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"If you can't imitate him, don't copy him."
"Baseball is 90 percent mental. The other half is physical."
"You can observe a lot by watching."
"In baseball, you don't know nothing."
"A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore."
"It's deja vu all over again."
"If you come to a fork in the road, take it."
"I usually take a two-hour nap, from
one o'clock to four."
"If the people don't want to come out to
the park, nobody's going to stop them."
"Why buy good luggage? You only use
it when you travel."
"Think! How the hell are you gonna
think and hit at the same time?"
"I didn't really say everything I said."
• Pick a common task
– Start a car. Microwave some popcorn.. Etc.
• List all the steps necessary to complete
the task
• Watch someone do the task
• Did what they do match your task
The Task-Centered Design Process
• figure out who's going to use the system to
do what
• choose representative tasks for taskcentered design
• Plagiarize (intelligent borrowing)
• rough out a design
• think about it
• create a mock-up or prototype
• Getting requirements right is crucial
• There are different kinds of requirement, each
is significant for interaction design
• The most commonly-used techniques for data
gathering are: questionnaires, interviews, focus
groups, direct observation, studying
documentation and researching similar products
• Personas, scenarios, use cases and essential use
cases can be used to articulate existing and
envisioned work practices.
• Task analysis techniques such as HTA help to
investigate existing systems and practices
Use Case
A use case is a sequence of actions that provide a
measurable value to an actor. Another way to look at it is a
use case describes a way in which a real-world actor interacts
with the system. In a system use case you include high-level
implementation decisions. System use cases can be written
in both an informal manner and a formal manner. Techniques
for identifying use cases are discussed as well as how to
remain agile when writing use cases.
• Archetypal characters created to
represent the needs and goals of the
people for whom the product will be
• Defining functionality to satisfy the goals
of a real person, rather than an abstract
notion of "the user," enables you to avoid
development roadblocks caused by personal
preferences or biases.
• Describe how people behave – not job descriptions.
– Multiple persons w/same job or same person w/multiple
• Add life to the personas, but remember they're
design tools first
• Use the right goals
– Life goals (e.g. retire at 50)
• Use rarely
– Experience goals (e.g. avoid feeling stupid)
• Use when specific to the interface product
– End goals ( e.g. produce nice looking report)
• Should be the main focus
Perfecting your personas
Origin of Personas
Persona-based vs Use case
• Use cases are expressed at the fuctional/
transactional level.
– Low level: User action – System action
• Persona-based are expressed at the
behavioral level
– How the system needs to order the
presentation and react to user input is more
The Task-Centered Design Process
• figure out who's going to use the system to
do what
• choose representative tasks for taskcentered design
• Plagiarize (intelligent borrowing)
• rough out a design
• think about it
• create a mock-up or prototype
Creating the Initial Design
• The foundation of good interface design is:
• Reasons:
– unlikely that ideas you come up with will be as
good as the best ideas you could borrow
– many of your users may already understand
interface features that you borrow
– save you tremendous effort in design and
implementation and often in maintenance as well
Legal issues
• Things you certainly can copy (unless rights
have been sold)
– Anything produced by your company
– Things you've written earlier for the your
current company
– Things recommended in the style guide for the
system you're developing under
– Things supplied as examples/prototypes in a
commercial toolkit, programming language, or
user-interface management system
Legal issues
• Things you can probably copy
– ``Common'' ideas, such as windows as the
boundaries of concurrent work sessions, menus
for selecting commands, an arrow-shaped
pointer controlled by a mouse, graphical icons
to represent software objects
– Sequences or arrangements of menu items,
commands, screens, etc., if the original program
clearly orders the sequence to improve usability
or if there is only one or a very few other ways
that it could be arranged
– Icons ideas, commands, menu items, or other
words that are obvious choices for the function
they represent
Legal issues
• Things you can probably not copy
– Sequences or arrangements of menu items,
commands, screens, etc., if you're only copying
the sequence order because it will make it
easier for users of someone else's existing
program to use your new program.
– Iconns, commands, menu items, or other words
that are not an obvious choice to describe their
function, even if they would make your program
more usable for users of the original program.
Legal issues
• Things you can certainly not copy (unless you get
– Things you've written earlier for a different company
– An entire interface from another company's program,
even if you implement it with all new code
– An entire detailed screen from another company's
– Source code or object code from another company's
program, even if you translate it into a different
– Trademarks from other companies.
