People and Place – Council Housing

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People and Place – Council Housing
ii) Explain one advantage OR one
disadvantage of renting a property from the
borough council. [2]
• Advantages
– No delay in having to wait to sell home SO
can move out quickly.
– Less outlay in first place than a mortgage SO
more disposable income left
– Council pays for repairs and does them SO
less of own income/effort used.
– May be able to buy under Right to Buy
scheme SO cheaper housing
ii) Explain one advantage OR one
disadvantage of renting a property from the
borough council. [2]
• Disadvantages
– Can be evicted if no payment SO quickly on
street/homeless risk
– Do not own SO no profit made
– Delays in getting repairs done by council SO
services may not work/life might be
inconvenient for a while
– Limited work can be done by self SO it limits
the scope for personalising or improving
iii) Compare the distribution of areas with 43%
or more rented areas with 19% or less rented.
• Most of >43% are
– in inner city/around CBD.
– Close to the River Thames
– Towards East of London
• Whereas
• Most of <19% are towards edge of
London, especially towards south-east and
away from the River Thames
Study Photograph 3 in the separate Resource Booklet. It
shows land-use in the Greenwich area of London.
List two pieces of evidence from the Photograph to show
why inner city areas like Greenwich are known
as areas of ‘mixed land-use’. [2]
High-rise housing
Terraced housing
Open space
List two different housing types shown in Photograph 3.
Describe their location from the photograph.[4]
• Terraced housing to N/NE of photo and
also in SE
• High-rise housing/tower blocks towards
SW of photo
• There is no semi-detached housing in the
Choose one type of housing area on the Photograph. Describe advantages
and disadvantages of living in this type of housing area. [4]
• Terraced/tower block advantages
– Close to work so less time spent travelling and less costs spent
on travel
– Close to services e.g. shops/hospitals/health/schools so easy
– Community spirit good because people are living in a close
– Cheap to buy or rent so more money to spend on other things
• Terraced disadvantages
– Often close to factories/traffic congestion SO more air/noise
pollution which can lead to health problems/stress
– There is a lack of open space so it is difficult to exercise/get fresh
• Tower block disadvantages
– Safety issues living in high-rise e.g. wind/fire so stressful
– Stress caused by lack of privacy/noise and claustrophobic
– Lack of open space/garden so inside most of time.
i) Many tower blocks are being demolished. However,
improving tower blocks has several advantages.
Suggest two advantages. [2]
• Will mean do not need to build so much
new housing
• Will save countryside/greenbelt from being
spoilt by new housing
• Will save costs of demolition/disruption in
inner city
• Will provide a positive housing area within
a community
ii) Suggest two ways in which tower blocks could be made sustainable
for people to live in for years to come. (Refer to examples from places
you have studied if you wish). [4]
• Need to upgrade in terms of building e.g. double
glazed windows, carpets
• Need to provide security system so blocks are
safe/inaccessible to strangers/crime
• Need to create communal spaces/playspaces in
blocks by removing some flats so people can mix on
different floors.
• Need to provide working, well-maintained lifts so
accessibility is not a problem
• Need to identify client groups so specific groups of
people are happy to be together e.g. student groups,
over 50s, single parents
• Sell some of the flats privately to encourage a mix of
people so that people will invest in the area