NM Standards Based Assessment

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Transcript NM Standards Based Assessment

The State of K-12 Education in
New Mexico, 2008
Student Proficiency Trends, the
Achievement Gap, & Strategies for
Dr. Veronica C. García, NM Secretary of Education
March 28, 2008
Presentation Format
• Driving Forces Behind Making Schools Work
• Progress and Achievements
• Where we are at now:
– Academic Performance
– Achievement Gap
PED Driving Forces
1. Academic rigor & accountability
2. Closing New Mexico’s achievement gap
3. School readiness
4. Quality teachers
5. Parent & community involvement
6. Investing in 21st century classrooms
7. Building college & workforce readiness
A roadmap for providing quality public education for all New Mexico students and
for supporting the 7 focus areas in
“Making Schools Work”
State Goals:
Close achievement gap
Increase academic excellence & student achievement
All schools will make AYP
Ensure all children are ready for Kindergarten
Ensure graduates are prepared to succeed
Ensure a safe & healthy environment in schools
Increase access to & application of technology for students
PED Goals:
Quality external customer service
Positive internal customer service
Model continuous improvement
Proactive in the legislative process
Model & implement a systems approach
Making Schools Work:
Building Foundations for Success
Academic Rigor and Accountability
Closing the Achievement Gap
School Readiness
Parent Involvement
Quality Teachers
21st Century Classrooms
College and Workforce Readiness
New Mexico’s Current Rankings
Quality Counts 2008, Education Week
• 8th nationally, earning a B- for early childhood, college and
career readiness (C Ntl. Avg.)
• 16th nationally, earning an A- for standards, assessments and
accountability (B Ntl. Avg.)
• 17th nationally, earning a C+ for initiatives in the teaching
profession (C Ntl. Avg.)
• 30th nationally, earning a C for school finance (C+ Ntl. Avg.)
• 46th nationally, earning a D- for K-12 achievement levels/gains
in the poverty gap (D+ Ntl. Avg.)
• 49th nationally, earning a D+ for chances for success for New
Mexico students (C+ Ntl. Avg.)
My Goal for Academic Rigor and Accountability
“We will uniformly implement a rigorous, engaging,
and relevant educational curriculum/performance
standards and provide our students the appropriate
support system so that all students will be
successful. Our educational system will create an
infrastructure to engage representative stakeholders
in a meaningful dialog as we continue to shape and
improve our educational system.”
12 Point Entry Plan, 2003
Progress: Academic Rigor and Accountability
• 4th nationally for standards, assessments, and accountability,
Education Week Quality Counts 2007
• Recognized in June 2007 by the US Dept. of Education for having
high academic standards aligned to the NAEP
– 8th nationally in 4th grade reading
– 9th nationally in 4th grade math
– 7th nationally in 8th grade math
– 11th nationally in 8th grade reading
• NM is one of only 11 states to have standards-based assessments
aligned to strong content standards, American Federation of
Teachers 2006
• Adopted the Student & Teacher Accountability & Reporting System
(STARS), assigned each student a unique student ID creating the
capacity for longitudinal studies and increased accuracy
• NM 2nd in the nation for education reform and leading the nation in
three categories: curricular content, standards based reform, and
school choice, Fordham Foundation 2006
• NM 2nd in the nation for school choice, Fordham Foundation 2006
Progress: Academic Rigor and Accountability Contd
• Math and Science Act 2007: ensures alignment, rigor, and relevance
in curriculum and establishes Math and Science Bureau and Advisory
in statute
• Aligned a process for text book adoption, boosted instructional
material investments by over $4 million to $37.2 million in 2007
• In 2006, established the Math and Science Bureau and named a
statewide Math and Science Advisory Council with representatives
from K-12, higher education, and the private sector
• “A” science standards, “B” math standards, science standards
ranked 6th in the nation, Fordham Foundation 2005
• Increasing School Choice—Amended Charter School Act to provide
for dual chartering authority
• Earned a “B+” for resource equity to schools, Education Week
Quality Counts, 2007
My Goal for Closing the Achievement Gap
“We will create a system that educates the whole child,
not only focusing on the core curriculum, but
ensuring that all students have the opportunity to
avail themselves of good health, physical education,
arts education, and a safe learning environment. We
will establish programs of support to meet the
multicultural and multilingual needs of our students
so that they will perform at high levels of academic
achievement. We will become a state where all key
stakeholders will help shape the new educational
system and will have a genuine vested interest in its
12 Point Entry Plan, 2003
Progress: Closing the Achievement Gap
• NM ranked 1st in the nation for the number of elementary