– Patented features. Unfortunately, there's no easy way
to discover what's patented
– Exact bitmaps of icons, words, or fonts
– Graphic details that define an interface's aesthetic look.
Work Within Existing Interface
• such as Macintosh, Motif, Windows, (Java
for all) Manufactures encourage this.
• advantages of working in an existing
framework are overwhelming - think twice
about participating in a project where you
won't be using one
• STYLE GUIDE describes the various
interface features of the framework, such
as menus, buttons, standard editable fields
and the like
Microsoft Guidelines
Make Use of Existing Applications
• e.g. make your interface on top of Excel or
Copy Interaction Techniques From
Other Systems
• look at what other applications are doing
• become familiar with leading applications
• learn WHY things are done the way they
– e.g. why tool palettes and not pull down menus
Conceptual Design?
• I'm sorry, Cupertino, but Microsoft has nailed it.
Windows Phone 7 feels like an iPhone from the
future. The UI has the simplicity and elegance of
Apple's industrial design, while the iPhone's UI
still feels like a colorized Palm Pilot.
• That doesn't mean that the Windows Phone 7's
user experience would be better than Apple's. The
two user interface concepts—data-centric vs
function-centric—are very different, and the
former is quite a radical departure from what
people are used to.
Paradigms in HCI
• The predominant 80s paradigm was to design usercentred applications for the single user on the
• Shift in thinking occured in the mid 90s
• Many technological advances led to a new
generation of user–computer environments
– e.g., virtual reality, multimedia, agent interfaces,
ubiquitous computing
• Effect of moving interaction design ‘beyond the
desktop’ resulted in many new challenges,
questions, and phenomena being considered
Interface types
• Many, many kinds now
1980s interfaces
1990s interfaces
Advanced graphical (multimedia, virtual reality, information visualization)
Speech (voice)
Pen, gesture, and touch
2000s interfaces
Augmented and mixed reality
Traditional Interaction styles
Command language (or command entry)
Form fill-in
Menu Selection
Direct Manipulations
Interaction (Dialog) Design
• Dialog between the computer and the user
• Supports work & task flow analysis
• Describes how the task will get done with
the computer
• Issues
Freedom to choose or highly constrained
Windows and Dialogs
Command interfaces
• Commands such as abbreviations (e.g., ls)
typed in at the prompt to which the system
responds (e.g., listing current files)
• Some are hard wired at keyboard, e.g.,
• Efficient, precise, and fast
• Large overhead to learning set of
Command language
Command Language
• Flexible.
• Appeals to expert users.
• Supports creation of user-defined "scripts" or macros.
• Is suitable for interacting with networked computers even
with low bandwidth.
• Retention of commands is generally very poor.
• Learnability of commands is very poor.
• Error rates are high.
• Error messages and assistance are hard to provide because
of the diversity of possibilities plus the complexity of
mapping from tasks to interface concepts and syntax.
• Not suitable for non-expert users.
Research and design issues
• Form, name types and structure are key
research questions
• Consistency is most important design
– e.g., always use first letter of command
• Command interfaces popular for web
QuickT ime™ and a
T IFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see thi s picture.
Form Fill-in
• Simplifies data entry.
• Shortens learning in that
the fields are predefined
and need only be
• Guides the user via the
predefined rules.
• Consumes screen space.
• Usually sets the scene for
rigid formalization of the
business processes.
Windows (history)
• Why do we have all those little rectangles
on the screen?
• Xerox PARC invented: mouse, rectangular
window, scrollbar, push-button, objectoriented programming, pulldown menus…
• Steve Jobs and Bill Gates saw and copied.
– Apple: graphics Microsoft: objects
WIMP/GUI interfaces
• Xerox Star first WIMP -> rise to GUIs
• Windows
– could be scrolled, stretched, overlapped, opened, closed,
and moved around the screen using the mouse
• Icons
– represented applications, objects, commands, and tools
that were opened when clicked on
• Menus
– offering lists of options that could be scrolled through
and selected
• Pointing device
– a mouse controlling the cursor as a point of entry to the
windows, menus, and icons on the screen
• Same basic building blocks as WIMPs but
more varied
– Color, 3D,sound, animation,
– Many types of menus, icons, windows
• New graphical elements, e.g.,
– toolbars, docks, rollovers
• Windows were invented to overcome
physical constraints of a computer display,
enabling more information to be viewed and
tasks to be performed
• Scroll bars within windows also enable more
information to be
• Multiple windows can make it difficult to
find desired one, so techniques used
– Listing, iconising, shrinking
PARC’s Principles
• Visual metaphor - pictures used to
represent functions and commands
• Modeless - mode: a state of the program
that changes the effects of user actions
– Considered extremely harmful (for commandline ui’s)
• Overlapping Windows - clear way of moving
from different parts of a program
– but actually get in the way of usability when
there are too many and get lost (thus the task
Research and design issues
• Window management
– enabling users to move fluidly between
different windows (and monitors)
• How to switch attention between them to
find information needed without getting
• Design principles of spacing, grouping, and
simplicity should be used
Menu selection
A menu is a set of options displayed on the screen where the selection and
execution of one (or more) of the options results in a state change of the interface
• Ideal for novice or intermittent users.
