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Experience on how the Crédit Coopératif became an Intermediary of CIP Program?

And launched a new financial financial product.

CIP Workshop, Zagreb, 3 March 2010

Crédit Coopératif, Financial Operations Priscilla Carpenter

Table of content

Presentation Crédit Coopératif The Enterprises / SME Sector Experience of Crédit Coopératif in the CIP Program 2

Crédit Coopératif : A national cooperative bank

Created in the 19th century by co- operators who wanted a better access to credit

A cooperative bank : the capital shares are hold by member-clients of the bank. These same member- clients compose the Board of the Bank, they are the elected representatives

Crédit Coopératif is strongly attached to the co-operative values of a cooperative bank : one member- one vote principle, statutory reserves, and the cooperative rebate


French cooperative banks: some statistics 108 23 600 306 000 19,2 millions 2 700 milliards € ≈ 60% ≈ 50% Cooperative Banks Branch offices Employees Members Total Assets Market share (deposits) Market share (loans)


The French co-operative banking groups

Banque Populaire

18 Regional Popular Banks Crédit Agricole Crédit Coopératif Caisses d’Epargne Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires Crédit Mutuel


The Group Banque Populaire and Natixis

In 2002, Crédit Coopératif joigned the Group Banque Populaire’ and became one of the parent companies, holding 2% of the Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires Natixis, the common subsidiary of the Group Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne, created in November 2006, brings in for the two groups, specialised investment banking services and competitive refinancing conditions. (Rating 31/07/09 S&P LT : A+ / Rating S&P ST : A-1).

20% Caisses d’Epargne Caisses ’Epargne Banques Populaires Crédit Coopératif 20% CCI Caisse Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne 34% 32% Other investors Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires 34% CCI


Group BPCE

Today Crédit Coopératif is one of the parent companies (and not a subsidiary) of BPCE, and holds 1% of the capital of its central body.

A protocol was signed and BPCE recognises the specific status hold by Crédit Coopératif within the organisation:

This protocol states that Crédit Coopératif maintains within the Group its name, brand and identity as well as its specificity especially with regards with its customers, managerial autonomy and independence of action in dedicated sectors.

7 7

Crédit Coopératif some information (figures on 31/12/08) 105 : 1 905 29 814 298 900 Branches Employees Members Clients Total Balance Sheet 11,7 Bln € Equity Capital 1,15 Bln € Net banking income 375 Mn € Net income 22 Mn € Des clientèles d’élection:

cooperatives and grouped enterprises, general Interest organisations, individuals, solidarity finance

A multi spécialiste banking group :

banking services, financing, asset management (Ecofi Investissements), financial engineering …

A cooperative bank

with a specific mandate within the Group « the bank of social and solidarity economy”.


Our Membership as of 31/12/2008

46% 8% 3% 20% Co-operatives or members of retailer cooperatives Other entreprises Associations - Non Profit Organisations 23% Other Services of General Interest Others 9

Un national network : 105 branches 2 networks : Crédit Coopératif & BTP Banque


Our clients : Non Profit / General Interest Organisations

      

Associations Health and Social Sector (associations for disabled persons, retired housings, home services, non for profit private clinics, social integration through economic activity), Education and Training , Religious organisms , Sport , International Solidarity , Environment , Leisure and Social Tourism Trade Unions and Work Committees Mutual Insurance Companies Cultural Enterprises Housing and local development Local Authorities Regulatory Organisations of tutored persons


Our clients : Enterprises, cooperatives and business groupings

      

SME / SMIs and their groupings Workers' co-operatives, SMIs members of financial co-operatives, Transport enterprises and their associations Distribution Retailers and their co-operatives, purchasing groups, consumers co-operatives, car distributors Craftsmen and their co-operatives Food industries The maritime sector and fishermen’s cooperatives Building trade professionals


Our clients : Private Individuals

Individuals clients related to Crédit Coopératif members (enterprises and associations)

Tutored persons

Ethical and solidarity-based oriented clients


Summary balance sheet (in bln Euro)


Profit and Loss Account (in mln euro)


Table of content

Presentation Crédit Coopératif The Enterprises / SME Sector Experience of Crédit Coopératif in the CIP Program 16

Crédit Cooperatif : a bank for SME - SMIs 32 000 SME customers 100 branches, with specialised affiliated companies, and associated financial organisation

A distinct and systematic approach

Grouping / Professional Federation Entreprise Partnership Crédit Coopératif


Credit Investments Disbursements in Mln € ( as of 2008) B.T.P.