school students eating free and reduced-price breakfast,
Food and Research Action Center, 2007
• Over 82% of eligible students in grades K-12 participated in
the school breakfast in 2006
• 2nd nationally for increasing free and reduced breakfast,
Food and Research Action Center, 2006
• 2nd nationally for food available to students & 4th nationally
for strong nutrition policy, Center for Science and the Public
Interest 2006
• NM administered over $93 million in state and federal funds
providing nutritionally balanced free or low cost meals/milk to
more than 156,000 students daily, 2007
• Recognized as one of the top 3 states by Fordham Foundation
Report 2006: “How Well Are States Educating Our Neediest
Closing the Achievement Gap Contd. (1)
• Increased number of school based health centers from 56 in
2006 to 70 in 2007
• Invested $8 million in elementary PE programs in all 89 school
• Health Education performance standards were adopted in rule
in 2006
• All 89 school districts have developed Phase I Wellness
policies including developing school health advisory committees
and nutrition and physical activity components
• One of four state recognized for innovative School Improvement
Strategies, Education Week 2006 (Baldridge principles)
• Invested $49 million in state and federal funds for bilingual,
ELL, and immigrant programs in 2006-2007
• NM now has nearly 67,000 teachers endorsed and instruction in
bilingual and Teaching English to Speakers of Other
Languages (TESOL) programs, 2007
• NM is serving over 60,000 students in ELL programs alone,
Closing the Achievement Gap Contd. (2)
• Implementing the only comprehensive Indian Education Act in
the nation, 2006
• Created the Division of Indian Education, 2006
• Created the Rural Education Division, 2006
• Increased Joint Powers Agreements with tribes for
revitalization and preservation of native language from 9 to 12
in 2007
• Increased Memoranda of Agreements with tribes to develop
tribal standards and criteria for licensing Native American
Language teachers from 10 to 13 in 2007
• Doubled the number of Native American teachers and
administrators in programs for advanced degrees or administrative
certificates from 92 in 2006 to 184 in 2007
• Increased the number of newly certified Native American
teachers from 69 in 2006 to 113 in 2007
My Goal for School Readiness
“We will construct a system of supports for our
students to holistically meet their needs by
articulating and integrating services with other youth
providers so that our students will be able to benefit
from the educational program.”
12 Point Entry Plan, 2003
Progress: School Readiness
• Pre-K Act 2005 -- physical, cognitive, social, and emotional
• Partnering with private providers: accountability, alignment, and
professional development
• Adopted Statewide early learning outcomes (i.e. Literacy, Numeracy,
Physical Development)
• Developed criterion referenced Observation and Documentation
Assessment processes, 2007
• National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) reports
students in NM PreK:
– Increased vocabulary growth by 54%
– Increased math skills by 40%
– Increased literacy and print awareness by 118%
– PreK students outperform their non-PreK peers in vocabulary and
Progress: School Readiness Contd.
• K-Plus pilot program in its third year shows:
– DIBELS assessment data in K-Plus shows participants are entering
Kindergarten with appropriate reading level skills
– DIBELS data suggest K+ participants will out perform their non-KPlus peers
in Kindergarten
– Benchmark growth increased an average of 21%
• K-3Plus funded at $7.5 Million for 2007-2008 serving 60 schools in 19
districts, 5,622 students
• NM ranks number 1 for growth in Oral Reading Fluency in Reading
First Western States, Federal Reading First Office 2007
• In 2007, the New Mexico Reading First program for Early Childhood
reading comprehension & oral reading fluency in 35 districts and 108
• 2006 NM ranked in the top ten states in reading achievement by the
Federal Reading First Office in three categories: grades 1, 2, and 3;
grade 3 for Students with Disabilities; grades 1 and 2 for English
Language Learners
My Goal for Parent Involvement
“We will work to construct a community approach to
education responsibility particularly focused on
involving parents in supporting, educating, and
learning with their children.”
12 Point Entry Plan, 2003
Progress: Parent Involvement
• Named statewide Parent and Family Involvement Advisory
Council with parents and representatives from 23 organizations
and parent and family groups.
• Created an agency Parent Involvement Action Committee to
ensure integration and collaboration for 21 state and federal
mandated and 9 optional parent involvement activities.
• Implemented a Parent Involvement Media initiative, 2006-2008
• Parent involvement district and school training, 2006-2008
• Completed a teen father video in collaboration with Human
Services Division, 2007
• PTA parent involvement workbook targeting K-6 for every
parent, 2007
Progress: Parent Involvement Contd.