• Can appeal to expert users if display and selection mechanisms are
rapid and if appropriate "shortcuts" are implemented.
• Affords exploration (users can "look around" in the menus for the
appropriate command, unlike having to remember the name of a
command and its spelling when using command language.)
• Structures decision making.
• Allows easy support of error handling as the user's input does not
have to be parsed (as with command language).
• Too many menus may lead to information overload or complexity of
discouraging proportions.
• May be slow for frequent users.
• May not be suited for small graphic displays.
• A number of menu interface styles
– flat lists, drop-down, pop-up, contextual, and expanding
ones, e.g., scrolling and cascading
• Flat menus
– good at displaying a small number of options at the same
time and where the size of the display is small, e.g., iPods
– but have to nest the lists of options within each other,
requiring several steps to get to the list with the desired
– moving through previous screens can be tedious
iPod flat menu structure
Expanding menus
• Enables more options to be shown on a
single screen than is possible with a single
flat menu
• More flexible navigation, allowing for
selection of options to be done in the same
• Most popular are cascading ones
– primary, secondary and even tertiary menus
– downside is that they require precise mouse control
– can result in overshooting or selecting wrong options
Cascading menu
Contextual menus
• Provide access to often-used commands
that make sense in the context of a
current task
• Appear when the user presses the Control
key while clicking on an interface element
(or right mouse button)
– e.g., clicking on a photo in a website together with holding
down the Control key results in options ‘open it in a new
window,’ ‘save it,’ or ‘copy it’
• Helps overcome some of the navigation
problems associated with cascading menus
Research and design issues
• What are best names/labels/phrases to
• Placement in list is critical
– Quit and save need to be far apart
• Many international guidelines exist
emphasizing depth/breadth, structure and
– e.g. ISO 9241
Direct manipulation
Direct manipulation captures the
idea of “direct manipulation of
the object of interest”
(Shneiderman 1983: p. 57),
which means that objects of
interest are represented as
distinguishable objects in the
UI and are manipulated in a
direct fashion.
• Visibility of the object of
• Rapid, reversible, incremental
• Replacement of complex
command language syntax by
direct manipulation of the
object of interest.
Drag and drop files
One of the earliest commercially available
direct manipulation interfaces was MacPaint
Direct Manipulation
Visually presents task concepts.
Easy to learn.
Errors can be avoided more easily.
Encourages exploration.
High subjective satisfaction.
Recognition memory (as opposed to cued or free recall memory)
• May be more difficult to program.
• Not suitable for small graphic displays.
• Spatial and visual representation is not always preferable.
• Metaphors can be misleading since the “the essence of metaphor is
understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of
another” (Lakoff and Johnson 1983: p. 5), which, by definition,
makes a metaphor different from what it represents or points to.
• Compact notations may better suit expert users.
“Don’t Mode me in”
• UNIX ‘vi’ is an example of “evil” modes
– same actions have different meanings
depending on context
– ‘edit’ replaces your file with ‘t’
• Paint programs are a good example of
“good” modes.
– Modes are visible
Rules for modes
Use modes consistently
Do not initiate modes unexpectedly
Make modes visible
Make it easy to escape modes
… without consequences.
Reasons the Mac was successful
• It defined a tightly restricted but flexible
vocabulary for users to communicate with
applications, based on a very simple set of mouse
• It offered sophisticated direct manipulation of
rich visual objects on the screen.
• It used square pixels at high resolution, which
enabled the screen to match printed out- put very
closely, especially the output of Apple's other new
product: the laser printer. (WYSIWYG)
Use interface idioms.
The exam will be “a piece of cake”
• One of the most
important reasons why
those first GUIs were
better was that they
were the first user
interfaces to restrict
the range of their
vocabulary for
communication with
the user.
