NASA Johnson Space Center White Sands Test Facility

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• Large Buffer Zone and Controlled Remote Property for Hazardous Testing • Moderate Desert Climate Ideal for Year-round Testing • Existing Environmental Permits in Place for Hazardous Testing


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Constructed in 1962-64 to Support Apollo Project Subsidiary Unit of NASA Johnson Space Center Occupies 28 square miles of the SW Corner of WSMR Annual Budget is ~ $90 Million ~ 60 NASA and ~ 630 Contractor Personnel

Organization Chart

WSTF Manager Frank J. Benz Deputy Manager Mark J. Ferring Associate Manager Technical Harry T. Johnson Administrative Officer Patsy A. Segura Environmental Manager Radel L. Bunker-Farrah Office of Procurement (BA) Joseph Campbell – Lead Financial Management (LA) Heather M. Moncrief – Lead Information Technology (IT) James M. Krupovage RD Propulsion Test Office David L. Baker Acting Office Chief RF Laboratories Office Harold D. Beeson Chief RC Facility Operations Holger O. Fischer Chief RH Hardware Processing Sandy R. Ruttle Acting Office Chief NS3 Safety & Mission Assurance Office C. Diane McLaughlin Chief

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide the expertise and infrastructure to test and evaluate spacecraft materials, components, and propulsion systems to enable the safe exploration and use of space.

Customer Base

Johnson Space Center

Shuttle Orbiter, Payloads, International Space Station, Crew Training, Constellation Program, and Special Projects •

NASA Headquarters

and Other Field Centers •

Other US Government Agencies

- Army, Navy, Air Force, DOD, DOE, EPA •

Commercial Industry

Shuttle: Test and Evaluation

ISS: Test and Evaluation

Constellation: Test and Evaluation

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Materials and Components Evaluation Propulsion Systems Development Orbital Debris COPV


• • • Support Launch Operations Row Control Engine Test Development Peacekeeper 4-stage Hardware Harvesting Launch Facility Design and Construction


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Air Force

– Peacekeeper 4 th Stage Demilitarization – Minuteman Upper Stage Life Tests – Mobile Oxygen Storage Tanks


– Material Offgassing Tests

Army and DOE

– Support Services, Cleaning, Calibration


– Pratt And Whitney - Engine Development Tests – Aerojet - Engine Tests – SpaceX - Material Oxygen Compatibility Test – Wendell Hull Associates - Material/Components Oxygen Compatibility Test – ASTM G4 Community - Material/Components Oxygen Compatibility Test


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Rocket Engine System Test Stands with Vacuum Long-duration Large-altitude Simulation System Full-scale Hypergolic and Cryogenic Propulsion Test Systems Chemistry and Metallurgical Laboratories Flight Component Repair, Refurbishment, and Test Facilities High Energy Blast Facility Oxygen-enriched Atmosphere Test Facilities Hypergolic Materials and Components Test Facilities Hypervelocity and Low Velocity Impact Test Facilities White Sands Space Harbor Launch and Landing Site

Laboratories Test

Space Environment Simulation Laboratory

Chemistry & Metallurgy Laboratories

Laboratories Test

• Micrometeoroid/Debris Hypervelocity Impact Testing • Propellant and Explosion Hazards Assessment • Research on Flammability of Materials including Metals in Oxygen-enriched Atmospheres

Laboratories Test

Components Failure Test and Analysis Molecular Analysis of Surface Effects using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Hardware Processing

Flight Critical System Components Refurbishment Flight Hardware Production Critical Flight Hardware Assembly

Hardware Processing

Precision Cleaning of Flight Critical Items Industrial and Scientific Imaging and Documentation Measurement Standards and Calibration Lab

Propulsion Test

Shuttle PRCS Thruster Hot-fire Testing Cassini – Saturn Orbit Insertion Engine Glows during 3-h 20-min Continuous Firing Minuteman Qualification Firing inside Vacuum Test Cell

Propulsion Test

Night Firing of Shuttle Forward RCS Primary and Vernier Thrusters

Propulsion Test

Static Firing of DC-X with 4 LOX/Hydrogen RL10-A5 Engines DC-X Executes Vertical Landing at WSMR

White Sands Space Harbor

• Orbiter Approach and Landing Training Facility • Restricted, Controlled Airspace • Long, Wide Lakebed Runways • Year-round Flying Weather • No “Bird-strike” Problems

White Sands Space Harbor

• • • • • • • Landing Training for Astronauts Landing/NAVAID Development Procedure Development Contingency STS Landing Site Training Aircraft Hangared at El Paso Airport Scheduled 250 Days for Flight Time Average 190 Days Flown

Alternative Energy

WSTF Renewable Energy Program Wind Power

• Class 4 – 5 Wind Site • Install 3 – 4 MW to Provide Energy to WSTF (NASA funded) • Install 70 – 100 MW (third party investor) Challenges: • Construct a Road up the Mountain • WSMR land (lease third party investor) • Funding

Solar Power

• Southwest has Great Potential for Solar • Install at least 1 MW for WSTF (NASA funded, NASA land) • Install 100 MW (third party investor) Challenges: • Resolve BLM Land Issues (third party investor)

Educational and Community Outreach

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • NASA Explorer Schools in New Mexico Design Competitions FIRST Robotics Program New Mexico MESA and MESA USA Schools & Regional Science and Engineering Fairs Science Education Alliance and the SCIAD Program Educational Tours of WSTF DC-9 Microgravity Fly High Program X PRIZE and International Symposium for Personal Spaceflight Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Committee Dona Ana County Spaceport Educational Initiative Hydrogen Technology Partnership (HyTeP) Oxygen and Hydrogen Safe System Operations Training to NMSU and area hospitals Space Alliance Technology Outreach Program (SATOP)

Economic Impact of WSTF Installation

• NASA White Sands Test Facility • Families 600 • Payroll $29.2 Million • Total Contract Value $58.0 Million • Budget $86.7 Million • Local Area Purchases and Subcontracts • Other New Mexico $1,641,879 • Las Cruces $1,430,069 • El Paso • Albuquerque • Alamogordo $1,276,890 $ 834,820 $ 56,788