizae = plural)
• others are parasitic
– Athlete’s foot, ringworm, potato blight, wheat rust
Fungal Diversity
Chytrids: the chytrids
Zygomycetes: molds
Glomeromycetes: mycorrhizal fungi
Ascomycetes: sac fungus
Basidiomycetes: club fungus
• includes Rhizopus stolonifer – common bread mold
• like all multicellular fungi – made up of threadlike filaments
called hyphae
– fuzzy appearance on the bread
• within the bread is the majority of the fungus – mat-like
organization called a mycelium
• sexual reproduction – when two mycelia of opposite mating types (+
and -) grow next to each other
– extend toward each other and form 2 gametangia in between each other
– 2 gametangia fuse to produce a zygosporangium
– zygosporangia is the site of
karyogamy – fusion of
haploid nuclei to produce
diploid nuclei
– meiosis results in the
production of haploid
– so sexual reproduction
results in the production
of haploid spores that
develop into new mycelia
• progression of
zygomycota gametangia
into zygosporangium
(with zygospores)
asexual reproduction – some hypha stand upright and develop sporangia at their
tips (haploid)
– structures that contain haploid spores that multiply via mitosis and develop into many
more haploid spores
– so asexual reproduction results in the production of haploid spores that develop into
new mycelia
spores are dispersed by air
each fungal spore develops into a
these new mycelium can either
undergo a new round of sexual
reproduction or can undergo
asexual reproduction
• main cue is the environment
• favorable environment = asexual
• hostile environment = sexual reproduction
Phylum Zygomycota
Phylum Zygomycota
Sporangium & zygosporangium
the sac fungi
ascospore-producing fungi
edible fungi, morels and truffles
single celled ascomycotes include a wide group of species called yeasts
also includes several deadly plant and animal diseases
– ergotism
• sexual reproduction results in the development of an ascus – in which are the
meiotic development of ascospores
– multiple asci develop within a structure called an ascocarp – edible portion of the
– this ascocarp can be a closed spherical structure (perithecium) with a pore at the
top for ascospore release
– or an open cup-like structure (apothecium)
• asexual reproduction – spores produced at the tips of reproductive hyphae
– these spores are known as conidia
– given these fungi a powdery appearance
Phylum Ascomycota: the ascocarp
Phylum Ascomycota
Phylum Ascomycota
hyphae bearing asci with
8 ascospores
8 ascospores
Phylum Ascomycota: the yeasts
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Candida albicans
Candida infection of the throat
– Sponge, pinecone and honeycomb appearances surface of a morel is covered with definite pits and
– Size: 2" to 12" tall.
• The common morel (Morchella esculenta): as it ages, both
the white ridges and dark brown pits turn yellowish
brown, and it becomes a "yellow morel."
– If conditions are right the "yellow morel" can grow into a "giant morel,"
which may be up to a foot tall.
• The black morel or smoky morel (Morchella elata): The
ridges are gray or tan when young, but darken with age
until nearly black. The pits are brown and elongated.
• When and Where: From spring to early summer. Morels
are found on the ground in a variety of habitats, including
moist woodlands and in river bottoms.
• Cautions: there are false morels which are poisonous
club fungi
basidiospore-producing fungi
includes the rusts and smuts
also the more familiar puffballs and
mushrooms (edible)
• plus the non-edible & poisonoustoadstools
• most species undergo only sexual
– those undergoing asexual reproduction
form conidia via mitosis
• mushroom is a reproductive structure called a basidiocarp
• on the underside of the pileus (cap) are gills bearing dikaryotic basidia (nuclei
have NOT fused) – basidium = singular
• fusion (karyogamy) results in the basidium and meiosis then produces 4 haploid
nuclei per individual basidium
• each nuclei develops into a basidiospore – located at the tip of the basidium
• basidiospores are then released and
carried by air current
• spore germination results in the
production of a new mycelium
• mushrooms can grow within hours in a
moist environment
fruiting body of a club fungus
purpose is to disperse spores
provide the best non-animal source of vitamin D
some also provide many antioxidants along with vitamins B and C
contain chitin - non-soluble protein
– chitin can result in the elimination of bile from the human intestinal tract
– new bile is formed from the breakdown of cholesterol - therefore it improves
cardiac health
• rich in beta-glutan – heart healthy carbohydrate that is also found
in oats
• poisoning can occur – some people are more susceptible to the
toxins within mushrooms
– can cause varying degrees of GI distress – symptoms usually appear within 2 to 3
hours and the victim recovers over time
• classic mushrooms are referred to as the gill fungi
– gills under the cap
– some of the best edible mushrooms
– numerous species
gill fungus = Shitake
Phylum Basidiomycota
Phylum Basidiomycota: the basidiocarp
Shelf fungus
Phylum Basidiomycota
gill with basidium
and basidiospores
gill with basidium
and basidiospores
• also have coral fungi, pore fungi, tooth fungi and the stinkhorns
– pore fungus (shelf fungus) – no gills under the cap
• edible species - known as the bolets
• some can grow very large on trees – Polyphorus squamosus – 12 inches across
– tooth fungus – Pompom or Lion’s mane
• “teeth” bear basidia with spores = hymenophores
• many are delicacies
– stinkhorns – inside is almost empty
• covered with a dark goo that stinks – attracts insects
• the goo contains the basidia and basidiospores and stick to the insects legs
• not posionous but not edible either
pore fungus
tooth fungus
Edible mushrooms
PUFFBALLS: Depending on their size, puffballs have been mistaken at a distance for
everything from golf balls to sheep.
