Transcript Document

Новопавловская общая средняя общеобразовательная школа

« Me and My World»

урок английского языка 9 класс учитель английского языка: Мухамбеткалиева Алия Сафаевна

Тема урока: «Me and My World» Цель: 1) Образовательная : повторить и закрепить грамматический материал по теме «Gerund(Герундий)»;обогащать словарный запас учащихся по теме «Activities»; 2) Развивающая : развивать навыки чтения,говорения,письма ; развивать стремление к знаниям ; 3) Воспитательная : прививать интерес к языку самостоятельность.

, познакомить учащихся с культурой и образом жизни жителей Великобритании;воспитывать Тип урока:обобщающий Методы:дифференцированные задания,тесты,взаимопроверка,таблица оценивания Оборудование : слайды , карточки , картинки,электронный учебник Структура урока: I .Organization moment (Организационный момент)2 min II. Warm-up (Речевая разминка)5 min III .Explanation of the grammar theme (Объяснение грамматической темы)5 min IV .Reading for information (texts) Чтение текста с извлечением информации) 6 min V .Comprehension check: answering the test-questions (Проверка понимания текста .Тест)10 min V I .Level tasks (Дифференцированные 3-х уровневые задания .Работа по карточкам)10 min VII. Summing up .”Have learnt strategy”(Подведение итогов урока)1 min VIII .Evaluation. Home-task (Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание. Самооценка)1 min

I. Organization moment. Greeting .Teacher acquaints the pupils with the main task of the lesson.

- Good morning, boys and girls ,sit down, please .I’m very glad to see you .I’m fine. And what about you ?Are you ready to work? Let’s begin our lesson.

II. Warm –up -What do you like ?

-- How often do you read ?

-- How many hours a day do you watch TV ?

-- What kinds of activities do you know ?

-- What can you do during holidays ?

Stamp collecting Horse racing skiing Activities painting knitting Rock climbing Playing chess

III. Explanation of grammar theme.


1. Gerunds: verb + ing. They act like nouns.

They are used after verbs: enjoy, consider, risk, can’t help, suggest: E.g. I enjoy driving a car.

2.Verb + prepositions: to look forward to, to insist on: E.g. My father insists on my studying English.

3.Adjectives + prepositions: to be fond of, to be sure of: Eg. I am fond of reading



Reading for information. While reading to the text pay attention to gerunds.


A resent survey in Europe discovered that people in Britain spend about 45 % of their free time watching television. 24% of their free time is spent on socialising , 22-23% on sport and hobbies, and 10% -on other aifivies. Hobbies are for interest and enjoyment. In England, some of the most popular hobbies are gardening, building models of cars and planes, collecting coins and knitting clothes. British people also love to go shopping and watch and play sport.


Harrods is a world famous supermarket department store in Knightsbridge, London, England. Charles Henry Harrod, a grocery wholesaler, opened in 1849. It is known for its expensive goods and excellent service. The Harrods store motto is «Omni a Omnibus Unique» which means. «All Things for all people everywhere» Harrods current owner Mohamed al Fayed spent 400 million on renovations in the 1980’s


Guy Fawkes Day is a holiday on November 5 th.

It is to celebrate a man called Guy Fawkes who tried along with twelve other men to blow up Parliament and kill the king in the 16 th century. People remember this day he was captured by burning a symbol of him and having a big fire and party.

Children love colorful night Festival.


Comprehension check: answering the test questions. Checking each other, self evaluation

Test yourself •

How many people spend their free time on hobbies and sports?

A) 10% B) 20% C) 45% D) 22-23% 2.

What are hobbies for?

a) for interest and enjoyment b) for making lots of money c) nothing really d) making friends 3.

What are the most popular hobbies in Britain?

a) writing books b) gardening building models of cars and planes c) motor racing d) drawing 4.

Where is Harrods?

a) in Kazakhstan b) in Moscow c) in London d) in Paris 5

. What is Harrods best known for?

a) expensive goods and excellent service b)Cars and bikes c) Toys and dolls d) Cheap goods and poor service 6.

What was the previous job of Harrods?

a) a teacher b) a department store worker c) a grocery wholesaler d) a baker 7.

What date is Guy Fawkes festival?

a) November 16 th b) November 30 th c) November 6 th d) November 5 th 8

. What did Guy Fawkes try to do?

a) kill the king b) kiss the king c) burn a symbol d) have a festival 9

When did Guy Fawkes live?

a) in 17 th century b) in 20 th century c) in 16 th century d) in 19 th century

10. When is Guy Fawkes festival celebrated?

a) in the morning b) in the evening c) at lunchtime d) at 3 am Students check each other and put marks. 5 correct answers – «3»; 6-7 correct answers – «4»; 8-10 correct answers «5»

VI.Level tasks: (Таблица оценивания) Level 1.

find the gerunds from the texts

Level 2.

Picture Story

Types of sports Hello my name is Peter I am a I go in for It is a very dangerous sport I spend all my free time in the My friend is keen on

He is very brave. Even can not stop him .He always says «Never say die» He spends all his time in the Alps .

Level 3.Test questions. Choose the right answer.


Выберите предложение с герундием: A)I am fond of collecting coins.

B) Students are collecting in the hall now.

C) Mr. Brown has been collecting stamps for 5 years already.

D) The driver collected the suitcase from the station.

E) Harry has just collected the new information.


Выберите правильную форму глагола: I love … chocolate.

A )Eat B) to eating C) ate D) eating E) eaten 3.

Выберите глагол в форме Gerund: A) Go B) going C) is going D) goes E) am going 4.

Выберите правильный вариант: A child stopped … .

A) Crying B) cried C) cries D) cry E) cry to 5.

Выберите предложение с герундием: A)I know that girl walking down the street.

B) As a rule Michael walks after busy day.

C) We are walking along the street now.

D) Ann likes to walk in the morning.


. Summing up «Нave learnt» strategy Students have practiced the usage of Gerund.

They were introduced with the culture of Great Britain and British way of life. During the lesson we were developing, speaking ,reading, listening and writing skills I think that students are interested in learning English


. Evaluation, home task: writing a composition «My hobby»