Transcript Solution Development Prompters
FactoryTalk Historian SE – Solution Development Prompters
Focus Areas:
Cost Savings
Improved Decision Support
Centralized Data Repository
Strategic Reporting Methods Equipment Monitoring
Increase Throughput
Higher Asset Reliability
Condition Based Maintenance
Production Performance Monitoring
Improved Quality
Contextual Quality Applications
LIMS integration
Reduced Risk
Compliance Support
Plant X X X X X X X X X X
Operations Quality X X X X X X X X X X IT Engineering X X X X X X
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Cost Savings via a Centralized Data Repository
Plant Manager or Operations Manager
Reduce decision support costs
resulting from lack or inaccurate data
Application: FactoryTalk Historian SE Industry:
Are you working with all the data in a timely manner to determine where to focus to reduce decrease the costs of making operational decisions within your facility?
Current Situation Questions Capability Questions
• • • • Do your operations personnel have the
right data
they need to be most efficient in their jobs? Is it real time?
Has the
lack of data
negatively impacted your operations? Are you able to respond as quickly as you would like to changes?
Do you have
ready access
and communication of critical asset/plant data? Is that easily integrated with other decision assist tools.
How do you track overhead production usage rates and costs such as utilities?
: “So your current situation is . . . .
• What reviewing operational data what new achievements could your operational personnel accomplish if they had access to
timely plant performance report
overviews and on-demand data summaries. data aggregated by event such as production runs or process batches and data totals by shift, day or product. • When collecting plant data would it help you (or your controller) if you had a system to provide fast and easy access to
key fixed and variable costs
• During daily operations would it be helpful to provide the capability to
perform uniform analyses
across disparate data sources integrating items such as product information or units?
• On a weekly basis would it be helpful to determining real-time utilities consumption?
Confirm SOLUTION : “
If we could show you a way to respond more efficiently to your dynamic industry drivers, leveraging more accurate real time data from your assets, would that interest you?
Cost Savings through Strategic Reporting Methods
Plant Manager or IT Manager
Reduced costs resulting from a centralized integrated data collection strategy
Application: FactoryTalk Historian SE
How can you reduce the reporting costs associated with silos of data collection and inconsistent reporting methods?
Current Situation Questions Capability Questions
• • • • Do you have many
un-integrated systems
both at your plants and through your business? Is Excel overused?
Does your data integration structure affect the way your personnel makes decisions? Do they have
access to all
the information they need to make the most informed decision?
Is your organization faced with
silos of technology
automation? Are these silos controlled by just as many different resources?
or Are all the
data sources
easily and consistently made available to others in the organization to determine business factors such as actual
product cost
• • • • Would it be beneficial to
establish links to enterprise maintenance systems
and allow work orders to be automatically generated based on equipment runtime triggers and alarms?
During analysis do your staff have access to
all the data
used to accomplish optimization, performance monitoring, troubleshooting, process specification? Would the establishment of a
centralized data repository
and a common
decision support strategy
that links your silos systems enable more consistent results across your organization?
When determining
performance to standard
by unit price or orders, is real-time pricing estimation for costing calculations important?
Could you benefit from the context provided when different data sources are integrated or merged? Would you like to stop emailing endless Excel reports all over your enterprise?
Recap : “So your current situation is . . . .
Cost Savings from Strategic Reporting Methods
Plant Manager or IT Manager
Reduced costs resulting from a establishing a strategic information reporting process
Application: FactoryTalk Historian SE
How can you Reduce the cost of turning data into information?
• • • •
Current Situation Questions
What is your organizations’ vision in regards to
enterprise data integration, management
, and use?
Do you have
“islands of data”
across your facility?
What are the
technical and business obstacles
to reach a common enterprise operating data integrated environment?
Do you have a
standard or preference
in enterprise data organization/structure such as MESA?
Capability Questions
• • • • What cost savings could be accomplished if a
standard set of best practices
could be realized regarding data collection and for information analysis?
When performance across a division or plant (lines) is being determined, would the capability to
"drill down
" and determine why an area is underperforming and when it happened be of value?
When comparing annual performance to standard, would a single
strategy and structure
of decision support shorten or even eliminate the difficulty in data rollups?
When bringing on a new product into production or training a new employee, is there a process for communicating/comparing a Standard Operating Condition (SOC) to
establish best practices
on production and exception handing ?