Batilease Particuliers Entreprises OIG 1 343

81 67 159 669 367

1 460

117 49 169 768 357

1 840

107 77 217 900 538

2006 2007 2008


Crédit Coopératif increasingly involved in the environment sector

Financing eco-activities

Wind farms and photovoltaic plants, hydroelectricity, recycling – waste management

Partnerships with SMEs to help in their sustainable development actions : quantify carbon emissions

Environmental Associations

Networks managing natural conservation parks, partnership with associations (WWF, Fondation Energie pour le Monde) for solidarity based products

Eco-housing : diagnosis

Development of products to finance the environment sector

Deposit account CODEVair , loans PREVair to finance individuals , SMEs and Associations

Co- financing and equity : with partners such as TRIODOS, DEMETER II


Table of content

Presentation Crédit Coopératif The Enterprises / SME Sector Experience of Crédit Coopératif in the CIP Program 21

Why apply to CIP ?

After analysis of the medium/long-term loans offer made to our business customers in the field of environnement.

No specific offer/ no visibility

The need for a commercial offer oriented for SMEs active in environment in order to help them to achieve European objectives and French environmental targets

A growing market in this field

Actual loan amounts limited

Total “Prevair” loan amounts limited to the collection of “Codevair” deposit. With a max of 500 K € / loan.

The eligible field of activity in environment of the SME financed limited

Expected acceleration of the development of the product with the CIP guarantee facility

Support of the European Commission

Competitiveness on the market


Process for application


on : Our proposed strategic commercial plan to help eco innovating SMEs to have access to finance

Our position in the market with regards to this product development

A historical analysis of a comparable SME lending program to determine risk profile, guarantee cap

 annual number of loans granted and annual outstanding  defaulting loans and losses incurred 

Involve & coordinate different departments in-house (Director SME sector + Financial Operations + Risk Department)

a one year process between first meeting with the EIF for discussion on the CIP Program and signature


Additionality brought to the SME

A margin reduced by 0,30% p.a. as against the margin which would have applied according to the standard pricing policy

No personal guarantee required

Investments financed up to 100% with a max amount of 3M € min 3 years maturity

Loans are to finance investments for a wider range of operations classified in 3 categories

SME active in renewable energy : wind farms, photovoltaic plants

Eco- actors, investment by an SME active in protecting environment : water management, recycling….

Eco- friendly SME, investment by an SME in an eco friendly equipment : energy saving equipment..


Some questions arise ?

SME definition and figures in accordance to the Commission recommendations ( fewer than 250 employees, annual turnover not exceeding 50 M €, and/or annual balance sheet total not exceeding 43 M €)

Difficulties to determine the figures when the SME is not independent, if for example if 50% of the capital is hold by another SME

De minimis regulation (State Aid Rule) :

The final beneficiaries, the SME, has the obligation not raise the total amount of de state aid above 200K €

difficulties for the SME to list the grants to be accounted for a state aid


Beyond additionality

From a wide range of products to a single product clearly indentified (Prevair Entreprises)

Identification and classification of a specific SME sector

An incentive to define a new line of financial products for the market in development

Develop a wider range of financial products and services : “ Croissance Verte” or “Green Development” for SMEs active in environment / energy saving

 

with a large commercial campaign to come offer more products and services adapted


Beyond additionality

Immediate effect : since the signature the CIP Program in December 2009

6 M € of commercial offers was made by our network to the clients ( to be compared to the previous product Prevair for which we could account for a productivity of 30 M €/ year)

A virtuous partnership with the European Commission/EIF

1st signature between EIF and a French bank for an eco innovation CIP Program

Impact on the commercial promotion of the product

Reinforce partnership with the national environment agency (ADEME) and groupings ( FEDEREC)

Reinforce position within the BPCE Group



Thank you for your attention