Transcript Slide 1

The Laser @ 50
Multiphoton Processes with EUV
(and X-ray) Free Electron Lasers
John T Costello
National Centre for Plasma Science & Technology (NCPST)/
School of Physical Sciences, Dublin City University
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Collaboration @ FLASH-DESY, Hamburg
XFEL: P. Radcliffe & M. Meyer
Paris (UPMC): R. Taieb (T) & A. Maquet (T)
PTB (Berlin): A. A. Sorokin (now at IOFFE & DESY) & M. Richter
DESY (Hamburg): K. Tiedke, S. Düsterer, W. Li, P. Juranić & J. Feldhaus
Orsay: D. Cubaynes & D. Glijer
Queen’s University Belfast: C. L. S. Lewis, A Delserieys, H. van der Hart (T)
Moscow State University : A. N. Grum-Grzhimailo, E. V. Gryzlova, S. I. Strakhova
Crete: P. Lambropoulos (T)
Oulu/GSI: S. Fritzsche (T)
DCU: V. Richardson, J. Dardis, P. Hayden, P. Hough, K. Kavanagh,
T. J. Kelly, E. T. Kennedy, H. de Luna, J. P-Gutierrierz & J. T. Costello
Thanks to AG Photon (R Treusch et al.) & AG Machine (M Yurkov et al.)
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Collaboration @ FLASH-DESY, Hamburg
Situation Normal
Situation Normal ?
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Collaboration @ LCLS X-ray FEL (SLAC)
MPQ/TU-Munich: A. Maier, W. Helml, W. Schweinberger & R. Kienberger
SLAC: R. Coffee, J. Hastings & J. Bozek
XFEL: P. Radcliffe, T. Tschenscher & M. Meyer
DESY (FLASH): S. Düsterer & J. Feldhaus
DESY (CFEL): I. Grguras & A. Cavalieri
Ohio (OSU): C. Roedig, G. Doumy* & L. DiMauro
DCU: T. J. Kelly, V. Richardson, L. Nikolopoulos (T) & J. T. Costello
*Now at Argonne.
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Collaboration @ LCLS X-ray FEL (SLAC)
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
DCU Laser Plasma/ AMOP Group
6 laboratory areas focussed on pulsed laser matter interactions
(NIR – X-ray/ 30fs – 30 ns, spectroscopy/ imaging/ PLD)
Academic Faculty (5): John T. Costello, Eugene T. Kennedy (Emeritus), Jean-Paul
Mosnier, Lampros Nikolopoulos (T) and Paul van Kampen
Current Postdocs (3):
Dr. Patrick Hayden,
Dr. Sateesh Krishnamurthy
and Dr. Subhash Singh
Funded by:
SFI - Frontiers and Investigator
IRCSET (People)
EU - Marie Curie (People)
Current PhD students (9 + 1): Jack Connolly (JPM), Leanne Doughty (PVK), Brian
Doohan (JC), Colm Fallon (JC), Eanna Mac Carthy (JPM), Mossy Kelly (JC),
Vincent Richardson (JC), Jiang Xi (ETK/JC), Damien Middleton, (LN), open position
Visiting Students:
Ricarda Laasch (Univ. Hamburg) and Nadia Gambino (Univ. Catania)
DCU International Visitng Fellow: Prof. Sivanandan Harilal (PurduE)
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Outline of Talk
1. FLASH FEL at DESY - Hamburg
2. USPs of XFELs in AMO Physics…
3. Setup for Photoelectron Spectroscopy @ FLASH
4. One Colour - 2 Photon Ionization
Case Study 1: 2-Photon 4d-Ionization of Xe (ATI)
Case Study 2: Resonant 2-Photon 3d-Excitation/Decay in Kr
5. Two Colour (Above Threshold) Ionization
Case Study 1: Atomic dichroism in He (FLASH)
Case Study 2: Ionization dynamics of atomic Ne (LCLS)
6. A Next Step: X-ray Coherent Control of Auger Decay
7. Some conclusions
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
FLASH Overview
1. FLASH - Operation
& Physical Layout
Diagnostics Accelerating Structures
5 MeV 127 MeV
450 MeV
1000 MeV
300 m
• LINAC Energy : ~ 1 GeV
 ~ 4 – 60 nm
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Key Performance Indicators
Wavelength range (fundamental):
water window
4 - 60 nm (2010)
FEL harmonics (@13.7 nm):
3 rd : 4.6 nm (270 eV)
5 rd : 2.7 nm (450 eV)
Spectral width (FWHM):
0.5-1 %
Pulse energy:
up to 50 µJ (average),
120 µJ (peak)
Pulse duration (FWHM):
10-20 fs
Peak power (fundamental):
Few GW
Average power (fundamental):
0.5 W (up to 10000 pulses /sec)
Photons per pulse:
~ 1013
Nature Photonics 1 336 (2007)
O/P Profile and Spectral Distribution
FEL output builds up from spontaneous emission (photon noise) => SASE –
‘Self Amplified Spontaneous Emission’ => Fluctuations in beam profile,
pointing stability, intensity, spectral distribution and pulse duration !!
