Transcript Slide 1

Protecting Today’s Investments For
Tomorrow’s Innovations
I am an Emerald Ash
Borer. Full grown, I’m
about a ½ inch long.
We live in ash trees.
Well, we don’t just
live in them. We kill
ash trees.
My ancestors came to
North America from Asia.
Likely they hitched a ride on
some wood used for
packing material.
My family really likes it here
as we don’t have any
natural enemies and
humans have found it VERY
hard to get rid of us.
Since arriving in
North America in
2003, my family
has spread to
several states.
How many ash trees
would you guess my
buddies and I have
taken out in North
America since 2003?
In southeast
Michigan alone,
the answer is 10’s
of millions.
We’ve killed at least
that many
combined in the
other states and
provinces as well.
• Resistance
– The ability of an organism to withstand the effects of
chemicals or other organisms by means of natural
selection and mutation
• Refuge
– A block or strip of crop that does not contain Bt
technology for the control of insect pests which are
controlled by the planted technology
• 4 Major companies:
– Monsanto, Pioneer, Dow, Syngenta
• Example of products:
YieldGard Corn Borer
YieldGard Rootworm
Bollgard Cotton
• Resistant pests breed with each other,
producing even more resistant pests
• Ensure there are susceptible insects close by to
mate with insects that are resistance to Bt
• Ensure that resistance is not passed on to
offspring, preserving the long-term effectiveness
of the technology
• 2005 benefits to farmers - $251 Million!!
20% of corn acres in one field must be refuge
Farmer must own or manage refuge field
Refuge corn must be planted at the same time
Refuge must be in the same field
• Can be separated by ditch or road, but not another
• Can be treated with another insecticide to
control the pest
• Cannot mix Bt and conventional seed
• Read the TUG (Technology Use Guide)
Separated by a road, path,
ditch, etc., but not by
another field
• Pioneer’s Refuge Acres Calculator
• Random selection by company
• Questionnaire to farmers
• On farm visit
• Warning letter
• Compliance visit
• Technology license can be revoked
– Unauthorized to use any biotech traits after second
year of non-compliance
• Growers can lose access to traits both
individually and collectively
• 2005 benefit to farmers was $251 Million
• Eventually will lead to ineffectiveness of the
GMO trait
• Sustainability of an abundant food supply