Current Status and Work Plan for PACE

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Transcript Current Status and Work Plan for PACE

Capacity Building of Banks and Financial Institutions
for Energy Efficiency Project Financing
Module 2
Energy Efficiency Project Characteristics
Partnership to Advance Clean Energy-Deployment (PACE-D)
Technical Assistance Program
September 2014
Capacity Building of Banks/FIs
For EE Project Financing
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July 2014
Presentation Outline
• Energy Efficiency Projects
• Energy User Motivations
• EE Projects in Different Sectors
• EE Project Characteristics
• Typical Energy Efficiency Project
• Illustrative Project Examples
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For EE Project Financing
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July 2014
Energy Efficiency Projects
• In all major consuming sectors
 Large Industries
 SMEs
 Commercial Buildings (offices, hotels, hospitals, shopping malls,
 Government Buildings
 Municipalities (street lighting, water pumping)
 Agriculture
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Energy User Motivations
Achieve efficiency
Capture energy cost savings;
Improve productivity and enterprise competitiveness
Improve product quality
Address necessary system upgrades, equipment replacement, &
deferred maintenance requirements
Improve level of energy services in facilities
Improve living conditions
Improve energy system reliability
Comply with environmental regulations
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Perform, Achieve and Trade Scheme
• Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) reduction targets for the energyintensive units which are designated consumers under the Energy
Conservation Act
Targets would be % reduction of current SEC
Percentage reduction requirement based on:
 Sectoral targets to achieve the national goal
 Current SEC as a ratio of the best in the sector / groups within a sector
 Unit specific diversities
 Target setting for the power generation and fertilizer sectors through the
existing tariff-setting processes
 SEC measurement and verification by BEE through designated verifiers
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List of sectors for PAT
• Cement
• Textile
• Chlor alkali
• Power Plants
• Aluminum
• Iron & steel
• Pulp & paper
• Fertilizer
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Energy Efficiency Projects in Industry
• Replacement of inefficient industrial technologies with energy saving
technologies and equipment, such as more efficient industrial boilers,
kilns, and heat exchange systems
• Recovery and utilization of by-product gas, waste heat
• Installation of highly efficient mechanical and electrical equipment,
including lighting, motors, Chillers, refrigeration units, pumps, heating
and ventilation equipment, etc.
• Industrial system optimization to reduce energy use
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Examples of EE in Cement Industry
• Improve kiln combustion efficiency by reducing the false air ingress at
the Preheater section and reducing marginally the sintering level of
Optimize the air flow to the grate cooler and reduce the vent air losses
Utilize cooler vent air as primary air to the Kiln burner
Improve insulation at preheaters ducts & Kiln internally
Replace the air cooled Turbulators with Refractory lined Turbulators
Generate electricity from the Waste heat of PH exhaust & Cooler Vent
Install variable frequency drive for fans in the production processes
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EE in SMEs
• Key Characteristics of SMEs
Very small in size (majority are MSE units)
Majority of units are proprietorship / family owned concern
Very limited professional management
Obsolete technology/ production process
Low capital investment & labor intensive
High energy consumption in many sectors
Lack of Knowledge about energy efficient production options and
available technologies
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Energy Intensive SME Clusters
• Forging
• Foundry
• Limekilns
• Brick
• Rolling
• Rice
• Pottery
• Paper
• Edible oils
• Brass
• Glass
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SIDBI Activities for EE in SMEs
• Established Energy Efficiency Cell
• Developed guidelines for EE project financing
• JICA credit line for EE equipment – disbursed in 2010
• AfD credit line – initiated in 2010
• KfW credit line – requires carbon savings estimates and monitoring –
initiated in 2010
• Developing tools for
 Project Assessment
 Impact Monitoring
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Energy Efficiency in Buildings
• Energy efficiency in residential, commercial, and government
 Lighting
 HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning)
 Building envelope (insulation for roof, walls, windows, doors)
 Renewable energy in buildings (roof-top solar PV, solar water
heaters, and ground source heat pumps)
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Buildings Rating Systems
• Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) launched in May 2007.
The ECBC sets minimum energy standards for new commercial
buildings having a connected load of 100 kW or contract demand of
120 kVA.
