BRUSHING UP ON VISUAL AIDS - BC Municipal Safety Association

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Transcript BRUSHING UP ON VISUAL AIDS - BC Municipal Safety Association

Heat Stress
Hazard identification
Risk Assessment
• Controls
• Heat Stress Illnesses
• First Aid
Training Objectives
• By the end of the session you will:
Know what heat stress is
Understand the WorkSafeBC Regulations
Understand the risks
Know how to control the risk
Be able to identify symptoms
Know first aid response
• Heat Stress
Net heat gain
Rise in body temperature
Heat cramps
Heat exhaustion
Heat Stroke
• Acclimatization
• Modification of body functions
• Copes more effectively and efficiently with
• Unacclimatized Worker
• Not accustomed to working in hot
• Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
• Engineering Controls
• Physical arrangements of work
• Alterations to the workplace
• Use of equipment, materials
• Administrative Controls
• Changing the way work is done
• Section 7.27 to 7.32
Measure and assess
Establish controls
Provide education and training
Provide responses to exposure
Special provisions for firefighters
• Employer
Conduct heat stress assessment
Provide controls
Maintain records
Ensure first aid available
• Managers / Supervisors
• Post signage
• Ensure workers are trained
• Supervisors
Ensure workers are aware of the risks
Be aware of workers’ acclimatization status
Address over-exposure
Provide PPE if required
• Workers
• Follow control measures and safe work
• Leave hot environments if symptoms
• Joint Health & Safety Committee
• Advise the employer
• Help evaluate workplace conditions
• Address worker complaints
• Help with investigations as required
• Conduct inspections as required
• Fire Department
Requirements for exemption from program
Instruction and training
Work procedures
Specialized PPE
Hazard Identification
• Hazard Identification considers:
• The environment
• Tasks being done
• Clothing and equipment used
Hazard Identification
• Identification of hazards includes review
Incident investigations and reports
Type of work being done
Environmental temperature conditions
Clothing and equipment used
Expressed worker concerns
Hazard Identification
• Review of Records and Statistics
Previously identified at risk work areas
Expressed concerns
Incident investigations
Incidents from other similar employers
Hazard Identification
• Workload
• Refer to handout
• Table 1 in the Heat Stress Program
Hazard Identification
• Environmental factors
Temperatures greater than 23°C
Indoor or outdoor job
Radiant heat – sunlight
Heat for entire shift?
Humidity levels
Hazard Identification
• Clothing
Affect evaporation of sweat
Affects body’s ability to remove heat
Are they permeable to air or water?
Multiple layers
Hazard Identification
• Personal Risk Factors
Lack of acclimatization
Poor physical fitness
Increased age
Pre-existing medical conditions
Hazard identification
• Personal Risk Factors – continued
Short term disorders and minor illness
Chronic skin disorders
Use of medication
Alcohol and drugs
Previous heat stroke
Risk Assessment
• Heat stress risk assessment
• Assessment factors
• Interpretation
• Supplementary measurements
Risk Assessment
• Assessment factors
Workload (Metabolic rating)
Environmental temperatures
Clothing and equipment
Risk Assessment
• Assessment
• Wet Bulb Globe Temperature or WBGT
• Interpretation of results
Controlling the Risk
• Engineering Controls
Reduce worker activity
Cover or insulate hot surfaces
Shield workers from radiant heat
Provide air conditioning
Provide fans
Reduce humidity
Controlling the Risk
• Administrative Controls
Acclimatize workers
Supervision of workers
Schedule work to minimize heat exposure
Dress appropriately
Controlling the risk
• Acclimatize workers
Controlling the Risk
• Supervise Workers
• Work in pairs or groups
• Ensure first aid is available
• Establish emergency procedures
Controlling the Risk
• Work Scheduling
• Work-Rest Cycles
• Schedule to minimize heat exposure
Controlling the Risk
• Re-Hydrate
• Must replenish fluid lost by sweat
• Drink continuously throughout day
• Employer must provide cool drinking water
Controlling the Risk
• Clothing
• Suitable for the conditions
• Loose fitting
• Breathability
Heat Stress Illnesses
• Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
• Heat Cramps
• Heat Exhaustion
• Heat Stroke
Heat Stress Illnesses
• Heat Cramps – Symptoms
• Excessive sweating
• Painful muscle cramps
Heat Stress Illnesses
• Heat Cramps – Causes
• Dehydration
• Loss of salt (electrolytes)
Heat Stress Illnesses
• Heat Cramps – Treatment
• Move to cool area
• Loosen clothing
• Drink cool, salted water
Heat Stress Illnesses
• Heat Exhaustion – Symptoms
Shallow respiration
Increased respiratory rate
Weak, rapid pulse
Cool, pale, clammy skin
Weakness, fatigue dizziness
Headache / nausea / fainting / cramps
Heat Stress Illnesses
• Heat Exhaustion – Causes
• Insufficient water intake
• Insufficient salt intake
• Break down in body’s cooling system
Heat Stress Illnesses
• Heat Exhaustion – Treatment
• Move to cooler area
• Provide cool water to drink
Heat Stress Illnesses
• Heat Stroke – Symptoms
Hot, dry, flushed skin
Absence of sweating
Agitation, confusion
Decreased level of consciousness
Nausea and vomiting
Seizures, shock, cardiac arrest
Heat Stress Illnesses
• Heat Stroke – Causes
Body overheats
Above 41C body sweating stops
Body temperature continues to rise
Cannot dissipate heat
Heat Stress Illnesses
• Heat Stroke – Treatment
Maintain airway, breathing, circulation
Move to coolest place available
Lay worker down
Remove outer clothing
Apply cold water to worker
Provide fluids if conscious
Transport to medical aid
Heat Stress Illnesses
• Prevention - for all heat stress illnesses
Reduce activity levels in hot weather
Ensure you are getting enough salt
Drink fluids throughout the workday
Ensure you are acclimatized
Watch out for each other
Heat Stress Illnesses
• Fluid replacement
Thirst is not an indicator
Once dehydrated hard to catch up
Drink 150 ml every 15 minutes
Use electrolyte replacement
Do not use salt tablets
• We have discussed:
• Definitions
• WorkSafeBC regulatory requirements
• Responsibilities
• We have discussed – continued
Identification of hazards
Assessment of risks
Risk Control
Symptoms, causes and treatment of heat
stress illnesses