Associate Teacher Institute”

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UPRM Center
“Associate Teacher Institute”
“Instituto de Partículas Elementales
Para Profesores de Escuela Superior”
en Puerto Rico
Héctor Méndez
University of Puerto Rico
Mayaguez, June 6, 05
What’s QuarkNet ?
 QuarkNet is an Educational program whose
aim is to support science education in High Schools
by establishing a nationwide teacher network.
Goal: Bring high school Students, Physics Teachers
and Particle Physicists to learn together frontline
 QuarkNet Centers provides an opportunities to
establish a mentor relationship between with
local Universities Professor to work together on
High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments and
explore the world of Elementary Particle Physics
QuarkNet Centers
QuarkNet: a nationwide Educational program.
[~60 Universities and National HEP Lab across de US]
funded by NSF and DOE
Why UPRM QuarkNet Center at Mayaguez ?
The only group in “Experimental HEP” in
Puerto Rico (and probably in the Caribe)
is at UPR Mayaguez.
HEP Group at UPRM
Dr. Z. Li (Post-Doc)
Professors (and QuarkNet Mentors):
Dr. A. López
Dr. H. Méndez
Dr. E. Ramírez
Graduates Students (2005):
Neida Santacruz
Arjuna Castrillón
Osvaldo Aquines
Carlos Andres Florez
QuarkNet Lead Teachers:
Rafael Aramis López (CROEM. Mayaguez)
Luis Torres Rosas
(Pedro Falú. RioGrande)
System Manager (
Hugo Hernández
Group’s Projects
(Fermilab at Illinois)
Fixed Target Experiment on
PhotoProduction of quark charm
CLEOc (Cornell University at New York)
Collider e-e+ experiment
CMS (LHC at CERN Geneve) (in progress)
Collider experiment (2008)
QuarkNet Center (since 2003)
UPRM QuarkNet Center
• Two trained Lead Teacher
(L. Torres & R. A. López)
• 7 weeks at UPRM
(Learning on Particle Physics)
• 1 week at FERMILAB
(National Lead teacher Institute
• Brought their experience to the ClassRoom.
• Try to implement a physics course based on
modern physics research on HEP
Associate Teacher Institute (ATI)
Hands-on experiences in Particle Physics Education
techniques in a unique environment
 Resources for transferring your experience to the
 Presentations by Particle Physicists
 Opportunity to visit world class HEP research Lab
and collaborate on an International experiment
(MARIACHI: ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays)
 10 + 2 Teachers (from around the Island)
 3 weeks workshop
2 week (June 6 – June 17, 05)
1 week Follow-up (During academic year)
Schedule (two weeks)
Monday – Friday [9:00 – 17:00]
Lab Session: Afternoon
PhotoElectric Effect
Cosmic Rays Detector
Introduction to HTML
Particle Adventure
etc, etc
Talk Session: Morning
o LHC at Cern
o Jefferson Lab
o CLEOc at Cornell
o Grid Computing
o The Big Bang
o Special Relativity
o HEP Detectors
o MC Simulations
o Physics on Cancer
o Standard Model
etc, etc
o Radio Observatory Arecibo
o Planetarium at RUM
ATI’s Stipends
(pay by NSF and DOE at the end of the 2 week)
 $300 per week
$100 for travel (3 weeks)
$150 ($15 per day) for food
$250 mini-grant per year
(present a mini proposal to:
QuarkNet National Center)
Total for 2 weeks: $850.00
(2 weeks)
Near Future Activities
ATI summer 06 with
12 + new 10 teachers
QuarkNet is a long-term program that
provide some support for:
o meetting attendance
o Lead teacher institute at Fermilab
o don’t lost contact..
Bienvenidos al
Instituto de
UPRM Center