Spatially coherent only - ‘Seeded FEL projects at FLASH & LCLS’
Spectral Fluctuations
Temporal Fluctuations
Nature Photonics 1 336 (2007)
(Currently) Operating EUV / X-ray SASE
FEL Facilities Worldwide - Parameters
1. FLASH: 30 – 300 eV/10 Hz (1 – 1000
micropulses/bunch) - 10uJ/10fs/micrpulse (CW RF)
2. LCLS (AMO):
1 nC bunch: 0.8 – 2 keV
(60 Hz)/ 2.5 mJ/250 fs
10 pC bunch: 0.8 – 2keV
(60Hz)/50 uJ/ 1 – 4 fs
3. Spring-8 (SCSS): 20 - 22 eV
(60Hz)/ 50 uJ/ 100 fs
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
2. USPs of XFELs in AMOP ?
Ultra-dilute targets
Photo-processes with ultralow cross-sections
Pump and probe experiments (EUV + EUV or EUV + Opt.)
Single shot measurements
Few-photon single and multiple ionization processes
NB1: Makes inner-shell electrons key actors in non-linear
processes for the first time
NB2: Re-asserts primacy of the photon over field effects !
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Keldysh - Ionization Regimes
Multiphoton Ionization
Tunnel Ionization Field Ionization
 <<1
where UP  9.31014 I Wcm2 2m eV
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Keldysh - Ionization Regime
Multiphoton Ionization
Tunnel Ionization Field Ionization
 <<1
For an irradiance:  = 1015
FLASH in the EUV (8 nm) -
Ti-Sapphire in the NIR (800 nm) -
 ~ 45.0
 ~ 0.45
Pertubative (MPI) Regime
Non-Pertubative (TI) Regime
So non linear photoionization processes at EUV & X-ray FELs
will involve predominantly few photons and few electrons.…
Note - ion yield scales with intensity as In
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
EUV / XFEL AMO Physics Reviews
1. Photoionization Experiments with the Ultrafast XUV Laser FLASH
J. T. Costello, J. Phys. Conf. Series 88 Art No. 012057 (2007)
2. Experiments at FLASH
C. Bostedt, H. N. Chapman, J. T. Costello, J. R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia,
S. Duesterer, S. W. Epp, J. Feldhaus, A. Foehlisch, M. Meyer, T. Mšller,
R. Moshammer, M. Richter, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, A. Sorokin, K. Tiedtke,
J. Ullrich and W. Wurth,
Nucl. Inst. Meth. in Res. A 601 pp108-122 (2009)
3. Non-linear processes in the interaction of atoms and molecules with
intense EUV and X-ray fields from SASE free electron lasers (FELs)
N. Berrah, J. Bozek, J. T. Costello, S. Duesterer, L. Fang, J. Feldhaus, H.
Fukuzawa, M. Hoener, Y. H. Jiang, P. Johnsson, E. T. Kennedy, M.
Meyer, R. Moshammer, P. Radcliffe, M. Richter, A. Rouzee, A. Rudenko,
A. Sorokin, K. Tiedtke, K. Ueda, J. Ullrich and M. J. J. Vrakking,
Journal of Modern Optics 57 pp 1015-1040 (2010)
4. Two-colour experiments in the gas phase
M. Meyer , J. T. Costello , S. Düsterer , W. B. Li and P. Radcliffe
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 Art No. 194006 (2010)
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
3. Photoelectron
colour ATI/ Laser
Experimental Layout at FLASH - (EU-RTD)
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 83, 516-525 (2007)
Part 4. Two Photon Ionization (TPI)
of atoms in an Intense Field
Case 1. Non-Resonant: Xe @ h = 93 eV
Case 2. Resonant: Kr @ h = 46 eV (3d-4d)
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Motivation - Xe TPI in intense EUV fields
Sorokin, Richter et al., PTB, PRL 2007 – Ion Spectroscopy !!
