Transcript Document

Neutrino mixing angle θ13
In a SUSY SO(10) GUT
Xiangdong Ji
Peking University
University of Maryland
1. Neutrino (lepton) mixing
2. Why SUSY SO(10)?
3. A new SUSY SO(10) model
4. Looking ahead
X. Ji, Y. Li, R. Mohapatra, Phys. Lett. B633, 755 (2006) hep-ph/0510353
Neutrino (lepton) mixing
 Neutrinos, like quarks, have both masses and
weak charges (flavor), and the mass
eigenstates are not the same as the flavor
eigenstates. One can write the neutrino of a
definite flavor as
Where U is the neutrino (or lepton) mixing matrix.
Three flavors
 From the standard model, we know there are
at least 3 neutrino flavor (e,μ,τ), therefore,
there are at least three mass eigenstates.
 In the minimal case, we have 3-mixing angle
(θ12 θ23 θ13) and 1(Dirac)+2(Majorana) CPviolating phases PNMS matrix
U e1 U e 2 U e 3 
U  U 1 U  2 U  3 
U 1 U 2 U 3 
 0 cos 23
0 sin  23
0   cos13
 
sin 23  
i CP
cos 23  
e sin 13
0 ei CP sin 13  cos12
 
 sin 12
cos13 
  0
sin 12
0 1
 
0 0 e i / 2
 
1 0
e i / 2i
What do we know?
 From past experiments, we know θ12 & θ23
quite well
Solar-ν mixing angle θ12
Super-K, SNO, KamLand
sin2 θ12 = 0.30 ±0.07
Atmosphetic-ν mixing angle θ23
Super-K, K2K,
sin2 θ23 = 0.52 ±0.20
 There is an upper bound on θ13
sin2 θ23 < 0.054 or sin2 2θ23 < 0.1 from Chooz exp.
Solar mixing angle
Current limit on θ13
Why do we care about precision on θ13
 Three important questions in neutrino physics
 What is the neutrino mass hierarchy?
 Are neutrinos Dirac or Majorana particles?
 What is the CP violation in lepton sector?
 CP violation
 Important for understanding baryon genesis in the
 One of the major goals for neutrino superbeam
 Is related to the size of θ13 (Jarlskog invariant)
Upcoming experiments
 Reactor neutrinos
US-China collaboration?
Double Chooz, <0.03
Daya Bay
detector 1
detector 2
nuclear reactor
 Neutrino superbeams
Much more expensives
hundreds of Million $
Distance (km)
Theories on neutrino mixing angles
 Top-down approach
Assume a fundamental theory which
accommodates the neutrino mixing and
derive the mixing parameters from the
constraints of the model.
 Bottom-up approach
From experimental data, look for symmetry
patterns and derive neutrino texture.
Why a GUT theory?
 Unifies the quarks and leptons, and treat the
neutrinos in the same way as for the other
elementary particles.
 A SO(10) GUT naturally contains a GUT
scale mass for right-handed neutrinos and
allows the sea-saw mechanism
m  ~ mD 2 / mR
Which explains why neutrino mass is so
much smaller than other fermions!
 There are two popular ways to break SUSY
SO(10) to SU(5) to SM
Low-dimensional Higgs
16, 16-bar, 45, 10
16s (break B-L symmetry) can be easily obtained
from string theory
 High-dimensional Higgs
126, 126-bar, 120, 10
does not break R-parity (Z2), hence allows SUSY
dark matter candidates.
R = (-1)3(B-L)+2S
What can SUSY SO(10) GUTs achieve?
 Stabilize weak scale & dark matter
 Coupling constant unification
 Delay proton decay
 Mass pattern for quarks and leptons
 Flavor mixing & CP violation
 Neutrino masses and mixing
 Mixing θ13
126H large θ13
16H small θ13
sin2 2θ13 ~ 0.16
sin2 2θ13 < 0.01
(Mohapatra etal)
(Albright, Barr)
Albright-Barr Model
 Fermions in 16-spinor rep.
16 = 3 (up) + 3 (up-bar) + 3 (down) + 3 (down-bar) +
1 (e) + 1 (e-bar) + 1(nu-L)
+ 1(nu-R)
Assume 3-generations 16i (i=1,2,3)
 Mass term
L  16 116110H 16216310H 45H
 16116216H16H '   '16116316H16H '   16216H16316H '
For example, eta contribute the mass to the first family, up
quark, down quark, electrons and electron neutrino
Mass matrices
 Dirac masses
 Majorana Masses
 An arbitrary complex matrix can be
diagonalized by two unitary matrices
MD = L (m1, m2 m3)R+
 Majorana neutrino mass matrix is complex
and symmetric, and can be diagonalized by
a unitary matrix
MM = U (m1, m2 m3)U*
CKM & lepton mixing
 The quark-mixing CKM matrix is almost
 The lepton mixing matrix (large mixing)
Large solar mixing angle
 It can either be generated from lepton or
neutrino or a combination of both.
From lepton matrix,
Babu and Barr, PLB525, 289 (2002)
again very small sin2 2θ13 < 0.01
 If it is generated from neutrino mass matrix, it
can come from either Dirac or Majorana mass
or a mixture of both.
In the Albright-Barr model, the large solar mixing
comes from the Majorana mass.
Fine tuning….
Lopsided mass matrix
 Generate the large atmospheric mixing angle
from lepton mass matrix.
 Georgi-Jarlskog relation
 Why
A model (Ji,Li,Mohapatra)
 Assume the large solar mixing is generated
from the neutrino Dirac mass and the
Majorana mass term is simple
The above mass terms can be generated from
16, 16-bar & 45
What can the model predict ?
 In the non-neutrino sector, there are 10
parameters, which can be determined by 3
up-type, and 3-lepton masses, and 4 CKM
3 down quark masses come out as predictions
 In the neutrino sector, we use solar mixing
angle and mass ratios as input
Prediction: right-handed neutrino spectrum
Atmospheric mixing and θ13
Looking ahead
 Leptogenesis
 Baryon number asymmetry cannot be generated
at just the EW scale (CP violation too small)
 CP-violating decay of heavy majorana neutrino
generates net lepton number L.
 The lepton number can be converted into Bnumber through sphaleron effects (B-L
 Does model generates enough lepton number
Looking ahead
 Proton Decay
 Is the proton decay too fast?
Dimension-5 operator from the exchange of
charged Higgsino.