Transcript Lysbilde 1

Standards in manual handling
Conference for Health Care Professionals
Vilnius, 22 February 2012
SystemRoMedicTM solutions
Presenter: Sonja Waara-Conway
BSc, CertEd, MA
Handicare AB
© Handicare AB 120210 –
Standards in Manual Handling
The need for standards
Approach taken in the U.K.
Approach taken in Sweden
Recommended further reading
© Handicare AB 120210 –
Standards in Manual Handling
To gain an appreciation of the approaches taken in introducing and
developing standards for manual handling, with positive outcomes for
patients, carers, employers and budget holders, within the context of
national health and safety policy.
© Handicare AB 120210 –
Standards in Manual Handling
The need for standards (adapted from NBE, 2010)
To ensure compliance with the law
To reduce injury risks for patients and carers
To provide protection for employers
To meet modern requirements of best practice
To meet professional development requirements of carers
To promote national consistency in care delivery
© Handicare AB 120210 –
Standards in Manual Handling
Approach taken in the U.K. (1)
• Staff costs are 45-60 % of carehome fees
60% of all hospital and care home injuries involve Manual
• Cost to National Health Service = $80 million/year
• Cost of treating pressure sores in 2008 in excess of $4 billion
© Handicare AB 120210 –
Standards in Manual Handling
Approach taken in the U.K. (2)
• Responsible Government Department – Health and Safety Executive
• Governing Law – Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974 (Provisions
compatible with EC Directive 89/391/EEC)
• Act requires employers to provide: information; instruction; training;
supervision for workers.
• Regulation under Act (1999) requires employers to provide H&S
training during working hours: at start of and periodically during
employment; in changed circumstances; as risk levels fluctuate.
© Handicare AB 120210 –
Standards in Manual Handling
Approach taken in the U.K. (3)
• Regulation under Act (1992) requires that H&S training provided by
employers should include information on:
- Task, load, environment and individual capability
- Recognition of risk
- Safe working systems
- Use of equipment
• Other Regulations under Act relate to: risk management; risk
assessment; work equipment; lifting operations.
• Health and Social Care Act 2008 – also applies to staff training
© Handicare AB 120210 –
Standards in Manual Handling
Approach taken in the U.K. (4)
A comprehensive set of guidelines aimed at healthcare professionals
and employers in both public and private sectors sets-out ‘best practice’
approach for Manual Handling practitioners and administrators.
Published in January 2010 – Standards in Manual Handling, 3rd edition,
The National Back Exchange (NBE).
Ruszala, S., Hall, J. and Alexander, P. (2010)
Standards in Manual Handling (3rd Edition) Towcester: National Back Exchange.
© Handicare AB 120210 –
Standards in Manual Handling
Approach taken in the U.K. (5)
• Need for national minimum standards for community equipment
identified (Donnelly, B. (2009)
• Community Equipment Code of Practice Scheme (CECOPS)
launched in 2011
• Members are registered on an online list and allowed to use
CECOPS certification mark
• Code standards are set-out for all stakeholders in community
equipment procurement and provision
© Handicare AB 120210 –
Standards in Manual Handling
Approach taken in Sweden (1)
• Responsible Government Department – Swedish Work Environment
Authority (SWEA)
• Governing Law – Work Environment Act (AML) (Provisions
compatible with EC Directive 89/391/EEC)
• Provision AFS 1998:1 – Deals with load ergonomics and prevention
of musculoskeletal disorders
• Provision AFS 2000:1 – Manual Handling – staff training, assistive
• Provision AFS 2001:1 – Systematic Work Environment Management
– employers’ responsibilities
© Handicare AB 120210 –
Standards in Manual Handling
Approach taken in Sweden (2)
• ISA – Information System on Occupational Accidents and Workrelated Illness
- Statistics of Work Injuries compiled by SWEA
- Employers must report all work injuries under Work Injury Insurance Act
- All workers covered by Work Injury Insurance
- Compensation agreements between employers associations and
trade unions
• ‘CHECK’ – The SystemRoMedicTM Workplace Survey Tool
- Achieving optimum standards in ergonomics and patient care
- Document strengths and weaknesses
- Balanced and informed risk assessment
- Development of an action plan
© Handicare AB 120210 –
Standards in Manual Handling
Manual handling strategy
Pre-requisites for successful implementation:
• Commitment from policy makers and senior managers that
development is required to introduce/comply with statutary
• Realistic budget allocated for staff training/assistive technology
• Compassionate trainer ‘Champions’ to drive the program forward
• Regular assessments to ensure program is achieving objectives
© Handicare AB 120210 –
Standards in Manual Handling
Recommended further reading
ISSA – International Social Security Association
The Return on Prevention:
Calculating the costs and benefits of investments in
occupational safety and health in companies
(Dietmar Braunig and Thomas Kohstall, 2011)
Institute for Ageing and Health, Newcastle University
Raising the Standard:
Feasibility study for a scheme to rate, approve or
accredit Assistive Technology
(D.Silver and A. Moran, 2011)
© Handicare AB 120210 –