A list of common English idioms
Interaction Design
• Try to decide how many windows (dialogs)
• Keep them to a minimum
• Be careful of data-centric designs
– interrupt task flow with data integrity tasks
• Be careful of process-centric designs
– may violate business rules
• Look for user-centric designs
– anticipating errors and likely situations
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the catalog
Add Add
Inteaction design issues
• Minimum effort decision flow
– make the most common path easy
– may be contrary to keeping related things
– finding the common path is not easy and again
requires that we understand the user
• Decide what goes into each window
– identify a “base state” for main window
• main objects and functions
• build function controls in the window where they are
– Stack or sequence of modal windows?
Allocating controls to windows
• Good visibility -strong mapping imply:
– # of controls match # of functions
– minimize # of controls keeping easy appearance
• Guidelines
– present the minimum to complete the common
– provide clear cues for the exceptional cases
Modal, zoomed, maximized
iconized, minimized, closed
MDI (multi-document interface) vs SDI
Tabbed dialogs to reduce complexity
– also ‘fold-out’ panes
Message boxes
• Not as easy to program as they look
• Some rules
message must be simple and use good grammar
the answers must make sense as responses
the answers must be distinguishable
the message must contain all relevant
– the message should identify which application
Palettes Vs Menus
• Palette selections can manage MODES
– Good for doing one thing multiple times
– Feedback though cursor change and palette
– Easy to switch modes.
• Menu selections should not change modes
– Modes not as visible
– Hard to specify graphical parameters of menu selections
• So... use a tool palette in your application if:
– you have operations that are often repeated
– you can think of good icons for them
– they require mouse interaction after the selection of
the operation to specify fully what the operation does.
Toolbars Vs Menus
• Toolbars are visible and immediate while
menus are not
• Menus are for the newcomer - Toolbars
should be designed to provide fast access
to frequent commands for the expert
• Toolbars use icons for compactness Menus use words for explanation.
• Therefore toolbars need explanation
(tooltips) but Menus do not.
Two guidelines for design
• 1. Provide a good conceptual model
– allows user to predict the effects of our actions
– problem:
• designer’s conceptual model communicated to user through system
– appearance, written instructions, system behaviour through interaction,
– transfer, idioms and stereotypes
• if system image does not make model clear and
consistent, user will develop wrong conceptual model
User's model
Two guidelines for design
• 2. Make things visible
– relations between user’s intentions, required
actions, and results are
• sensible
• non arbitrary
• meaningful
– visible affordances, mappings, and constraints
– use visible cultural idioms
– reminds person of what can be done and how to do
Interface metaphors
• Interface designed to be similar to a physical
entity but also has own properties
– e.g. desktop metaphor, web portals
• Can be based on activity, object or a combination
of both
• Exploit user’s familiar knowledge, helping them to
understand ‘the unfamiliar’
• Conjures up the essence of the unfamiliar activity,
enabling users to leverage of this to understand
more aspects of the unfamiliar functionality
Benefits of interface metaphors
• Makes learning new systems easier
• Helps users understand the underlying
conceptual model
• Can be very innovative and enable the realm
of computers and their applications to be
made more accessible to a greater
diversity of users
Problems with interface metaphors
• Break conventional and cultural rules
– e.g. recycle bin placed on desktop
• Can constrain designers in the way they
conceptualize a problem space
• Conflict with design principles
• Forces users to only understand the system in
terms of the metaphor
• Designers can inadvertently use bad existing
designs and transfer the bad parts over
• Limits designers’ imagination in coming up with new
conceptual models
Conceptual models: from
interaction mode to style
• Interaction mode:
– what the user is doing when interacting with a system,
e.g. instructing, talking, browsing or other
• Interaction style:
– the kind of interface used to support the mode, e.g.
speech, menu-based, gesture
Traditional Interaction styles
Command language (or command entry)
Form fill-in
Menu Selection
Direct Manipulations
Many kinds of interaction styles
Form fill-in
Augmented reality
Which interaction style to choose?
• Need to determine requirements and user
• Take the budget and other constraints into
• Also will depend on suitability of
technology for activity being supported
• This topic will be covered more later when
discuss how to actually design conceptual
Examples of new paradigms
Ubiquitous computing (mother of them all)
Pervasive computing
Wearable computing
Tangible bits, augmented reality
Attentive environments
Transparent computing
– and many more….
Two examples: BlueEyes (IBM) and
Cooltown (HP)
• Visionary approaches for developing novel
conceptual paradigms
The real future?