Daily Oral Language Week 5

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Transcript Daily Oral Language Week 5

Daily Oral Language Week 6 M. Greene

Day 1 Correct the Sentences Below

ive took the long poem tintern abbey to read tonight i should of began it sooner dont you think because kurt has throwed successful passes many times he was chose to represent the school in the magazine called football

Types of Errors

Day 1 Correct the Sentences Below Types of Errors

ive took the long poem tintern abbey to read tonight i should of began it sooner dont you think

Apostrophes, Verbs, Proper noun, Underline, semicolon, capitalization, Enunciation, Comma, Question mark

because kurt has throwed successful passes many times he was chose to represent the school in the magazine called football

Proper nouns, Verbs, Comma

(introductory adverbial clause), Underline

Day 1 Correct the Sentences Below Types of Errors I’



the long poem

Tintern Abbey

to read tonight

; I





n it sooner you think





Apostrophes, Verbs, Proper noun, Underline, semicolon, capitalization, Enunciation, Comma, Question mark B



urt has throw


successful passes many times


he was chose


to represent the school in the magazine called


Proper nouns, Verbs, Comma

(introductory adverbial clause), Underline

Diagramming a Sentence

My mom and dad yelled at me for many hours.

Subject-Verb Agreement

1. Every variety of parrot, macaw, and cockatoo (is, are) a member of the family Psittacidae.

2. The birds of this family (varies, vary) in length from three to forty inches.

3. Other relatives in this family (includes, include) lories, cockatiels, and conures.

4. A relatively large head in proportion to the body (distinguishes, distinguish) these birds.

5. Most members of the family (has, have) short, round tails.

6. The toughest of nuts (represents, represent) little challenge for their large, hooked bills.

7. Birds in this family, without exception, (uses, use) their beaks like a third foot when climbing.

8. One of their unique features (is, are) their special feet.

9. This foot, with two toes pointing forward and two toes pointing backward, (gives, give) them greater dexterity than any other group of birds.

10.Most tropical regions of the Southern Hemisphere (houses, house) parrot families, too.

Linking Verbs

1. The biggest attraction in town (remains, remain) the antique shops.

2. The antique shops (remains, remain) the biggest attraction in town.

3. The mint in the Lascombe Gardens (smells, smell) good, even from two blocks away.

4. Comic strip characters (was, were) the theme at the banquet.

5. The first topic (was, were) accidents in the home.

Inverted Sentences

1. Under the bush (sit, sits) a rabbit.

2. Under the bush (sit, sits) three rabbits.

3. Under the tree (lurks, lurk) the hungry cats.

4. There (go, goes) Oko’s sisters.

5. Inside that house (was, were) the object of my affections.

6. Beside the fence (grows, grow) black raspberries.

7. Except for Tamiko, (has, have) all the others paid the fee?

8. Here (comes, come) on of the prettiest floats in the parade.

9. On top of the car (was, were) perched three pigeons.

10.There (sits, sit) his forgotten papers.

Special Subjects

1. The flock (is, are) ready to be sheared.

2. The flock (is, are) sheared one at a time.

3. Our team (is, are) the best.

4. Our team (is, are) all seniors.

5. Mumps (is, are) a painful childhood disease.

6. The scissors (is, are) on the shelf.

7. Politics (is, are) a challenging field.

8. Her politics (is, are) confusing to many people.

9. Nine dollars (is, are) the price.

10.Nine dollars (was, were) found under the bleachers.

11.“Flowers for Algernon” (is, are) a fantastic short story based on science.

12.“Cycles” (is, are) my favorite poem.

Compound Subjects

1. Cheese and crackers (is, are) a favorite snack.

2. Her friend and mentor (believes, believe) she will win the election.

3. The man and the woman (is, are) co-chairpersons.

4. Both Ali and Eduardo (enjoys, enjoy) soccer.

5. Either the coach or a player (is, are) commenting.

6. Neither the players nor the coach (is, are) commenting.

7. Neither the coach nor the players (is, are) commenting.

8. Many a dog and cat (has, have) passed through the shelter.

9. Each boy and girl (has, have) a locker.

10.Every worker and supervisor (is, are) united on this issue.

Intervening Expressions

1. Oko, together with Toby and Cara, (enjoys, enjoy) the hobby of stamp collecting.

2. The beauty of stamps, plus the large variety, (is, are) the reason that Toby prefers a general collection.

3. Cara, as well as other horse lovers, (likes, like) to collect stamps depicting horses.

4. Dabblers, along with serious collectors, (meets, meet) monthly to share their hobby with others who have similar interests.

5. One member, along with his son, (has, have) a collection of nearly 50,000 stamps.

Correct the Sentences Below

the book call of the wild is frequently studied in english classes mr loren stated today

Day 2

dad he wont leave me and sandy take johns bike on westwood highway this tuesday

Types of Errors

Correct the Sentences Below

the book call of the wild is frequently studied in english classes mr loren stated today

Day 2 Types of Errors Quotation marks, proper nouns, underline, proper adjective, comma, period

dad he wont leave me and sandy take johns bike on westwood highway this tuesday

Single vs. double subject, Apostrophes, Words often confused, pronoun, proper nouns

Correct the Sentences Below “T

he book Call of the Wild is frequently studied in


nglish classes

,” M


. L

oren stated today


Day 2 Types of Errors Quotation marks, proper nouns, underline, proper adjective, comma, period D

ad won

t me take


let Sandy and ohn

s bike on




ighway this




Single vs. double subject, Apostrophes, Words often confused, pronoun, proper nouns

You try…

John and Hector are going to the park, but their sisters are staying home.

Correct the Sentences Below

usually you write good but today you have to many short paragraphs in youre paper

Day 3

to be a recognized runner youll have to run farther then lori has ran said coach smither

Types of Errors

Correct the Sentences Below

usually you write good but today you have to many short paragraphs in youre paper

Day 3 Types of Errors Adverb, comma, homophones

to be a recognized runner youll have to run farther then lori has ran said coach smither

Quotation marks, Commas, Apostrophe, Spelling Error, Proper nouns

Correct the Sentences Below U

sually you write


but today you have


many short paragraphs in




Day 3 Types of Errors Adverb, comma, homophones “T

o be a recognized runner



ll have to run farther th


n r








ori has




Quotation marks, Commas, Apostrophe, Spelling Error, Proper nouns


Sarah talked quite loudly even though she was in the library.

Day 4 Correct the Sentences Below

i was so tired i wanted too lay down my mother she suggested that i ate later

Types of Errors

the woman was requested to do these things first sample the Product second write a report and third she was asked to mail the report to the company

Yes, I know you have done this one before. Do it again and see if you can be perfect!

Day 4 Correct the Sentences Below Types of Errors

i was so tired i wanted too lay down my mother she suggested that i ate later

Capitalization, Homophone, Words often confused, semicolon, single vs. double subject, verb

the woman was requested to do these things first sample the Product second write a report and third she was asked to mail the report to the company

Colon, commas, common noun, semicolons, parallelism

Correct the Sentences Below I

was so tired later




to lie



my mother suggested that

I eat Day 4 Types of Errors Capitalization, Homophone, Words often confused, semicolon, single vs. double subject, verb T

he woman was requested to do these things




sample the






write a report


and third


mail the report to the company


Yes, I know you have done this one before. Do it again and see if you can be perfect!

Mariah and her mother went to the store and bought groceries.