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24 CFR Part 92
What is HOME?
The Home Investment Partnerships
(HOME) Program was created as part of
the Cranston-Gonzalez National
Affordable Housing Act of 1990
 HOME funds are block granted to state
and local Participating Jurisdictions
(PJs) for the purpose of creating
affordable housing
 Since
2010, Congress has steadily
reduced funding for the HOME program
 In 2010, the State of Kansas received
approximately $8.7M
 In 2015, we anticipate about $4M
 A funding bill under consideration this
week proposes a 17% cut for 2016
KHRC – Eligible Activities
 Rental
Housing Development
Housing Development
HOME can be used with Low Income
Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), FHLBank,
USDA Rural Development, etc.
Acquisition, new construction,
KHRC – Eligible Activities
 Tenant
Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
and deposit assistance.
Administered by PHAs, non-profit
HOME provides the difference between
gross rent and 30% of tenant income.
KHRC – Eligible Activities
 First
Time Homebuyer Program
payment assistance for home
Available through participating lenders
80% of AMI; must qualify for loan
HOME Eligible (KHRC does not do)
 New
construction or rehab of housing
for owner occupancy
 Homeowner rehabilitation
after 2011 due to
reduction in HOME funds
Who Are The Beneficiaries?
 Low
Income households
payment assistance goes to
households up to 80% of AMI
Rental housing is initially restricted at
60% of AMI, or lower
TBRA is restricted at 60% of AMI, but
preference for lower income targeting
Rental Housing Development
 Applications
for funding are currently
restricted to Community Housing
Development Organizations (CHDOs)
must meet requirements for:
income representation and input
and capacity
Rental Housing Development
 Applications
due in February.
 Up to $500,000
 Priorities for things like:
lower income and rents
Leveraging other sources of funds
Design (accessibility, energy efficiency,
safe rooms, etc.)
Location and housing need
Acquisition/rehab project serves people with disabilities,
HOME, LIHTC and existing project based rental assistance
Infill duplexes, Topeka – Energy Star construction
HOME and private debt
Bartell Hotel – Senior Housing – Junction City
HOME, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Historic Tax Credits, USDA loan and rental assistance
Transitional Housing for Homeless Families - Topeka
HOME funds from KHRC and the City of Topeka
Affordability Period
 New
construction – 20 Years
 Rehabilitation – 5, 10 or 15 years
on amount of HOME $ per
HOME Rental Projects
 Since
1992, HOME funds from KHRC
have supported the development of
about 170 rental projects in Kansas
Transitional Housing
can be used for permanent or
transitional housing
for shelters, dormitories or
student housing
Tenant Protections
 In
general, participation in services
cannot be required
 Permanent housing requires a
minimum 12 month lease (except by
mutual agreement)
Transitional Housing
 Lease
can be terminated or nonrenewed for:
of transitional tenancy
Failure to participate in supportive
services designed to promote self
Program design must be approved
Tenant Based Rental Assistance
provides approximately $1.2M
for TBRA annually (subject to funding)
 Applicants can be PHAs, local units of
government and non-profit
can provide:
rental assistance
Security deposit assistance
Utility deposit assistance
in conjunction with security
deposit assistance
Tenant Eligibility
 Households
at or below 60% of Area
Median Income (HOME limits published
annually by HUD)
 Priority for funding programs targeting
lower incomes, homeless households,
Housing - TBRA
 Grantee
must adopt occupancy
standards for household size/ number
of bedrooms
 Housing must pass HQS inspection
 Rent is subject to a ‘rent standard’ to
ensure rent reasonableness
Rental Assistance - TBRA
uses the HUD ‘Voucher Model’ to
determine assistance amount
 Assistance is the difference between
the Payment Standard (rent standard)
and 30% of household adjusted income
 Participants can remain on a Section 8
waiting list, and should move to
Section 8 when possible
Lease and TBRA renewal
12 month lease is required
 Rental assistance can be for up to 24
months, and can be renewed
TBRA – Administrative Expenses
 Some
project delivery costs
(inspections, income certifications)
can be charged to the grant
 KHRC provides an Admin allowance to
 KHRC formula ensures 7% total for the
above two items
First Time Home Buyer Program
provides HOME funds for down
payment assistance
to 80% of Area Median Income
Subject to HUD purchase price limits
Existing homes only
Must pass inspection
will record a second mortgage
 15-20% of purchase price
 Buyer must contribute at least 2%
 Loan is forgiven over time
 Home must be primary residence and
remain as such
National Housing Trust Fund
 In
2008, Congress created the National
Housing Trust Fund as part of the
Housing and Economic Recovery Act
 Funding was to come from a fee
charged on new business of Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac
 The
banking crisis of 2008 hit Fannie
and Freddie, prevent any contributions
 Suspension of contributions was lifted
in December 2014
 Funding is anticipated to being in 2016
 Interim
Rule was published on January
30, 2015 (24 CFR Part 93)
 Congress’ budget deliberations are
once again putting the NHTF in
NHTF – Eligible Activities
 Rental
housing development
homeownership is eligible
Not a likely activity initially
New construction
NOT rental assistance
NHTF Targeting
 Initially,
all housing is restricted to
‘Extremely Low Income’ households at or below 30% of Area Median Income
 If funding exceeds certain thresholds,
some may be used for households up
to 50% of AMI
 HUD will publish rent limits
NHTF – Program Design
will follow HOME program rules
with some exceptions
 Mandatory affordability period is 30
years (HOME is up to 20)
 May be used with other sources
NHTF – Program Design
 Rental
assistance is not eligible
 Limited operating assistance is eligible
 No match requirement
 State can determine per-unit subsidy
limits (HOME is subject to HUD limits)