Transcript Slide 1

Trends & Variability of Liquid Water Clouds from
Eighteen Years of Microwave Satellite Data:
Initial Results
6 July 2006
Chris O’Dell & Ralf Bennartz
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Talk Outline
• Motivation
• Description of sensors & retrieval product
• Mean climatology & comparison with ERA40, ISCCP
• Diurnal cycle
• Long-term trends?
Motivation for a cloud liquid water
path (LWP) climatology
Anthropogenic trends in cloud properties are
possible, due both to global warming and aerosol
A robust LWP climatology can serve as a
benchmark for global climate models.
The 18-year passive microwave record contains a
robust and independent measure of liquid clouds.
Previous successes from passive
Increases in lower tropospheric temperature, decreases in
stratospheric temperatures from Microwave Sounding Unit
(Mears et al. 2003, Christy et al. 2003, Vinnikov & Grody 2003)
Increases in global (especially northern hemisphere) water
vapor path (Trenberth et al., 2005)
Microwave sensors measuring LWP
Sensor - Platform
Dates Used
Overpass Time
SSM/I – F08
1/1988 – 12/1991
SSM/I – F10
12/1990 – 11/1997
07:38 – 10:26
SSM/I – F11
12/1991 – 5/2000
05:00 – 07:38
SSM/I – F13
5/1995 – 12/2005
05:39 – 06:33
SSM/I – F14
5/1997 – 12/2002
08:49 – 08:16
12/1997 – 12/2005
N/A (equatorial orbit)
SSM/I – F15
12/1999 – 12/2005
09:33 – 08:42
AMSRE - Aqua
6/2002 – 12/2005
All instruments are conical scanners, with
footprints ~ 40 km
All satellites have been intercalibrated – the radiances are
consistent from one satellite to the next (RSS, unpublished!)
All satellites use the same, modern retrieval algorithm to
simultaneously retrieve LWP, water vapor path, and surface wind
Probably better than older algorithms which often used 2 channels
to retrieve a given quantity, algorithms tended to be regressionbased, and tended to retrieve different quantities independently.
LWP Agreement between sensors is good
No global trend with simple average!
Processing Scheme
At Remote Sensing Systems
• Retrieved LWP binned daily onto a 0.25º grid (1440x720) for both
morning & evening overpasses
• Even pixels with heavy rain retrieve LWP (but not water vapor or
surface winds)
At Wisconsin
Quantities further binned to 2.5º grid, monthly average for each
sensor & local overpass time.
Monthly diurnal cycle fits made for each pixel (average of all years).
Diurnally-corrected monthly means calculated for each pixel.
Seasonal & annual LWP trends calculated for each pixel.
Does microwave LWP agree with ERA40?
Does microwave LWP agree with ERA40?
Problem in Sc
Does microwave LWP agree with ISCCP*?
Problems at
higher latitudes
* ISCCP D3 water path (WP)
Diurnal Cycle Fitting
• Goal is to make a diurnally-corrected LWP climatology
• Previous work with TRMM only retrieved diurnal cycle for
tropics. Possible midlatitude diurnal cycle?
• For each 2.5º pixel & month, fit local time versus LWP to this
LWP ( z, t )  L  A1 cos (t  t1 )  A2 cos2 (t  t2 )
( corresponds to 24 hours)
• Use resultant fits to correct each monthly binned observation.
LWP Diurnal Cycle Strength
Wood et al., Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (23), 2002
Normalized Diurnal Amplitude
Liquid Water
Path [kg/m2]
Local Time [hours]
Liquid Water
Path [kg/m2]
Local Time [hours]
Liquid Water
Path [kg/m2]
Local Time [hours]
Liquid Water
Path [kg/m2]
Local Time [hours]
Liquid Water
Path [kg/m2]
Local Time [hours]
Liquid Water
Path [kg/m2]
Local Time [hours]
Robust Regional Trends in LWP?
Local trends – tropical western pacific
Local trends – northern midlatitudes
Local trends – southern mid-high latitudes
Local trends – Arctic ocean
Existing passive microwave observatinos appear to
provide a stable, long-term record for climate
studies of liquid clouds.
ERA40’s cloud parameterization seems to poorly
characterize LWP seasonal and interannual
variability in the subtropical high stratocumulus
The diurnal cycle of LWP has been wellcharacterized in most ocean locations, and is
generally in agreement with previous studies.
Initial studies of LWP trends are promising, with
hints of regional trends (especially in the northern
high latitudes), but no significant long-term global
“To Do List”
Principle component analysis - may reveal
interesting patterns of variability or problems with
the data set.
Further investigation of the derived diurnal cycles –
how constant are they from year-to-year? How well
do they compare with CA & precip diurnal cycles?
More sophisticated statistical analyses of LWP
trends…(hint to audience for guidance)
Make the complete LWP climatology available on
the web.