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Xe + h (93 eV) - Xe+(4d-1) + e- (~25 eV)
Electrons !!!
•Single shot spectrum….
•For low intensities (<1013, one photon
processes are dominant
•Salient features – spin orbit
split 4d photoelectron line +
Auger electron spectrum
•Not shown – 5s-1 and 5p-1
lines at higher KEs
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Xe + 2h (93 eV) - Xe+(4d-1) + e- (~ 118 eV)
Now ramp up the intensity
to > 1015………….
•Using MBES, first evidence of two
photon inner shell ionisation, (in this
case) of 4d electron –
Xe + 2hv → Xe+ 4d9 + e•‘Retardation field’ applied to suppress
low KE electrons (one photon processes)
– hence electrons detected are due
solely to multiphoton events
•Energetically –
2 × (93) eV – 118 eV = 68 eV
•Yield scales quadratically, n=1.95 ± .2
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
1 to 2 Photon Ionization Branching Ratio
1. R-Matrix (H.W. Van der Hart) – one
and two photon 4d emission cross
2. Dominant process is one photon
ionization – 93 eV can remove next 4d
as well - or maybe excite 4p – 4d. High
rate of ‘inside-out’ ionization…….
3. Accurate calculation requires a far more
rigorous description of the atomic
structure than at present
4. Estimated two photon 4d-1 emission is
~1% of total at ~ 7 x 1015
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Read the full story here…….
PRL 105 013001 2010
Case 2. Resonant 2-photon Excitation (Kr)
1. To date we have looked at a non-resonant
two photon process (sort of ATI really)
2. FELs are wavelength tunable - one can also
explore resonant two photon processes
Kr 3d104s24p6 (1S0) + 2 x h (46 eV) -> 3d94s24p64d (J=0,2)
i.e., 3d - 4d two photon resonant excitation
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Kr - Resonant Two Photon Excitation
1. Kr 3d104s24p6 (1S0) + 2 x h (46
eV) -> 3d94s24p64d (J=0,2) i.e.,
3d - 4d two photon excitation
h = 46 eV (~27 nm)
2. Of course there is a direct
ionization path and the usual
interference results - manifested
as asymmetric resonance
profiles (Fano/ Fano-Mies)
3. But here the 3d94s24p64d (J=0,2)
resonance undergoes Auger
decay to Kr+ on a femtosecond
timescale - similar to the FLASH
pulse duration - so competition
between excitation and decay
(ergo, in addition to simple ATI,
this case makes for an intriguing,
problem for theory)..
Meyer et al., PRL 104 213001 (2010)
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
94d) 2 Photon Resonant Auger
Kr - Resonant Two Photon Excitation
MBES Photoelectron spectrum - ~ 1014
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
94d) 2 Photon Resonant Auger
Kr - Resonant Two Photon Excitation
MBES Photoelectron spectrum - ~ 1014
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
94d) 2 Photon Resonant Auger
Kr - Resonant Two Photon Excitation
Ionization rates – P. Lambropoulos, Crete
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Read much
Kr - Resonant
PRL 104 213001 (2010)
Summary - One Colour
• Xenon - First detection of a so-called ‘above threshold ionization’ (ATI)
two-photon process in an inner shell electron shell.
• It is clear that the although single photon ionization processes dominate,
they are sufficiently important at high irradiance that, for a given intensity,
much higher ionization stages can be reached compared to optical lasers.
• The strength and the nature of the 4d → εf resonance may open up, at
high irradiance, additional ionization channels, namely the simultaneous
multiphoton / multi-electron from the inner 4d shell, ‘inside-out ionization’
or ‘peeling the onion from the inside out’
• Kr - first step on the road to resonant NL processes with EUV/X-rays….
REMPI at X-ray.
Xe - Richardson et al. PRL (July 2 – 2010), Kr - Meyer et al., PRL (May 28 - 2010)
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Part 5. Atoms in Intense EUV (X-ray)
+ Optical (Ti-Sa - 800 nm) fields
Case 1. (FLASH)
Dichroism in He @ hFEL ~ 93 eV
Case 2. (LCLS - Preliminary)
Atomic dynamics of Ne @ hFEL ~ 850 eV
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
FLASH NIR/UV and XUV Beam Layout
800 nm, 120 fs
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Two colour ATI/ Laser Assisted PES
Superposition of visible and XUV
pulses in a noble gas jet
Schins et al. PRL 73, 2180 (1994)
A  wXUV  A  e TKE   nwL  A  e TKE  nwL 
hwir =1.55eV
NIR (800 nm) fs
laser pulse
Gas Jet
Sideband intensity
very sensitive to XUV- Ar(IP)
IR pulse area overlap.
