Transcript ROMANIA

Education Law
Basic principles
• Education is a national priority
• Education is based on democratic values
• Romania endorses the principle of equal chances in
education regardless of gender, individual
characteristics – physical or mental impairments, cultural
or socio-economic background, mother tongue, ethnic
origin, religion etc.
• Minorities have a right to education in their own
• Public education is tax free
Pre-university education
 The compulsory education begins at the age of 6
There are 10 grades of compulsory education: I – X
divided in 3 cycles: I – IV – PRIMARY SCHOOL
• Young people leave compulsory education at the age of 16, when the
law allows them to be integrated in the work market
• The secondary school structure give young people the opportunity to
chose, within the compulsory education frame, the vocational education the art and trades school
• Students who attend senior high school prepare themselves for
university studies
University education
There were implemented the legal provisions, of the
Bologna decisions:
• First cycle (3-4 years), leading to bachelor degree
• Second cycle (1-2 years), leading to master degree
• Third cycle (3 years), leading to PhD
The European transferable credits system was
University specializations were restructured
The curricular framework includes:
The core curriculum (common core and differentiated curriculum),
containing the compulsory subjects and the number of hours allocated to
each subject, designed and approved at national level
The school based curriculum, decided by the school management on the
base of the students, parents and community’s interests and needs
The syllabus
for the core curriculum subjects, the syllabus is elaborated by
commissions of specialists, it is endorsed by the National Board for
Curriculum and approved by the minister of education
for school based curriculum, the syllabus is designed at the level of the
school and approved by the specialty inspector of each county
Text books
Alternative textbooks can be elaborated for the same syllabus
The ministry approves the textbooks which can be used in schools
The teachers have the right to choose the appropriate textbook, from the
approved list
Teacher guidelines
are usually elaborated by the National Board for Curriculum
Romania has adopted and explicitly mentioned in the curriculum the
8 domains of key competences:
- Communication in the mother tongue
- Communication in foreign languages
- Mathematical literacy and basic competences in science and
- ICT skills
- Learning to learn
- Interpersonal and social competences
- Entrepreneurship
- Cultural awareness
The new educational policy is to develop
both on teachers and students.
For the primary school and gymnasium education the
creation activity is a general objective
• communication competencies are obtained by training pupils to
elaborate compositions, poems, essays, stories, etc.
• in mathematics and sciencies curricular area pupils are trained to create
and solve their own problems
• in arts area pupils are taught to draw, paint, create collages
Evaluation is done by adjectival marks: insatisfactory, satisfactory, good,
very good.
The educator is a schoolmaster (pedagogical high school/ pedagogical
college graduate or primary school teacher)
During the secondary compulsory education (IX – X
grades), the curriculum includes the arts curriculum area, ICT
classes, and in the noncompulsory educational level (XI - XII)
creativity is developed also by extracurricular activities,
international projects, educational programs.
Students have the opportunity to participate in Olympiads of
different subject, school contest, different types of European
projects and drama, dance or folkloric festivals in collaboration
with the local community and the educational authorities.
Good practice examples:
The Programs and Partnerships Department from the School
Inspectorate of Bucharest promotes and coordinates numerous programs
that develops intitiave, creativity and free expression:
Leonardo de Vinci project no. 2005 / 95060 /EXCHANGE: „School
manager training to developabilities for total quality development in
•Leonardo de Vinci mobility project no. LLPLdV/ VETPRO/2008RO/186
"Teacher training for career development of young people"
•Leonardo de Vinci mobility project no. LLPLdV/ VETPRO/2008RO/135 "
Formation responsible for the development of European co-financing
projects from the Structural Funds 2008-2013 for undergraduate education“
•Leonardo de Vinci mobility project no. LLPLdV/ VETPRO/2009RO/129
"Sustainable Development and Practical pedagogical"
•Grundtvig Learning Partnership project-GRU-09-P-LP-35-B-FR/2009
"Adult literacy and training for sustainable development"
•2006/018-147.01.01 PHARE project "Impact assessment and
dissemination PHARE Program "Access to education for disadvantaged
•“Festival of Your Opportunities”
"•Let’s read for the third millennium“ Early Education
Reform Project (PRICE)
“All in kindergarten! Everyone in 1st grade”
•“Diversity-One more chance for the future”
•“I am a citizen - I know my rights!”
•IUSES - Intelligent use of Energy at School
“•Together for a community based on participation,
mutual respect and support”
”Roma children prepare for Kindergarten!” Global
Campaign for Education
”•Mosaic-intercultural education in ethnically mixed
communities”, Phase II, 2008-2010
"Strategic Steps to improve access to education for Roma children"
•The project "Europe Agenda"
•"Organizational Development and Decentralization in Bucharest
- school education pilot study of organizational culture and impact
of leadership"
•“Equal opportunities for women and men in global crisis"
•Program “Second chance in primary and lower secondary"
•Continuing education program for middle school and high school
teachers "Pestalozzi"
•"Doors open to the future"
•"Young people in interaction"
•"Saturday we read in Diverta"
•"Egypt. Earth Eternal - open door to a mystery"
•"Your high school astronomy week"
•"Book and Arts", "Writers of yesterday, today, tomorrow“ RIUF,
•"Bucharest Educational Fair”
•"PAL-TIN - Youth participation in Local Administration"
•"Youth in Europe - A Drug Prevention Program"
... ... and many others
Thank you
for your attention.