Transcript Slide 1

Newcastle College Group
Our Journey
Jackie Fisher
May 2010
Today’s Presentation
• Who we are, what we do, how we do it
• Our learning through growth and merger
and acquisition
• Sustaining excellence
• Shared Services and IT Solutions
• Our strategy
NCG Key Facts
• Education, skills and employability provider
• National and regional contracts
• Group and three divisions
– Newcastle College
– Skelmersdale and Ormskirk College
– Intraining
• 3800 staff in 100+ locations and 160 buildings
• Learning and Skills Beacon
What do we do?
Employability - £33m
Workforce development - £27m
Employers inc brokerage - £8m
Higher education - £19m
Adult training - £30m
16-19 full time - £35m
NCG Objectives
• Needs of the learner and customer first
• Innovate and support excellence in learning
and employability
• Promote diversity and social mobility
• Value, involve and invest in our staff
• Foster strong partnerships with stakeholders
and communities
• Secure our future through strategic
investment and profitability
Our Background Priorities
• Strategy formulation/keep on top of change
• Winning ‘right’ new contracts
• Utilising information to understand the
business and drive improvements
• Leadership around behaviours
• Management arrangements to drive strategy
and accountability
• Investing in people and ideas
• Real performance, not pride or politics
How we run NCG
• Group control key business processes quality, budget setting, planning,
performance monitoring
• Group leadership model
• Group expertise e.g. Shared Services,
business development, financial analysis,
e-learning, IT solutions, supply chain
Group Leadership
• Agrees strategic direction and signs off plans
and budgets
• Sets standards and accountability framework
and Group policy and procedures
• Leads key business processes
• Delivers Shared Services and Group solutions
• Makes interventions and provides support
• Appoints key leaders
Divisional Leadership
• Proposes strategy and business plans
• Designs and delivers programmes for
• Deploys resources flexibly and creatively
• Assesses and improves performance
• Develops and enables delivery staff
• Builds relationships with stakeholders
• Delivers agreed business plans/budgets
How we integrate a new division
Stabilise and communicate
Assess everything and review
De layer and refocus management
Graft on NCG:
key business processes:
– Shared Services
– IT solutions
– expertise
What have we learned?
• Learn the new organisation and keep
• Focus immediately on income and cost
drivers in as much detail as required
• Health and Safety audit asap
• Constant tension between Group control and
confidence versus divisional delegation and
• Zero tolerance of game playing
What have we learned?
• Huge support and training requirements
• Untested track record of existing staff
needs caution
• Populate the business with leaders who
can understand our requirements
• Use yourself and the senior team flexibly
to do whatever needs to be done
• Take any new learning across the whole
Buying a private provider
• Tracked its progress and analysed what it did
• Separated the good parts from the bad
• How much were the good parts worth to us individually and as a whole?
• Worked with Governors and set a price range
• Haggled with administrators
– Price, speed of transaction, availability of cash etc
• Don’t underestimate legacy of administration
How we sustain excellence
• Shared strategy events and agreement on
• Staff buy-in, communication and training
• Always ‘closing the loop’
• Rigorous Group quality processes
• Data, data, data
• Investing in e-learning and innovation
• Lots of people working very hard
Shared Services underpins growth
Finance – payables/receivables/expenses
Payroll and pensions
HR admin – MI system, appointments, checks
Procurement and purchasing
Treasury, tax and financial audit
Insurance & fleet
Help desk function for IT and telephones, data
and physical security, health and safety,
caretaking and cleaning, maintenance and
Why invest in Shared Services?
• Complex organisation needs re-engineered
and e-enabled systems/processes
• Ensures compliance and consistency
• Customer experience improves
• Removes duplication of effort and cost
• Provides rich management information
• Forces divisional managers to manage the
• Adds value (people)
Group IT Solutions
• ‘Private’ internet
• 9500 PCs & Macs, 1000 laptops and 1000
virtual desktops and 190 physical and virtual
• 550 separate software programs, patches,
upgrades and fixes
• 1026 mobiles, 120 Blackberries and 433 3G
• 10000 network ports
• National field support
Our Strategic Choices pre-election
1. Hunker down - minimise risk, cut costs,
reduce surplus, very limited investment and
hope for better days
2. As above but with some growth areas
against background of overall decline and
cut costs disproportionately to income
3. Pursue a strategy of growth and investment
based on investments already made
Our Pre-election Strategy
Grow Intraining profitably
Grow HE via co-funding route
Grow commercial income
Focus NCL on growth e.g. STEM
SOC to realise potential of new build
Merge with colleges
Thank you for listening