Transcript NJPSA
NJSMART Overview
Bari Anhalt Erlichson
Assistant Commissioner/Chief Performance Officer
New Jersey Department of Education
• Adopting standards and assessments that prepare students for
success in college and the workplace.
• Recruiting, developing, and retaining effective teachers and
• Turning around our lowest-performing schools.
• Building data systems that measure student success and inform
teachers and principals how they can improve their practices.
New Jersey Department of Education
• In 2009, New Jersey elected to receive $1.33 Billion in State
Fiscal Stabilization Funds. As a condition of receiving these
funds, New Jersey committed to improving results for all
students and advancing education reform by:
Performance Division
The Work Ahead!
Student Growth
Use assessment data to calculate student growth measures according to
the student growth percentile model selected by NJ DOE
Link student assessment data year-to-year and provide state, district, and
school leaders with the capacity to quantify student growth from one year
to the next
Provide the State of New Jersey with a graduation measure that is
accurate and consistent with federal standards
Assign each student to a specific cohort, track individual student’s
progress towards graduation, and update that progress as official data
becomes available to classify their grade-level cohort status
Expand NJ SMART from a K-12 longitudinal data warehouse to a K-20
longitudinal data warehouse by linking NJ SMART with National Student
Clearinghouse data
Provide districts and schools with information about actual post graduate
enrollment, persistence, and accomplishment
Course and Section
Collect the necessary data to track which students are participating in
specific courses as well as identify the educators teaching these courses
Load standardized course codes, student rosters, teacher assignments,
and other relevant course and section data and validate business rules as
defined by NJ DOE
New Jersey Department of Education
Performance Division
Current Development
DW102: Using District Reports
DW103: Using EDanalyzer
DW 201: Using Student Growth Percentiles
DW 202: Using Data for School and District Improvement
New Jersey Department of Education
DW101: Establishing High Quality Data
Performance Division
Professional Development Series
New Jersey Department of Education
Performance Division
NJSMART Drill Downs
• Graduation Cohort Reports