– round or pear-shaped mushrooms are almost always whitish, tan or gray
– interior of a puffball is solid white at first, gradually turning yellow, then brown, then
black spores) as the mushroom ages
– should have no sign of gills, stalk or pileus
When and Where: Late summer and fall; in lawns, open woods, pastures, barren areas.
On soil or decaying wood.
CAUTION: Amanitas, when young, can resemble small puffballs
Edible mushrooms
• SHAGGY MANE (Coprinus comatus): The shaggy mane or
lawyer's wig is so large and distinctive that with a little
practice you can identify it from a moving car.
– The cap of a fresh specimen is a long, white cylinder with shaggy, upturned, brownish scales.
The gills are whitish, and the entire mushroom is fragile and crumbles easily. Most important, as
the shaggy mane matures, the cap and gills gradually dissolve into a black, inky fluid, leaving
only the standing stalk.
• When and Where: Spring, summer and fall, growing in
grass, soil or wood chips. Often seen scattered in lawns
and pastures.
• OYSTER MUSHROOMS (Pleurotus ostreatus)
• large white, tan or ivory-colored mushroom is named for its
oyster shell-like shape.
• white gills running down a very short, off-center stem. Spores are
white to lilac, and the flesh is very soft.
• When and Where: Spring, summer, fall and during warm spells in
winter. On trees and fallen logs.
• Cautions: This mushroom has a number of look-alikes, (including
Crepidotus and Lentinus spp.), but none are dangerous. they may,
however, be woody or unpleasant-tasting.
• CHANTERELLES (Cantharellaceae)
• a great favorite of European mushroom hunters and are becoming more
popular in the United States.
• funnel-or trumpet-shaped and have wavy cap edges.
• most are bright orange or yellow
• to make sure you have a chanterelle, check the underside of the cap – some
chanterelles are nearly smooth underneath, while others have a network of
wrinkles or gill-like ridges running down the stem.
• When and Where: Summer and fall; on the
ground in hardwood forests. Usually found
in scattered groups.
• Cautions: take extra care at first that you do
not have the poisonous jack-o-'lantern these have knifelike gills and grow in the
tight clusters on wood or buried wood,
rather than on the ground.
• Amantia verna – Destroying Angel
– mushrooms of the Amantia variety produce amantin
– one cap can kill a grown man
– starts its growth looking like a small puffball which breaks open as it
– adults have parasol shaped caps – white, yellow, red or brown
– stem has a saclike cup at the base of the stem & a ring on the stem
– white gills & white spores
– amantin – destroys liver and kidney cells
• False morels – can be toxic to some people, edible to others
– toxic chemical – monomethylhydrazine – amounts can vary from
mushroom to mushroom
– MMH causes severe intestinal distress, severe headaches and can be fatal
– toxicity can be decreased with certain cooking techniques
• Little brown mushrooms – some are toxic, some are hallucinogenic,
few are deadly
– catchall category of mushrooms varying from small to medium-sized
– hard to identify
– some contain the amantin toxin
• Jack O-Lanterns: bright orange
– glows in the dark – greenish glow
– look, smell and taste very good – fruity flavor
– can cause GI distress but are not life threatening
Hallucinogenic ‘Shrooms
• Aztecs used the term “teonanacatl” to mean flesh of the gods
• 1. Psilocybin – contains the hallucinogenic compounds psilocybin
and psilocin
serotonin agonist
restlessness, increased heart-rate and visual and auditory hallucinations
increased body temp - should NOT be treated with aspirin or other salicylates
30 to 60 minutes within ingesting - lasts about 4 hours
excreted in the urine – UNALTERED by human physiology!!!
Hallucinogenic ‘Shrooms
• 2. Amanita muscaria
also known as fly agaric – ability to attract and kill flies
contains the hallucinogens muscimol and ibotenic acid
acts by mimicking the neurotransmitter GABA – GABA agonist
binds GABA receptors on neurons – activates these neurons
feelings of euphoria, hallucinations, muscle jerks, drowsiness, sweating, pupil
dilation and increased body temperature
– 30 to 90 minutes within ingestion
– most intense after 2 to 3 hours
– usually results in a deep sleep
• symbiotic associations between fungi
and algae or another photosynthetic
• fungal component is usually an
ascomycote or a basidiomycote
• the lichen body is called a thallus
– variety of shapes and forms and colors
• lichen body forms
– 1. foliose or leafy thallus
– 2. crustose or crustlike thallus
– 3. fructicose or branching thallus
fructicose lichens
foliose lichens
crustose lichens