• Supporting 13 rural school-community programs that
partner school curriculum with community needs to
revitalize economies, workforce, and culture
• NM’s Rural Revitalization program considered a model by
the National Community Education Association, 2007
• Developed/distributed “Working Together: School-FamilyCommunity Partnerships” (Parent Involvement Tool Kit), 2006
• Parent to parent video, DVD, in English and Spanish, 2006
• Developed a state domestic violence curriculum, 2006
My Goal for Quality Teachers
“All of our students will be taught and supported by
qualified, competent, and committed educational
12 Point Entry Plan, 2003
Progress: Quality Teachers
• New Mexico now has 94% of all core courses taught by highly
qualified teachers (2006-2007)
• NM named “State of the Month” for strategies to improve
teacher quality, National Commission on Teaching and
America’s Future, March 2007
• New Mexico increased national salary rankings from 46th to
36th from 2005 to 2007
• NM ranked 5th nationally for the percentage change in
average teacher salaries in 2007
• Invested $6.5 million in professional development and
mentorship programs in 2007
• 2007 Legislature established a $50K minimum for level 3
• 2007 Legislature boosted salaries by an average of 5% for
teachers and licensed support staff
• NM ranks 20th nationally for new National Board Certified
Teachers, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards,
Progress: Quality Teachers Contd.
• Education Week 2006 – Grade of B on efforts to improve
teacher quality
• NM one of only 9 states with an approved highly qualified
teacher plan, US Dept. of Education, 2006
• Implemented new 3 Tiered License system, investing $82
million in teacher salaries for increased compensation
for increased competencies
• In 2006, provided $470,000 for salary increments for National
Board Certified Teachers
• In 2000, 1,051 waivers were granted to teachers not meeting
licensure requirements. In 2006, 155 waivers were granted.
My Goal for 21st Century Classrooms
My goal is to provide the best tools and
resources to our students so that they
will continually surpass our capacity
for comprehending and applying
Progress: 21st Century Classrooms
• NM is the first state in the nation to create a statewide eLearning
system that, from its inception, encompasses all aspects of
learning from traditional public and higher education to teacher
professional development, continuing education and workforce
education, North American Council for Online Learning NACOL, 2007
• Invested a total of $6.5 million statewide for updated computers,
hardwiring, and software to ensure student access to technology
• NM earned a “B” for statewide student access to technology, Education
Week Technology Counts 2008
Percent of students with access to a computer in the classroom
Percent of students with access to a computer in a lab/media center
Number of students per instructional computer
Number of students with access to a high-speed internet-connected
• In 2007, 14 NM districts received a total of $1.5 million in funds for
capital technology improvements including computers, hardware, and
• NM Laptop Initiative for 7th graders provided computers to 1,355
students at 21 sites statewide in 2007, expanding the program to serve
nearly 5,000 students at 31sites statewide.
Progress: 21st Century Classrooms
• Cyber Academy Act 2007
– Reduces geographic and capacity barriers
– Expands course offerings—language, math, science, technology,
and career-tech
– Resolves conflicts in student schedules
– Provides dual credit, credit-recovery, summer school, online
tutoring, alternative high school completion, & home-bound options
– Increases access to highly qualified teachers
– Reduces teacher-pupil ratios
• 2007 eLearning services pilot:
– Twenty-five eTeachers in thirteen districts received training and
participated in course development.
– Seven high schools registered students in twenty-two courses
including French, German, English, history, math, economics, and
digital video production.
– Two NM courses were developed and piloted: Algebra I and New
Mexico History (high school).
– Teacher, school, and student handbooks were developed.
– Domain established at www.ideal-nm.org
– Learning Management System in final stages of procurement.
My Goal for College and Workforce Readiness
“We will become a state where all children will be able
to graduate from our K-12 public education system
and be prepared to competently participate in postsecondary education or the workforce. We will create
an articulated K-20 educational system that
recognizes the complexities of higher education
while creating systems for better communication
and integration.”
12 Point Entry Plan, 2003
Progress: College and Workforce Readiness
• High School Redesign 2007 increased graduation
requirements, increased alignment between K-12 and higher
– Four years of math with at least one course of Algebra II or
– Four years of English
– Three years of laboratory-based science
– Three years of social studies
– At least one Advanced Placement® (AP), dual enrollment,
honors, or online course
– Participation in the Next Step Planning
– A three-part assessment system that measures high school,
college, and workforce readiness
– Algebra I will be made available in 8th grade
College and Workforce Readiness Cont’d.
• Collaboration with HED through taskforce initiatives providing more
accountability for a seamless and aligned P-20 system of education,
– American Diploma Project
– Dual Credit Council
– P-20 Alignment Council
– Math and Science Advisory Council
– Career Technical Education State Advisory Council
• NM standards and benchmarks well aligned with SAT, PSAT, and
AP tests, National College Board 2006 and 2007
• In 2007, NM AP test takers increased by almost 9% and the number
of scores between 3 and 5 increased by 4%.