- Cross Correlation…
E.S. Toma et al. PRA 62 061801 (2000)
15.76 eV
Two colour ATI/ Laser Assisted PES
FLASH: 13.7 nm,
10-30 fs, 20µJ
Optical Laser: 800nm,
120 fs, 400µJ, 5 x 1013 W/cm2
He 1s2 + hXUV ----> He+ 1s + p
He 1s2 + hXUV + nhOL ---> He+ 1s + s, d
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Two colour ATI/ Laser Assisted PES
Sideband number/intensity depend strongly on XUV/NIR overlap  by comparison
with theory we are able to determine relative time delay to better than 100 fs
550 fs
1. New ultrafast XUV-modulated optical-reflectivity methods
C. Gahl et al., Nature Photonics 2 165-169 (2008)
T. Maltezopoulos et al., New J Phys 10 Art. No. 033026 (2008)
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 83, 516-525 (2007)
Appl. Phys. Lett 90 131108 (2007)
2. ‘TEO’
A. Azima et al., APL,
94 144102 (2009)
Atomic Dichroism in Two Colour ATI - He
Strong Polarisation Dependence of Sidebands (Low Field)
FLASH: 13.7 nm, 10-20 fs, 20µJ
OL: 800nm, 4ps, 400µJ, 6 x 1011 W/cm2
He 1s2 + hXUV ----> He+ 1s + p
He 1s2 + hXUV + hOL ---> He+ 1s + s, d
PRL 101 Art. no. 193002 (2008)
Atomic Dichroism in Two Colour ATI - He
Low Optical Laser Field
High Optical Laser Field
d n  2
d 0 
 Jn .K 
 d 
 d Ek
 
() = 3Sd + (5Ss + Sd) cos2
Ss/Sd =1.25 ± 0.3
n 
S He 
 Sin Cos  J  k Cosd
0 n
P. Theory: A Grum-Grzhimailo et al.
SPA: A Maquet/ R Taieb
PRL 101 Art. no. 193002
Two Colour X-ray + NIR Expts @ LCLS
Collaboration: R. Kienberger,J. Bozek, A. Cavalieri, R. Coffee, J. Costello,
S. Duesterer, M. Meyer, L. DiMauro & T. Tschentscher MPQ, LCLS, DESY, DCU, DESY, XFEL & Ohio State
Few Femtosecond Photo and Auger Electron
Dynamics in Strong Optical Fields
LCLS has a ‘low bunch current mode’ which allows it to deliver
ultrashort pulses of duration: 1 - 4 fs…..
So we are using the Single Shot Atomic Streak Camera or
SSASC technique* to measure it.
* R. Kienberger et al., J. Mod. Opt 52 261-275 (2005)
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Two Colour X-ray + NIR Expts @ LCLS
Single Shot Atomic Streak Camera – SSASC => few fs pulse widths
Target: Neon, LCLS: >850 eV, ~1 - 4 fs, Laser: OPA (2000 nm, ~ 7 fs),
a. Without dressing field =>
unshifted, no broadening…..
b. With dressing field (zero crossing)
=> unshifted, broadened…..
c. With dressing field (peak value)
=> shifted, not broadened…..
1. Electron bunch must replicate ultrashort X-ray pulse…….
2. Electron bunch duration must be shorter than one half cycle of the OPA dressing field (~ 3fs)……
3. Photoelectron energy shift follows the electric field of the IR dressing laser…..
4. In the zero field crossing case the electron pulse is streaked in both directions resulting in a broadened but
unshifted electron line - the electron linewidth will depend on the electron (X-ray) bunch length (case ‘b’)
5. On the other hand, if the electron bunch falls on the carrier peak, all parts of the bunch ‘feel’ approximately
the same dressing field, ergo the electron bunch will be shifted by a constant energy (case ‘c’)
6. Postprocessing - retrieve zero crossing cases to determine LCLS pulse width distribution (< 1 to 4 fs ?)
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Two Colour X-ray + NIR Expts @ LCLS
First test experiment at LCLS - sideband generation.
