Transcript Document


to the

Northfield Township Language Arts/English Fall Articulation Meeting October 22, 2007

Participating Schools

Attea Middle School Field School Glenbrook North High School Glenbrook South High School Maple School Northbrook Junior High School Our Lady of Perpetual Help School Springman Middle School Wood Oaks Junior High School

Welcome & Introductions  Housekeeping o Review of Township English Report and use of Township Reference Handbook o Review of study skills rubric used by 8 th grade teachers for freshman placement  Introduce various Standard models o NCTE o ISBE o College Readiness o The Glenbrook Academy o Others BBreak  Hopes for what to accomplish today o List of current research assignments o Begin a list of research skills and processes students’ experience at each grade level o o Begin a list of research-based writing skills Highlight the core experiences, projects, and skills common to all schools at all levels  Meet in grade-alike teams o Sharing and comparison of “typical” research assignments and rubrics LLunch  Report out similarities and overview  Mapping of research skills and research-based assignments grades 6 –12  Continuing the articulation o Inputing web-based communication and granting access to all members  Summary of progress  Where do we go from here?

Northfield Township Language Arts Study Group Articulation Self-Study

Study Group Co-Chairs

Barbara Taylor, Glenbrook North English Department IS Tom Valentin (retired), Glenbrook South English Department IS

Study Group Members

Attea Middle School Field School Maple School Northbrook Junior High School Springman Middle School Wood Oaks Junior High School Glenbrook North High School Glenbrook South High School Sophia Moros, Diane Horban Cathy Terdich Lorene Schramm Becky Hodgin Barbara Buzard, Suzanne Bell Helene Spak Lisa Koc, Nick Timmer Chris Palmi

















Introduction Background/Context and Mission Philosophical Base Self-Study Process & Summary of Tasks Research Base: Sources Consulted Research on Instructional Base Core Curriculum Review Shared Language Arts Outcomes GBS Course Offerings for 9 th and 10 th GBN Course Offerings for 9 th and 10 th Comparison Application of Learning Writing in the Curriculum Reading in the Curriculum Grade Grade Reading, Writing and Thinking Across the Curriculum 3 15 15 16 17 d.



Research Writing Skills Continuum Curriculum Survey for Northfield Township 8 th Recommendations Appendices 18 and 9 th Grades: English/Language Arts 21 3 3 4 6 6 11 11 11 12 State Goals The Standards for the English Language Arts – abstract NCTE Guidelines: A Call to Action Carnegie Report: Reading Next NCTE Guidelines: NCTE Beliefs about the Teaching of English Richard Paul, Chapter 37: Critical Thinking and Language Arts 23 29 31 37 41 50 14 19

Study Skills Rubric for Teachers of Incoming Eighth-Grade Students

The rating scale for assessing study skills is provided below. It is designed to parallel the skill levels of high school students at the Glenbrook high schools. Application of these standards ensures that incoming students’ skills are being assessed consistently.

5 – Very Good

Always completes homework. Assigned work is correct and shows evidence of mastery Always completes assigned work on time Excellent attendance Inquires about missed work when absent and completes independently within established timelines Demonstrates thoughtful participation that is relevant - completes in-class assignments Consistently shows initiative without adult direction or intervention

4 – Good

Completes homework with rare exceptions. Assigned work is usually correct and shows mastery Meets deadlines with few exceptions Excellent attendance Makes up missed work if absent within established timelines Participates in class and completes in-class assignments Requires only minimal adult support in preparation and organization

3. – Average

Completes homework better than 80% of time Meets deadlines with occasional exceptions Attendance is satisfactory Makes up missed work if absent when provided by teacher – needs occasional reminders Completes in-class assignments Requires some adult supervision to assist in preparation and organization

Mapping for Growth Benefits

“Thoughtfully constructed standards guide education reform initiatives by providing consensus about what students should learn and what skills they should acquire.” -Thomas Guskey 2005

• • • • •

Creates discussion and promotes collaboration Provides scaffolding Helps to define academic levels Helps to define individual goals Allows for current research to influence decision making

Mapping for Growth Challenges

“Translate the standards into specific classroom experiences that facilitate student learning and ensure that classroom assessments effectively measure that learning.”


-Thomas Guskey 1999

• Keeping collaboration ongoing • Keeping curriculum guides and maps off the shelf • Developing common assessments and sharing quality instructional methods

Standards and Models

• • • •


• The Glenbrook Academy

1. In your group, brainstorm skill attributes that should be present in the research process and assignment at your grade level.

For example, "appropriately uses subscription databases," “identifies main idea,” or “compares and contrasts ideas.” 2. Using the brainstormed list from #1, list the eight most important skill attributes for your grade level in the diagonal columns. 1. In your group, brainstorm skill attributes that should be present in the research process and assignment at your grade level. 3. In each row, write the name of the research assignment you brought today or another one you use in the classroom. For example, "appropriately uses subs 4. As a group, analyze each of the assignment(s). If the assignment teaches or assesses a particular skill, place an "X" in the appropriate box. Name of research assignment, followed by the school name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Where do we go from here?