What are the benefits to see from having an common access methods and decision support procedures for real time element?
Recap : “So your current situation is . . . .
• • •
Reduced Maintenance Costs through Equipment Monitoring
Plant Manager or Eng/Maintenance Manager
Decrease maintenance costs by using performance monitoring and management
Application: FactoryTalk Historian SE
How can you reduce the cost of maintaining production equipment and link it to corporate systems?
Current Situation Questions
Do you have equipment to
remotely monitor equipment
across plants?
Do you have
complex process
or environmental conditions occur that result in equipment failure?
Is there a
information link
between process conditions and your enterprise maintenance system (EMS)? • • •
Capability Questions
When monitoring performance across multiple plants , perhaps even through third parties, would it be helpful to
deliver targeted data sets
from individual or multiple sites/plants and redirect them while still maintaining appropriate levels of security and confidentiality.
When running complex production, would it be beneficial to record and trigger notification to personnel when a
process operating envelope
is exceeded before equipment failure occurs?
Would there be a benefit to
link your EMS to the equipment
to allow work orders to be automatically generated based on equipment recorded runtime triggers and alarms generated from within the system.
Recap : “So your current situation is . . . .
5 Confirm SOLUTION:
Would universal access and accurate data collection for equipment result in reduced maintenance downtime ?
• • •
Increased Throughput through Higher Asset Reliability
Plant Manager or Maintenance Manager
Increase production throughput via lowered asset downtime
Application: FactoryTalk Historian SE
How can you increase production throughput through the use of accurate reliability data for plant equipment and assets?
• • •
Current Situation Questions
solutions or technologies
are being used to calculate and manage plant efficiency?
How do you measure and track your
equipment efficiency
and OEE?
How has
asset reliability
negatively impacted your operations? Do you know which factors are most greatly impacting your reliability, availability, and capacity? Is
reliability information
being shared with all the correct personnel and in a timely manner in a way that they can easily be used?
What are the
key initiatives
you have in progress or planned to address asset capacity, quality, and efficiency constraints?
Total Effective Equipment Productivity
(TEEP) being used within your company? • • • •
Capability Questions
Is there room for
improvement to throughput
through the use of a accurate reliability information?
maintenance activates
could be eliminated or be improved if you had an accurate assessment of your equipment’s efficiency performance ?
How might improved real time data help improve the reliability of your plant assets? Do you have a good method for determining and correcting the
total cost impact
resulting from downtime issues?
What additional groups or personnel would benefit from timely asset performance data? What could
Engineering Quality, Customer Service
with asset reliability data?
do better
What increase in throughput might occur with access to all of the asset data as it relates to reliability and performance?
Recap : “So your current situation is . . . .
Increased Throughput through Condition Based Maintenance
Plant Manager or Maintenance Manager
Increased production throughput from a Condition Based Maintenance policy
Application: FactoryTalk Historian SE
How can you maximize production throughput by implementing a condition based maintenances program?
• • • •
Current Situation Questions
The industry has seen significant gains from leveraging real time data in their CBM/OEE programs. Can you please summarize your experiences with
and specifically, how operational real time data is being leveraged?
What is the
production impact
to an effective CBM program by having disparate real time operational data sources?
What are
limiting factors
in improving your CBM program? To having more real time data integration?
What is the perception that your company sees from an
enterprise CBM
based on an standardized enterprise infrastructure that includes real time operational data?
Capability Questions
• • • • What additional throughput might be realized from
optimized maintenance procedures
and how would that impact labor costs during periods of maximum demand?
When determining maintenance intervals for critical equipment would it be a benefit to monitor and alarm on vibration and temperature limits and then
schedule maintenance based on process conditions
new orders or customers
might be achieved if additional run time could be made available to production? Could this
reduce overtime or a shift
During strategic planning sessions, has the goal be created to
move your reliability-centered asset management
from calendar-based to condition-based maintenance occurred
What level of increase in production throughput could result from a reduction in maintenance downtime ?
Recap : “So your current situation is . . . .
Increased Throughput through Production Performance Monitoring
Plant/Production Manager
Increased production throughput from overall process monitoring and correlation
Application: FactoryTalk Historian SE
How can you maximize production throughput by monitoring complex processes and their production interactions?