• BEE Star Labeling Scheme for
 Day Use Buildings
 BPO buildings
 Shopping malls
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EE in Municipalities
• Water Pumping
 Leak detection
 Efficient pumping systems
 Operational optimization
• Street Lighting
 Efficient lighting
 Controls
 Solar systems
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EE in Railways
• Stations, platforms
 Lighting
 Space cooling
 Water pumping
• Rolling stock performance
Two tier rolling stock
Four berth coaches
Managing fuel cost
Kinetic energy storage systems
Power and energy optimization systems
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Characteristics of EE
Characteristics of EE projects
• Wide range of technologies, most with substantial experience in
successful implementation, internationally as well as in India
Relatively small project size - many projects less than INR 1 crore
Relatively short simple payback periods – generally one to five years
High proportion of project development costs
Range of implementation business models with increasing interest in
performance based approaches
• Manageable risks
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IFC Experience with Project Size
95% of projects were under INR 4.5 crores
Project Size Distribution
No. of Projects = 818
Source: International Finance Corporation
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Typical Energy Efficiency
Typical Energy Efficiency Project
ESCO capabilities explained;
expectations outlined; approval
to proceed obtained
Use Customer
Data Form
Initial Meeting
with Client
Conduct Facility
EER provides approximate scope
of savings and cost potential and is
used to screen potential projects
ERR begins process of establishing
ESCO credibility
This meeting is predicated on
good client research
Review Energy
Usage Data
Collect energy use
and cost (2-3 yrs); analyze
for anomalies
Prepare Energy
Efficiency Report
Select New
Present EER
to Prospect
energy savings
Credit analysis is completed
by the bank providing the
long-term financing
Capacity Building of Banks/FIs
For EE Project Financing
Is Credit
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July 2014
Typical Energy Efficiency Project
ESCO develops a Letter
of Intent (LOI) and
presents it to the client
for signature
Owner agrees to have
ESCO complete a Detailed
Energy Study (DES)
signs the
Select New Facility or
Select new
Facility or Client
Detailed Energy
Study (DES)
A DES takes four to eight weeks
to complete; provides opportunity
DES reinforces
to getESCO
to know client staff
Review builds motivation
to undertake energy services
If DES results depart significantly
from EER, ESCO absorbs part or all
of DES costs
Present DES to
Review Results
Including Project
Scope and Plan
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Typical Energy Efficiency Project
Client pays for
100% of DES
Final mix of measures selected;
Financial modeling used to help
price the ESA and optimize profit
and cash flow for selected measures
Draft Energy
Services Agreement
(ESA) is developed
and ESCO
PACE-D Finance Team Presentation
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April 29, 2013
Illustrative Project Examples
Industrial Waste Heat Recovery
Major industrial unit manufacturing copper
Copper smelting exothermic process
Hot flue gases with high heat content being wasted
Waste heat recovery system installed
Power generation ~ 10.4 MW
Payback <1 year
 Total generation : 82.8 million units
 Cost of generation : Rs 1.10 per unit
 Cost of Grid Power : Rs 4.30 per unit
 Annual Savings : Rs 265 million
Reduction of CO2emission: 47,500 tons/year
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Biomass Cogeneration
• Edible oil refinery in Maharashtra
• Steam required for processes
• Co-generation (top end) using biomass (bagasse)
• Generation of power 550 KW
• Loan amount: Rs 20 million
• Annual savings: Rs 16 million
• Reduction of CO2emission: 4,350 tpa
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EE Project – SME
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EE Project – Major Health Center
Project: Reduction in contract demand and savings through upgrades to the
building’s reactive power controllers, lighting, air conditioning, raw water
pumping and switching electric loads in geysers to solar water heating
Annual Energy Bill
INR 182 million
Investment Cost – Equipment
INR 85 million
Project Dev. Cost
INR 32 million
Total Project Cost
INR 117 million
Energy Cost Savings
INR 40 million
Simple Payback
~ 3 years
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Streetlighting Project
Installation by ESCO of 486 street light controllers covering 19,000 street lights
of Nasik Municipal corporation
Improvement in the existing electrical distribution network for :
 Reduction in cable losses
 Power factor optimization
Savings were shared for five years
Payback period ~1.5 years
Annual Energy bill prior to implementation - Rs 50.0 M
Achieved annual savings - Rs 17.0 million on a capital investment of Rs 16.6
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Energy Services Market in India
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs)
• Initiated in mid-1990s
Growth has been slow
Many issues and challenges faced
BEE has empanelment scheme
Over 137 ESCOs have been empanelled
ESCO capacity building program planned
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Key Characteristics of ESCOs
Energy Service Companies:
• Provide or arrange a complete package of services, including energy
analysis, design, installation, financing, and maintenance of the energy
management (and other) technologies
• Offer business and financing models under which customers
effectively pay for the energy services from a portion of actual energy
savings achieved
• Payments to the ESCO are based on demonstrable results (that
satisfy the performance guarantees provided by the ESCO)
• Most of the project risks are assumed by the ESCO.
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Energy Services Market in India
Other energy service providers
• Energy auditors – certified by BEE
• Equipment manufacturers and vendors (Schneider, Siemens, Alstohm,
• Engineering firms – extending capabilities to provide performance
contracting services
• Contract energy management companies (Dalkia, A to Z Power, etc.)
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Energy Services Business Models
Energy Services
Business Models
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Example of Customer Benefit – Hotel Guaranteed Savings
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Developing Financial Products for EE Projects
• Based on target market and project characteristics and implementation
business models
 credit characteristics
 typical deal size & project economics (cash flow, ROI, NPV, etc.)
 Ability to assemble acceptable collateral/security package
• Define loan offer(s)
 term, pricing
 required security structure, with guarantee(s)
 economic parameters: e.g., size, % own funds
 documentation requirements
• Prepare business plan, identify/implement initial deals, train branch
staff network
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Thank you
Dilip R. Limaye
Finance Team Leader
USAID PACE-D Technical Assistance Program
[email protected]