Aggression II: Situational Cues

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Aggression II: Situational Cues
To what extent is aggression a learned
• Genetic/biological factors contribute
• Learning also contributes
– Direct reinforcement
– Observational learning
• In natural environment
• Media
Situational cues to aggression:
Role models
• Albert Bandura’s Bobo doll studies
• IV: Adult model behaves aggressively or
not while child is doing an art activity
• DV: Preschool child’s behavior during free
• Results: Those who saw the aggressive
model behaved _____________than
those who did not.
• Social Learning: Social behavior can be
learned by observing others and imitating
Who do we observe?
• Aggressive models in everyday life
– Parents
– Teachers
– Peers
– Media figures
When people watch TV violence, are they more
likely to behave aggressively?
• (National Television Violence study, 1997)
• __________programs contain violence
• By end of elementary school, the avg child
watches about _______TV murders and
__________other violent acts
• Of the shows that contain violence, about
_____show aggression without remorse,
criticism, or penalty for that violence.
• About ______of the violent incidents on
TV in this study were initiated by
characters who were heroes or other
attractive role models for children.
Does watching violence on TV have any
bearing on what children actually do?
• The evidence is clear: Watching
violence on TV increases children's
aggressive behavior.
– Evidence from correlational studies, field
studies, and controlled laboratory
– Also true for violent video games
Longitudinal Studies of children (Eron &
• 875 children at age 8 to ages 19 and 30
• Violence viewing at age 8 ______________the
person was at age 19
• But behaving aggressively at age 8
___________________watching more
violence at age 19.
• At age 30, men who as children had watched
a great deal of violent television were
• ______________of a serious crime.
Correlational Limitations
• Prospective data, but still cannot be sure
of cause-and-effect
• 3rd variables: Kids w/more aggressive
tendencies might watch more aggressive
shows on TV and become more
aggressive later in life.
• Still, better than most correlational studies
because prospective & test many
alternative explanations.
Experimental evidence: Cause and
effect relationship
• The experimental evidence
overwhelmingly shows that watching
violence on TV does indeed increase
aggressive behavior in children.
Controlled experiments: Detection of a
cause-and-effect relationship
• Liebert and Baron
• Elementary school children (ages five to six and 8-9,
half boys, half girls)
• IV: extremely violent TV episode police drama (The
Untouchables) or exciting but nonviolent TV sporting
event (running, jumping)
• DV: “Hurting” or “helping” another child
• Children who watched the more violent show were
_____________those in the control group to
_______the other child and to play _____________in
later “free play” session.
Field studies
• Leyens and colleagues
• Delinquent boys watched different amounts
of media violence over an extended period of
• Most kids showed _______________
______________after being exposed to large
amounts of media violence than after
exposure to more benign programs.
____________kids who were LOW in
Studies of adults
• (Phillips, 1986)
• Daily homicide rates in the U.S.
_____________during the week
following a heavyweight boxing match.
• More publicity, greater __________in
• Homicides directed toward race
Studies of adults: General findings
• Numbing effect of TV violence
– Habituation/desensitization
• General findings: After watching violence in a
TV show, adults are _________physiologically
reactive to additional violence, and they
behave _______aggressively than those in
control groups.
Is viewing violent pornography related to
– Yes.
• Research by Neil Malamuth, Ed
Donnerstein and colleagues.
–Exposure to violent pornography
promotes greater acceptance of
sexual violence toward women &
more actual aggression.
Effects of violent pornography
• Donnerstein experiment
• Female confederate angered participants.
• IV: Men watched an aggressive-erotic film involving
rape, a purely erotic film without aggression, or a
neutral film that was neither aggressive nor erotic.
• DV: Administer electric shocks to the female
confederate when he or she gave incorrect answers
• Those men who had earlier seen the rape
subsequently administered the
________________to the
• Other work: Seeing violent pornography
___________aggression to
_________confederate but not to a
Ethical issues?
• Explain clearly what kinds of films the Ps
will be watching
• Ps give their full consent
• Extensively debrief by explaining the
differed experimental conditions, and
discussing the myths communicated in the
What is the effect of debriefing on men’s
• Other work: When college men were
shown a pornographic aggressive film
(vs. control), their belief in the rape
myth________. After full debriefing,
they became _____________of rape
myths than a control group.
Is viewing violent less sexually explicit material
(e.g., X-rated slasher films) related to
• Yes.
• Linz and colleagues exposed male
participants to as few as 2 slasher films
spaced two days apart. Compared to
nonviolent pornography and teen movies
w/sexual content.
• Compared men's emotional reactions and
perceptions of women after the first and
second films.
• After 2nd film, men showed
________emotional response to the
violent content of the film and found the
treatment of the women in the film
_______degrading than after the 1st film
Linz et al.
• TWO days later…”unrelated study”
involving reenactment of a rape trial:
• Perceptions of rape trial: Men exposed to
slasher films expressed _______ sympathy
for the rape victim in the trial than those who
had watched the nonviolent pornography or
teen films w/sexual content.
• Also, men exposed to the slasher films
expressed ______sympathy for the rape
victim in the trial, as well as _____ empathy
for rape victims in general.
• Combination of sex and violence
increases aggression and often increases
the acceptance of violence toward women.
Is viewing nonviolent pornography related to
aggression? To attitudes toward women?
– If mildly arousing, no.
– If highly arousing & pornographic, yes.
• Increases male to female aggression more than
male to male aggression.
Nonviolent pornography & aggression (Zillmann
and Bryant, 1984)
• IV: Exposed to large number of pornographic films
(Zillmann and Bryant, 1984) or not (neutral films or
no films)
• DV: Attitude toward rapist and rape (when reading
about rape trial)
• Exposure to large number of pornographic
associated w/_______ aggression by men and
women toward a same-sex confederate than
• Later: Those exposed to large number
recommended a __________for the rapist than did
controls; ______________
• _________MALE AND FEMALE students.
• Watching nonviolent pornography
increases male to female aggression more
than male to male aggression possibly
because the films
_______________women and indirectly
support more negative attitudes toward
How can we reduce violence and
• Conventional wisdom: Vent your feelings.
• Sometimes called “catharsis” – The idea
that behaving aggressively (hitting a
punching bag) or watching aggression
relieves and reduces pent-up aggressive
• Evidence suggests that
• Video clip on Brad Bushman’s research
(relevant ot catharsis)
How can we reduce aggression?
• Everyone who has gone to public school
knows that schoolyard bullying is a
pervasive problem. How might bullying be
• Aronson – jigsaw technique
• Argues that to reduce school violence
must eliminate ____________________of
most high schools.
• Teach ___________ skills
• Build ____________