• • • • •
Current Situation Questions
Do you fully understand your overall
process and production constraints
If there
additional interactions or relationships
your processes that you believe exist but can not provide the empirical data to support?
in Do different
shifts/operators generate different output
Do you have problems
starting up new equipment
Does your company utilize Total Effective Equipment Productivity (TEEP) to measure throughput?
Recap : “So your current situation is . . . .
8 Capability Questions
• When looking for incremental efficiency improvements in your process, would it be beneficial to
model and manage complex interactions
of plant equipment to streamlining processes and identifying bottlenecks ?
• When looking for improved overall line/plant efficiency, would it be helpful to
track process and performance data by shift
is managing the process?
• When
starting up equipment and production lines
, would it be beneficial to have a system for monitoring all the conditions surround startup and therefore speed up the troubleshooting and root cause analysis process?
• Would the
recording of raw TEEP data
for equipment efficiency enable better analysis through comparisons of each production asset via the percentage of valuable versus calendar time and uncover hidden cost and losses?
What level of increase in production throughput could result from a reduction in maintenance downtime ?
Reduced process/batch variability through quality reporting tools
Quality Manager
Increased quality capability through advanced batch and process reporting
Application: FactoryTalk Historian SE
How can you increase the efficiency of quality analysis comparing actual to standards for both batch and process operations?
• • •
Current Situation Questions
Are you currently looking to
improve your product quality
Are your
batches consistent
If batches are not consistent do you know why they are not and is their a standard to which performance can easily be compared to?
• •
Capability Questions
When performing
quality audits
of your products, would your quality teams benefit from system reporting tools that can automatically generate
product quality real-time reports
, shift and daily production reports, environmental and regulatory compliance reports, and weekly or monthly plant or enterprise-wide performance reports?
When looking for process variability in your batch performance, would a
Batch Quality Monitoring
system that tracks and record the real-time composition of products including intermediate batch processes and allow batch-to-batch comparisons against a “golden batch” standard be valuable?
What level of increase in production throughput could result from a reduction in maintenance downtime ?
Recap : “So your current situation is . . . .
Increased LIMS efficiency through automated data integration
Quality Manager
Increased cycle times of LIMS operation through the automated collection of quality data
How can you reduce LIMS cycle times without sacrificing accuracy and adherence to standards?
Application: FactoryTalk Historian SE
• •
Current Situation Questions
Do you have a clear understanding of what is
impacting your product quality
? Do you have a strategy in place to address the identified issues?
Is your
LIMS system
being fed real time data from your operations?
Capability Questions
What additional cycle time could be realized if your quality and production teams had the capability to
integrate Lab Quality Data from operations into a/your laboratory information management systems (LIMS)
automatically and gather and store lab data, compare it to production data, and trend the data on web displays alongside actual process and/or planning data?
Recap : “So your current situation is . . . .
10 Confirm SOLUTION:
What additional analyses could be completed through the reduction of current LIMS cycle times?
Reduced risk through better compliancy capabilities
Quality Manager
Reduce exposure and better analysis through better record keeping of compliancy factors and data
How can you reduce the exposure of compliance failures and increase the capability and speed to detect potential violations?
Application: FactoryTalk Historian SE
• • •
Current Situation Questions
Do you have any challenges in meeting your
regulation and emissions compliance
goals? Can you retrieve all the data?
Would the knowledge of this real time emissions information allow you to reduce your risks? Are you in a market which supports the
trade and sale of emissions credits
Do you have the capability to
automatically store process violations
in a single system for controlled access and distribution to anyone inside or outside the corporation who needs that data
Recap : “So your current situation is . . . .
11 Capability Questions
• When
monthly compliance reporting time
arrives, would it be beneficial to have a set of system report tools can automatically generate product quality real time reports, shift and daily production reports, environmental and regulatory compliance reports, and weekly or monthly plant or enterprise-wide performance reports for – – Continuous Emissions Monitor (CEM)?
Environmental Compliance Monitoring?
• Would compliance teams be able to
reduce risk exposure
through CEM applications that use complex rules and calculations to detect process conditions that would violate an environmental permit?
• Would the capability to
investigate equipment failures
and safety incidents be re-recreating the sequence of events as the equipment failed be of value to warranty research?
Would capture of all process data and it’s timing be able to reduce compliance risk for your warranty and compliance teams?