KECSS Ms.Murren Integrated Algebra 5/18/10

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Transcript KECSS Ms.Murren Integrated Algebra 5/18/10

Ms. Murren
SWBAT examine early English concepts of
government and explain how these ideas
contributed to the political beginnings of the
United States of America
Initial Activity
The Thirteen Colonies, 1775
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Early English settlers brought with them a knowledge of a political system-of
established laws, customs, practices and institutions- that had been
developing in England for centuries.
What are the three concepts of government that influenced the American
1. Ordered (Structured) Government -- Colonists from England saw the
need for orderly regulation of their relationships with one another. The
created local governments based on those they knew in England such as:
offices of the sheriff, justice of the peace, grand juries and counties
2. Limited Government -- The idea that government is not all-powerful.
Limited government is that basic principle of the American system of
government; that government is limited in what it may do, and each
individual has certain rights that a government cannot take away.
3. Representative Government -- The idea that government should serve
the will of the people. Representative government is that system of
government in which public policies are made by officials who are selected by
the voters and held accountable to them in periodic elections
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These notions of: ordered government, limited government
and representative government can be traced back to three
landmark English documents
1. The Magna Carta -- Magna Carta established the principle of limited
government and fundamental rights of English citizens. This 1215
document introduced such fundamental rights as trial by jury and due
process of law– the arbitrary taking of life, liberty or property. Originally
these rights were reserved only for the elite classes.
2. The Petition of Rights -- The Petition of Rights limited the monarch's
authority and elevated the power of Parliament while extending the rights
of the individual. Challenged the idea of the divine right of kinds, declaring
that even a monarch must obey the law of the land.
3. The English Bill of Rights -- The Bill of Rights redefined the rights of
Parliament and the rights of individuals. No standing army, required
parliamentary elections, no excessive bail, no cruel and unusual
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What are the three types of colonies the English established in
the American colonies?
Each colony was established on the basis of a charter, a written grant of authority from
the king.
1. Royal Colonies -- Royal Colonies were subject to the direct control of the crown
and run by appointed governors, who were advised by council. On the eve of the
American Revolution (1775) there were eight – NH, MA, NC, SC, GA, NY, NJ, VA
What was the pattern of government of the royal colonies? Bicameral
King named governor (the colony’s chief executive). A Council also named by king,
served as an advisory body to the royal governor. In time, council became both the
upper house of the colonial legislature and the colony’s highest court.
The lower house of a Bicameral legislature was elected by those property owners
qualified to vote. In Royal colonies, the governors and their councils shared the power of
the purse (power to tax and spend). Judges were appointed by governor, with advice of
council. Laws passed required approval of governor and king.
The Royal governors, ruled with a stern hand, following instructions from London. Much
of the resentment that flared was fanned by their actions.
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What are the three types of colonies the English established
in the American colonies?
2. The Proprietary Colonies -- Proprietary Colonies were owned by
wealthy individuals who appointed governors, who were advised by
councils. Unicameral (one house). By 1775 there were three – MD, PA,
3. The Charter Colonies -- Charter Colonies were governed by the
colonists themselves through elected governors, who were advised by
councils. Charters granted to the colonists themselves. Bicameral
legislature whose laws were not subject to the approval of the crown or
governor. Judges appointed by legislature, but appeals to the king. –Massachusetts Bay was established as the first Charter Colony in 1629,
but in 1691 its Charter was revoked and Massachusetts became a Royal
Colony. CT and RI were the only two remaining Charter colonies by 1775
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Critical Thinking
• What is the difference between a proprietary colony and a
charter colony?
• The English Crown gave CT, and RI, many freedoms not
enjoyed by the other colonies. Do you agree with
historians who claim that the Revolution would not have
occurred if all colonies enjoyed the same freedoms? Why
or why not?
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