National Student Survey 2008

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What Students Need to Know from The National Student Survey 17 June 2010 Sami Benyahia, Director


What I am going to talk about

 The National Student Survey  What students need to know  How they can use the NSS to help inform their choice 2

We all have different expectations


Managing expectations


What is the National Student Survey is and its purpose

 A national survey of UK final year undergraduate students  Data publically available  For prospective students to choose where/what to study  A rich source of information for institutions 5

The scope of the NSS

 150 HEIs and 120 FE Colleges (HE in FE)  400,000 students annually  More than 6 in 10 students took part Base: NSS 2009 6

The NSS is about the Student learning experience

 Teaching on my course  Assessment and feedback  Academic support  Organisation and management  Learning resources  Personal development  Overall satisfaction 7

Where are the results: Unistats


Universities’ websites


League tables


What the NSS reveals

 High levels of overall satisfaction  Some improvements over the years 11

Overall NSS results 2005 - 2009 % Agree Teaching on my Course Overall Satisfaction

Overall satisfaction

Learning Resources 80%


70% 60% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Students view HE courses very positively

 Students are generally satisfied with their courses  Over 80% students say ‘Overall, I am satisfied with my course’  Students positively evaluate all aspects of teaching and learning  No element of teaching quality is evaluated negatively 13 Source: The National Student Survey Findings, Paula Surridge, Department of Sociology, University of Bristol

A diverse HE sector

 Students on sandwich courses more satisfied with the quality of their courses than full-time students  Large variations according to subject of study  But no clear divide between Science and Arts & Humanities 14

Less enthusiasm about Assessment/Feedback

 Assessment and Feedback is least positively evaluated  Older students more positive about Assessment and Feedback 15

Age matters

 Older students more positive about Teaching and Learning 16


 Students with dyslexia less satisfied with their courses 17


 Students from Asian ethnic backgrounds less positive about their courses than white students  Students from black ethnic backgrounds more positive about Assessment and Feedback and Organisation and Management 18

Size matters

 Students in small institutions more positive about Teaching and Learning  …more positive about Academic Support  …more positive Personal Development.  …more satisfied with the overall teaching quality 19

Regional divide

 Students in the London area less satisfied 20

Teaching on my course (% agree)

Staff are good at explaining things Staff have made the subject interesting Staff are enthusiastic about what they are teaching The course is intellectually stimulating Base: c.223,000 NSS respondents, fieldwork January – April 2009

79% 83% 82%

Source: Ipsos MORI



Assessment and feedback (% agree)

The criteria used in marking have been clear in advance Assessment arrangements and marking have been fair Feedback on my work has been prompt I have received detailed comments on my work Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand

58% 57% 63% 70% 72%

22 Base: c.223,000 NSS respondents, fieldwork January – April 2009 Source: Ipsos MORI

Academic support (% agree)

I have received sufficient advice and support with my studies I have been able to contact staff when I needed to Good advice was available when I needed to make study choices

69% 72%

Base: c.223,000 NSS respondents, fieldwork January – April 2009 Source: Ipsos MORI



Organisation and management (% agree)

24 The timetable works efficiently as far as my activities are concerned Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively The course is well organised and is running smoothly

69% 69% 77%

Base: c.223,000 NSS respondents, fieldwork January – April 2009 Source: Ipsos MORI

Learning resources (% agree)

The library resources and services are good enough for my needs I have been able to access general IT resources when I needed to I have been able to access specialised equipment, facilities or room when I needed to

76% 81% 85%

25 Base: c.223,000 NSS respondents, fieldwork January – April 2009 Source: Ipsos MORI

Personal development (% agree)

The course has helped me present myself with confidence My communication skills have improved As a result of the course, I feel confident in tackling unfamiliar problems

78% 78%

Base: c.223,000 NSS respondents, fieldwork January – April 2009 Source: Ipsos MORI



More information and data available

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 27

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