Target: Ne
November 2009 Test Data
LCLS: 840 - 850 eV
~50 -250 fs
SSASC data from July
2010 under analysis
Laser: 800 nm/ ~1 mJ
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Summary - Two Colour ATI
1. So far we have demonstrated interference free SBs to
high order, polarisation control, laser and FEL
parameter dependencies & SBs in atomic/ionic targets
2. At low optical intensities 2nd order PT & SPA agree
3. Beyond He we really need to measure angular
distributions to try to unravel the ‘l’ channels
4. SPA works well at high intensities but the number of
open high angular momentum channels is a challenge
5. Is there really value in going beyond SPA ? Does the
residual ion core atomic structure really matter ? (Ne+)
6. LCLS will test the limits of UF X-ray pulse/jitter
measurement techniques – ‘Tandem streaking’
experiment under review for beamtime………
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
6. Next step:X-ray coherent control ?
Resonant ATI
Neon: (Very) Simplified
Energy Level Scheme
Ne - 1s-13p(1P1)
Auger Emission
Ne+ - 2p5(2P1/2,3/2)
Ne -
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Next steps: X-ray coherent control ?
Another proposed scheme: Bozek (SLAC), Cavalieri (CFEL), Coffee (SLAC), Costello (DCU), Di Mauro
(OSU), Duesterer (DESY-FLASH), Hastings (SLAC), Kelly (DCU), Kennedy (DCU), Kienberger (MPQ/TUM), Nikolopoulos (DCU – Theory) Meyer (XFEL), Radcliffe (XFEL) and Tschenscher (XFEL)
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Ne Auger Splitting for 908 eV Pump
Ne + h (908 eV) -> Ne+ (k-1) + e- -> Ne2+ (2p4) + h (pump, 908 eV)
Irradiance @ 908 eV:
3.5 x 1016
Calculation –
Lampros Nikolopoulos (DCU)
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Ne Fluor Splitting for 891 eV Pump
Ne+ (1s-13p) -> Ne+ (2p5 2P3/2,1/2)
Irradiance @ 891 eV:
3.5 x 1016
Calculation –
Lampros Nikolopoulos
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
So what’s really new/ different about NL
Optics/ Spec with X-ray Lasers ?
• Importantly - EUV/X-ray FELs bring inner shell electrons into the nonlinear interaction of radiation with matter for the first time…..’inside out
• So Auger states (with femtosecond lifetimes) can play a key role in the
process…. This will lead to a complex dynamical interaction between the
EUV/X-ray excitation and decay which means that simple ‘Single Active
Electron - SAE’ models will no longer suffice…..…
• Self-consistent atomic structure and dynamics models that can combine
and capture the physical competition between pumping and rapid
(mainly) non-radiative decay of small quantum systems, along with a
gamut of other parasitic/competitive non-linear (e.g., ATI) and correlative
processes (e.g., shake up/down) in intense EUV/X-ray fields are now
needed for matter from atoms to macromolecular systems…….
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
What invest in AMOP at XFELs ?
“FELs operating at wavelengths comparable to the atomic
unit of space and with pulse durations which will
approach the atomic unit of time will permit the atomic
nature of systems ranging from complex rogue macromolecules to nanostructures to be distinguished, extracted
and possibly even controlled.
All such future studies will rely on a continuing stream of
innovative, critically executed and evaluated FLASH to XFEL
photoionization experiments on simple prototypical atomic
and molecular systems.”
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
In Summary
To date: We have looked only at one and two colour non-linear
photoionization processes in atoms
Also we have explored one example and can explore many more resonant
multiphoton processes where inner shell electrons dominate
Extend two colour pump-probe experiments to atomic ions & fragmentation/
ionization from vibrationally excited/selected wavepackets in molecules
2011 and beyond:
FLASH & SCSS - seeding, fs jitter, angle resolved PES,……
LCLS/XFEL - few fs pulses, ‘spoilers’ for cleaner pulses, seeding (Echo
7 project), etc……
“The VUV is more exciting” (J-P Connerade, IC London)
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010
Why TPI in Atomic Xe only ?
1. However, from Sorokin et al. PRL 99
(2007) 213002 one may conclude that the
FEL field produces and interacts with a
highly ionized target.
2. Xe+ has four 4d-1 ionization thresholds at
71.6 eV, 72.9 eV, 74.9 eV, and 76.2eV yield photolines with KE from 110 to
115eV. However, Xe+ appears only
weakly in the ion spectra even at very
high FEL intensity.
3. 4d-1 from higher charge states also
possible – outside KE region of interest
4. Additionally, two photon O-shell ionisation
cross section are weak at 93 eV for XE
ions, even for Xe4+ & Xe5 with nearby
resonances: J-M. Bizau et al………..
Laser @ 50, QUB, September 13, 2010