• Over 4,000 NM students will be eligible for college credit earned
on AP exams in 2007
• Hispanic AP test takers increased 15% in 2007
• Native American AP test takers increased by 7% in 2007
• PSAT test takers statewide increased nearly doubled increasing
by 98% in 2007
Progress: College and Workforce Readiness Contd.
• Created by executive order the Workforce Oversight Coordinating
Council who identified 7 Career Clusters aligned to New
Mexico’s growing economy, 2006
• Increased the number of industry recognized certifications aligned
to NM Career Clusters from 98 to 148, 2007
• Invested 10 million in career educational technical centers in
• NM Division of Vocational Rehabilitation served over 2,000
students transitioning from school to work, 2007
• Provided 32 intervention programs through Graduation, Reality,
and Dual-Role Skills targeting pregnancy prevention, career
readiness, fatherhood, and youth-development
• Called for alignment of high school exit and college entrance
Improving Proficiency & Closing Achievement
• NAEP Results 2007
– 4th grade shows progress in math and reading
– 8th grade shows progress in reading and holds steady for math,
– NM one of only 14 states to improve in both math and reading
– NM one of only 4 states to show significant increases for Hispanic
students in grade 4
– NM showed significant increase in 4th and 8th grade Hispanic
students scoring basic and above in math and reading
– NM 4th grade students eligible for free/reduced lunch showed
significant increases in both reading and math
• State Level Increases Across Grade Levels and Subgroups:
– Reading
– Math
– Science
• NM Achievement Gap Closing (Caucasians compared to):
– Asians
– Hispanics
– African Americans
– American Indians
Reading Proficiency
• Proficiency of all students in 2007 ranged from a high of 58.8% in
5th grade to a low of 36.9% in 6th grade.
• Increase in performance in grades 4, 5, and 8 (3%).
• Lowest proficiency among students transitioning from elementary
to middle school and middle school to high school.
• Increases for Hispanics in grades 4, 5, and 8
• American Indians increase in proficiency in grades 3, 4, 5, 7, and
• English Language Learners increased proficiency in grades 3, 4,
5, and 8, with the greatest gain in grade 5. Strongest gains of any
Statewide Reading Proficiency All Groups
% At or Above Proficient
Reading: % of Students At or Above Proficient
Math Proficiency
• Content area with largest and most gains
• Proficiency of all students in 2007 ranged from a high of 46% in 4th
grade to a low of 25.2% in 7th grade
• Lowest proficiency among students in middle school.
• Gains in grades 4 through 11
• Hispanics gained in all grades but 3rd
• American Indians had proficiency gains in grades 4 through 9
• Students with Disabilities increased in grades 3 through 9
• English Language Learners gained math proficiency in all but the
11th grade
• Economically Disadvantaged Students increased math
proficiency in grades 4 through 9 and 11
% At or Above Proficient
Statewide Math Proficiency All Groups
Math: % of Students At or Above Proficient
Science Proficiency
• Proficiency of all students in 2007 ranged from a high of 79% in 3rd
grade to a low of 23.2% in 8th grade
• African American proficiency increased in grades 3, 6, 7, and 9
• Hispanics gained in all grades but 8th
• American Indians had noticeable gains in grades 4, 5, 7, and 9 and
decreased in grade 3
• English Language Learners increased science proficiency in grades
3 through 7 and 9 Second strongest gains of any group (average
• Students with Disabilities had steady increases in grades 3, 4, 6, 7
and 9. Strongest gains of any group (average 5%)
• Economically Disadvantaged Students gained proficiency in
grades 3 through 7 and 9.
Statewide Science Proficiency All Groups
% At or Above Proficient
Science: % of Students At or Above Proficient
Achievement Gap in Reading
• Hispanics, American Indians, African Americans,
and Asians gained proficiency and closed the
achievement gap in reading in grades 4, 5, and 7.
• Grade 11 saw proficiency decreases for all
subgroups and increases in gaps.
Achievement Gap in Math
• Gaps are largest in grades 9 and 11.
• All subgroups gained math proficiency in grades 4
through 9.
• Hispanics kept pace with Caucasians’ gains and were
catching up in grades 3, 4, 7, 9, and 11.
• Gaps increased for Hispanics, American Indians, and
African Americans in grades 5, 6, and 8.
Achievement Gap in Science
• Gaps are smallest in grade 3.
• All groups gain proficiency, except in grade 8.
• Hispanics and African Americans closed the gap in
all but grade 4.
• American Indians closed gap in grades 7 through 9.
NM Is Making Progress
We Will Continue to Move Forward
“We should acknowledge differences, we
should greet differences until difference
makes no difference anymore.”
– Dr. Adela Allen, Hispanic Educator