IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto

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Multicultural Library Manifesto
Understanding the Manifesto: A Workshop
Multicultural Library Manifesto
• Written by the IFLA Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section.
• The Section brings together libraries and institutions interested in the
development and availability of library services designed to meet the
needs of cultural and linguistic minorities.
• Approved by the IFLA Governing Board in August 2006 and adopted by
UNESCO at its 35th Session in October 2009.
IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto
The Manifesto Preamble
• “Cultural Diversity” or “Multiculturalism”
– the harmonious co-existence and interaction of different cultures;
– culture is the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and
emotional features of society or a social group;
– it encompasses literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value
systems, traditions and beliefs.
• Cultural diversity or multiculturalism is the foundation of our collective
strength in our local communities and in our global society.
• The definition is based on the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural
Diversity (2001).
IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto
Each individual in our global society has the right to a full range of library and
information services. In addressing cultural and linguistic diversity, libraries
• Serve all members of the community without discrimination based on
cultural and linguistic heritage;
• Provide information in appropriate languages and scripts;
• Give access to a broad range of materials and services reflecting all
communities and needs;
• Employ staff to reflect the diversity of the community, who are trained to
work with and serve diverse communities.
IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto
Missions of Multicultural Library Services (1)
• Promoting awareness of the positive value of cultural diversity and
fostering cultural dialogue;
• Encouraging linguistic diversity and respect for the mother tongue;
• Facilitating the harmonious coexistence of several languages, including
learning of several languages from an early age;
• Safeguarding linguistic and cultural heritage and giving support to
expression, creation and dissemination in all relevant languages;
• Supporting the preservation of oral tradition and intangible cultural
IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto
Missions of Multicultural Library Services (2)
• Supporting inclusion and participation of persons and groups from all
diverse cultural backgrounds;
• Encouraging information literacy in the digital age, and the mastering of
information and communication technologies;
• Promoting linguistic diversity in cyberspace;
• Encouraging universal access to cyberspace;
• Supporting the exchange of knowledge and best practices with regard to
cultural pluralism.
IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto
Management and Operation
• The core activities of library and information services for culturally and
linguistically diverse communities are central, not “separate” or
“additional”, and should always be designed to meet local or specific
• The library should have a policy and a strategic plan, defining its mission,
objectives, priorities and services related to cultural diversity.
• Cooperation with relevant user groups and professionals at local,
national or international level should be encouraged.
IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto
Core Actions
• Develop culturally diverse and multilingual collections and services,
including digital and multimedia resources;
• Allocate resources for the preservation of cultural expression and
heritage, paying particular attention to oral, indigenous and intangible
cultural heritage;
• Include programmes supporting user education, information literacy
skills, newcomer resources, cultural heritage and cross-cultural dialogue
as integral parts of the services;
• Provide access to library resources in appropriate languages through
information organization and access systems;
• Develop marketing and outreach materials in appropriate media and
languages to attract different groups to the library.
IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto
• The library staff is the active intermediary between users and resources.
• Professional education and continuing training focused on services to
multicultural communities, crosscultural communication and sensitivity,
anti-discrimination, cultures and languages should be provided.
• The staff of a multicultural library should reflect the cultural and linguistic
characteristics of the community to ensure cultural awareness, reflect
the community the library serves, and encourage communication.
IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto
Funding, Legislation and Networks
• Governments and other decision-making bodies are urged to
establish and fund libraries and library systems to offer free library and
information services to culturally diverse communities.
• All libraries involved in activities in this field must participate in local,
national or international networks in policy development.
• Research findings and best practices should be widely disseminated in
order to guide effective multicultural library services.
IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto
Implementing the Manifesto
• The international community must recognize and support libraries and
information services in their role of promoting and preserving cultural
and linguistic diversity.
• Decision makers at all levels and the library community around the world
are requested to disseminate this Manifesto and to carry out its principles
and actions.
IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto