Foot, Ankle, Lower Leg

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Foot, Ankle, Lower
Leg Injuries
Sports Medicine 1
Lexington High School
Bony components
Tibia, fibula
26 Foot bones
Medial longitudinal, Lateral
longitudinal, anterior metatarsal, and
Shock absorbers
 Support body weight
 Provide rigid lever for propulsion
 Accommodation to uneven surfaces
Plantar aponeurosis
 Medial (Deltoid)
 Lateral
~ anterior talofibular
~ calcaneofibular
~ posterior talofibular
Foot (4 layers)
 Leg (4 compartments)
 Lateral
 Superficial posterior
 Deep posterior
~ flexion/extension
~ abduction/adduction
~ inversion/eversion
 Ankle
~ plantarflexion/dorsiflexion
Foot Injuries
 Signs and Symptoms
 Treatment
 Prevention
Retrocalcaneal Bursitis
Cause: Chronic inflammation of bursa
from constant rubbing from heel of
 S/S: Tenderness, swelling, warmth,
and redness
 TX: Doughnut pad placed around area
 Prevention: Properly fitting shoes
Cause: Bony enlargement of the head
of the 1st metatarsal caused from
wearing improperly fitting shoes.
 S/S: Obvious deformity, tenderness,
and swelling.
 TX: Proper shoe selection, protection
devices, surgery may be necessary
 Prevention: Properly fitting shoes.
Metatarsal Fracture
Cause: Direct force or twisting or
torsion stresses
 S/S: Swelling and pain. More pt
tender and sometimes palpable.
 TX: RICE, casting
 Prevention: Avoid getting kicked,
falling/rolling ankle
Pes Planus
Over pronation of foot
 Cause: Lack of support in shoes,
genetics, age
 S/S: Foot pain, lack of longitudinal
arch, lateral heel tilt
 Tx: arch stretches, toe curls, ice
massage, orthotics
 Prevention: toe curls, proper shoes
Ingrown Toenail
Cause: Improper shoe fitting and nail
 S/S: Increased pain, swelling, redness
around the nail bed
 TX: Hot, soapy water, antibiotics, raise
nail up.
 Prevention: proper shoes, proper nail
Plantar Fasciitis
Cause: Running, toe running, wrong
shoes (acute and chronic)
 S/S: Pain near heel. Similar signs as
heel bruise
 Treatment: RICE, stretching, IM,
NSAIDs, pad heel.
 Prevention: Stretching
Ankle Sprain
Cause: Inversion of the ankle
 S/S: Point tenderness, swelling, laxity
 TX: RICE, rehabilitation immediately
 Prevention: Strengthening exercises,
proper shoes
Tibia/Fibula Fractures
Cause: Direct Force, rotary force
 S/S: Immediate pain, swelling,
possible deformity
 TX: Immediate referral to MD
 Prevention: Wear proper shin
Shin Splints
Causes: Changes in any kind of
training. Abnormal strength in
Antagonist muscle
 S/S: Anterior medial shin pain
 TX: Eliminate bad changes, modified
rest, cryotherapy, arch tape job
Achilles Tendonitis
Cause: Repetitive weight bearing activities
that increase quicker than body can adapt
S/S: Generalized pain and stiffness around
the Achilles tendon. Usually gradual onset.
TX: Limiting or restricting the activity that
caused the irritation. Aggressive stretching
of heel cord.
Prevention: Heel cord stretching, proper
acclimization to activity.
Achilles Tendon Rupture
Cause: Sudden, forceful plantar
flexion of the ankle with a chronically
tight tendon.
 S/S: Feel or hear a pop. Feel as if
they’ve been kicked in the leg.
Inability to plantar flex foot.
 TX: Surgery vs. Cast
 Prevention: Stretching and proper
care of any tendonitis
Compartment Syndrome
Cause: Increased pressure within one of
four compartments of lower leg causes
compression of the structures in the leg.
S/S: Deep aching pain, tightness, and
swelling. Pain with stretching.
TX: Acute~ immediate surgery
Chronic~ activity modification &
ice and sometimes surgery
Prevention: Stretching (Hard to prevent)