US EPA Validation of Environmental Concerns and

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Transcript US EPA Validation of Environmental Concerns and

Federal Polices and the
Roberta Parry
AFOs and the Environment
nitrogen and phosphorus
ammonia volatilization
heavy metals
antibiotics, hormones
What is EPA doing about
USDA/EPA AFO Strategy
Draft CAFO Permit Guidance
Effluent Guidelines
CAFO permit regulations
Nutrient Water Quality Criteria
Proposed TMDL Regulations
Existing CAFO Regulations
over 1000 animal units (AUs)
300-1000 AUs, if direct discharge or through
a man-made device
under 300 AUs if a “significant contributor of
No discharge <25-year/24-hour storm
Focus on manure storage
Broilers not covered
USDA/EPA Animal Feeding
Operations Strategy
Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans
manure storage and handling
land application
site management
record keeping
feed management
alternative uses
AFO Strategy--Issues
CNMP development and implementation
certification programs
 increase funding for public sector
technical assistance
Accelerate voluntary programs
- CNMPs by 2009
revise NRCS Standards
develop CNMP guidance
increase financial assistance
AFO Strategy--Issues
Implement/improve existing regulations
Coordinate research, technical innovation,
compliance assistance, and tech transfer
Encourage industry leadership
Data coordination
Performance measures and accountability
EPA Draft
CAFO Permit Guidance
Clarifies current regulations
Co-permitting of livestock integrators
General permits for large CAFOs by 2000
Permits for all CAFOs by 2002
15,000 to 20,000 permits
EPA CAFO Regulation
Effluent Guidelines -- large CAFOs
Best available technology economically
pork/poultry 12/99
Permit Regulations
all CAFOs
monitoring, reporting
all other requirements
CAFO Regulatory Issues
Costs of meeting standards
Controls for non-nutrient pollutants
adequacy of the science
adequacy of existing management practices
Size of CAFO covered
Watershed issues
Record keeping
Off-site manure applications
Water Quality Criteria
Establish quantitative standards for
nitrogen and phosphorus
Waterbody-type technical guidance and
region-specific nutrient criteria by 2000.
States adopt numerical criteria into
water quality standards by the end of
Water Quality Criteria
Guidance availability
Lakes--September 1999
Rivers and streams--late fall 1999
Estuaries--just starting development
Wetlands--will follow estuaries
What is a TMDL?
Amount of a pollutant a waterbody can
receive and meet water quality standards
Sum of loads
point sources
nonpoint sources
Identifies sources
seasonal variation
margin of safety
Proposed TMDL Changes
List of threatened & impaired waters
TMDLs for pollutants only
Public review of state listing methods
15 year schedule
Highest priority waterbodies first
Include foreseeable increases in loadings
Implementation plan
Achieve water quality standards
TMDL Implementation Plan
Implementation actions
Time line
Reasonable assurance
Legal/regulatory controls
Time needed to attain WQS
Monitoring plan
Milestones for attaining WQS
TMDL revision procedures
AFO Strategy
CAFO Permit Guidance
 Guidance
TMDL proposal
Compendium of state AFO programs
USDA/NRCS Nutrient Information