System gospodarowania odpadami komunalnymi na terenie

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A place in Poland


KM 2





7 638

College Students

15 000


Key challenges and problems of waste management in Poland

           

Majority of municipal waste is landfilled Unsatisfactory progress in separate collection of waste Insufficient number and processing capacity of modern waste treatment installations About 300 landfill sites must be closed down by 2014 The waste management system does not cover the whole population Uncontrolled waste dumps pose a problem for most municipalities Increase in mechanical sorting of mixed waste Lack of legally defined requirements for MBT of mixed municipal waste Lack of system for collecting expired medicines from households Ineffective system of monitoring the observance of regulations pertaining to enviromental protection inspecotrate and the penalties system Lack of sufficiently credible data on waste management, both on regional and national level Lack of a cetral database on product, packaging and waste management

On July 15 2011 the President of the Republic of Poland signed a new act on maintaining cleanliness and order in municipalities.

There are multiple important changes regarding waste management in the act. Aside the requiremments put on Poland by UE directives, the legislative changes were caused by common anti-ecological practices made by property owners and waste management companies.

Previously applicable law prevented municipalities from effectively executing payments for garbage disposal and enforcing proper waste management.

New act shifts the waste management and segregation responsibilities from property owners to municipalities.

Due to wide scope of tasks and responsibilties created by the new act, on October 30th 2011 a new division within the Department of Municipal Services and Housing was established - Municipal Waste Management Office that employs 6 person staff.

Monika Piotrowska Daria Zygoń Dorota Skrzypek Joanna Czapla Natalia Wypchał Magdalena Filipiak

Municipal Waste Management Office responsibilities:

 Supervising of the companies responsible for collecting municipal waste from property owners:  proper waste collection,  refuse dump cleanlyness,  waste collection punctuality,     Keeping permanent control and analysis system of waste management charges; Keeping register of municipal waste collecting; Issuing permits for sewage transport and disposal; Reporting:  waste collectors data verification,   reporting to the Marshal of the voivodeship and voivodeship’s environmental inspector; Keeping record on sewage tanks and sewage disposal;  technical and organizational capabilities of the municipality;  Conducting annual analysis of municipal waste management for assesment of the Organization and coordination of actions such as „Clean up the world” or „collecting electronic waste”.

Voivodeship Waste Management Plan for Silesian Voivodeship in 2010

       Population – 217 638 Amount of mixed municipal waste collected in 2010 – 66 457 t, including 43 037 t from households Amount of waste per capita – 0,32 t Amount of selectively collected waste – 2 869 t Amount of not processed municipal waste in storage –

48 955 t

(73,7 % of all waste collected in the city) Amount of mixed municipal waste recycled – 17 509 t Not all citizens are included in selective municipal waste collection 34% 4% 62% Municipal Waste from house holdds Se le ctivly Colle cte d Municipal Waste Othe r Municipal Waste

Diagram of waste management system functioning in Sosnowiec prior to June 30th 2013 Single family house Multi family house/building Mixed waste Containers Plastic Bags Glass Plastic bags Paper, Cartboard - Bags Metal Bags Large size waste according to schedule Mixed waste Containers Plastic Bags Glass Containers Paper, Cardboard Containers Metal Containers Large size waste Containers

Diagram of municipal waste management in Sosnowiec since July 1st 2013.

Marshal of the Voivodeship

super vision

Town Hall in Sosnowiec Department of Municipal Services and Housing – Municipal Waste Management Office


Property owners Municipal Waste Collector

Collection and transportation to… Regional municipal waste processing facility

On January 1st 2012 a new act on maintaining cleanliness and order in municipalities came into force Responsibilities of Sosnowiec Municipality:

    

Including all property owners into the municipal waste management system, Ensuring cleanliness and order in the municipality area and creating conditions necessary for their maintenance Creating conditions for performing works related to maintenance of cleanliness and order or ensuring the performance of such works by forming appropriate organisational units; Ensuring the construction, maintenance and operation by the municipality or jointly with other municipalities of regional stations for treatment of municipal waste; Establishing a selective municipal waste collection system covering at least three waste groups:

paper, glass, metal, plastic, multimaterial packaging and biodegradable waste including biodegradable packaging;

      

Conducting informational and educational actions Establishing easly accessible selective waste collection spots for all municipality residents and assigning spots for used electronics collection, Supervising municipal waste managemment and waste collecting companies, Assuring proper levels of recycling, preparing for reuse and salvage with other methods as well as limiting solid mass of the biodegradable waste prepared for storage.

Setting, by way of a municipal council resolution, the principles for maintaining cleanliness and order in the municipality area, the so called

Regulations for Maintaining Cleanliness and Order in the Municipality

; Carrying out annual analyses of the condition of municipal waste management; Verifying the municipal waste management market and the technical and organisational capabilities of municipalities.

Levels of recycling and preparation to reuse of municipal waste: paper, glass, metal, plastic

60 50 Recycling level according to ordinance 40 30 20 10 0 Biodegradable waste mass reduction levels 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 80

Mass reduction levels for biodegradable municipal waste being transfered into storage in relation to the waste mass produced in 1995.

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2012 July 16th 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 July 16th 2020

Selective waste collection program for Sosnowiec Single family house Multi family house/building Container „ Wet waste ” Container „ Dry waste ” Container „ Glass ” Large size waste, picked up according to schedule Mobile and stationary Municipal Spots for Selective Waste Collection Green waste Individually or directly to Municipal Spots for Selective Waste Collection Construction waste Individually or directly to Municipal Spots for Selective Waste Collection Hazardous waste Temporary containers, Mobile or stationary Municipal Spots for Selective Waste Collection Municipal Spots for Selective Waste Collection Other locations for selective waste collection: - retail and service units , pharmacies public institutions - schools and preschools

Dry waste Selective collection – how to segregate?

plastic, paper, metal, multimaterial packaging transparent and color glass Glass Kitchen waste, wet paper, biodegradable waste Wet waste

Municipal Spots for Selective Waste Collection Retail annd service units pharmacies

Municipal waste management system

Salvage and treatment of waste

Selective waste collection

Composting of selectively collected biowaste Selling segregated secondary raw material and compost Disposing other waste in landfill Selecting large size, construction and hazardous waste

Clean up the world

Sosnowiec takes part in the international campaign „Clean up the world”. Children, youth and adults participate. Sosnowiec provides waste bags and gloves. During this campaign children and youth collect waste from areas adjacent to schools, parks, forrests etc.

Collecting electronic waste

Collecting used up electronics, batteries, light bulbs, mercury thermometers – all from households. Action performed under The Mayor of Sosnowiec’s patronage. In 2011 during this action 12,5 tons of waste has been collected.

City Waste Storage Facility Ltd.

In 2009 City Waste Storage Facility has been established Goals for the facility:

   Waste storage, Secondary raw material salvage, Performing other tasks according to possibilities and equipment in the facility.

     EU Structural funds project „Construction of complex waste management system in Sosnowiec” has been under implementation. It’s goal is: Arrangement of the waste management in the city by implementation of complex waste management sytem, Reduction of the amount of waste in the landfill, Including the citizens in the selective waste collection system, Improving the living conditions of the citizens of Sosnowiec, Meeting the requirements of EU Directive regarding waste management.

City Waste Storage Facility Ltd. location