Diapositive 1

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Transcript Diapositive 1

Professional Bachelor degree
for hearing aid dispensers
(Professional license degree – 3 years)
First year :
Second year :
Third year :
Fundamental teaching
Mathematics, Acoustics,
Physiology of Hearing
Electronics, Signal Processing Architectural Acoustics,
Pathology of the Hearing
Genetic, Presbyacusis
Audiological teaching
Hearing Aids Practice
Hearing Aids Practice
Architectural acoustics
Hearing Aids Practice
Hearing Aid Centers
Hearing Aid Centers
Professional immersion
Geriatric Institution,
Hearing Aid Centers
Manuscript and defense of a research study in Audiology
5 hearing aid schools: Lyon, Nancy, Montpellier, Paris, Rennes
Master in
and Speech Disabilities
Objective (LMD cursus: 5 years)
• Created in 2005, this Master’s degree form specialists in Pediatric Audiology,
Engineering in Audiology (middle ear and cochlear implants) and Functional
Explorations of Hearing and Speech
• This European Master delivered by the Universities Montpellier and Lyon.
• Medical Doctors,
• Professional Hearing aid Dispensers,
• Speech Therapists
Two year-ducation program (Master 1 & 2 = 120 credits)
Fundamental (30 credits) and practical (30 credits) teaching (60 credits per year)
Professionnal teaching in an Audiological service (academic or private) to provide a
research program.
A report is presented in front of a defended committee