Pilot Dual Diagnosis Training: London Prison Service 2005-2006

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Transcript Pilot Dual Diagnosis Training: London Prison Service 2005-2006

Dual Diagnosis Training Project
for Criminal Justice
Liz Hughes
Centre for Clinical and Academic Workforce
Innovation (CCAWI), University of Lincoln
Outline of presentation
Background to project
Discussion and recommendations
Dual diagnosis
• The co-occurrence of two or more “diagnosable” disorders
(according to diagnostic criteria such as ICD10)
• Each disorder usually exerts an influence on the course of
the other (thus complicating the clinical picture)
• This term has been increasingly used to represent a group
of people who have mental health and substance use
disorders (although in reality it is more than two problems:
they usually have complex needs including physical, legal,
financial and social needs)
• Significant developments in prison health care including
development and expansion of mental health and substance use
• Despite this, reports suggest that frontline staff are lacking
capabilities to deliver on the policy targets (SCMH 2006; DH
• Lack of integration between substance use and mental health
• In order for prison services to provide equivalence; substance use
and mental health services will need to work more closely together,
and have clear strategy for providing care for prisoners with dual
• No research into dual diagnosis specifically in prison.
• Psychiatric morbidity research suggests that rates of mental
disorders is much higher than general population
• 90% have substance use, mental health problem or both.
• Research has demonstrated that people with co-morbid mental
health and substance use problems have poorer outcomes when
compared to those with single diagnoses
• Re-offending rates are likely to be higher
• 32% of people who committed suicide in prison had co-morbid
Prison Pilot 2006
5 London prisons
Predominantly healthcare and CARATs
5 day course or blended learning
Manual/workbook as central teaching and
learning tool
Training needs 2006
• 80 questionnaires given to mental health and substance use staff at all
sites (29% returned)
• People were aware of the capabilities that were important for working
with this group, but most common response to what they actually do
was “referral”
• Barriers to care included lack of time, poor communication between
services, and security issues
• They lacked a theoretical framework for working with dual diagnosis
• Very few people had relevant training and experience (26%)
• None of the addictions staff reported any mental health training.
• They were unsure of their training needs.
Qualitative feedback 2006
Manual was identified as one of the most useful things
People also liked the skills practice (role-play)
People wanted more on mental health
The 5 day training seemed to be the preferred mode of training
• People in the blended learning had not been able to complete the
exercises in the manual within their working day.
• Service user feedback for manual was very positive.
• People felt that getting together with workers from other services
was very useful (both modes of training did this)
Skills for Health Demonstration Project:
Dual Diagnosis Training for criminal
justice staff
• Collaboration between Thames Valley,
University of Lincoln, DH (offender
health), and West London Life-long
Learning Network
• Members of above formed steering group
• Retrospective accreditation by Thames
Valley in the initial phase at levels 4 and 5
Project Aims
– Training needs assessment
– Mapping competences based on job descriptions using
learning design principals
– Review training materials Revise materials and HEI
– Pilot the course in London area March 2009
– Evaluation
– Explore further opportunities for CPD and progression
with regional HEIs
Programme delivery
• Marketing of course and applications within
criminal justice settings in greater London area
• Screening process with 58 selected (required
management sign-off)
• 2 cohorts (run concurrently)
• Heterogenous group- mental health inreach,
healthcare, primary care, CARATS, offender
managers, DIP, Forensic medical examiner
Identifying Competences
• Skills for health website competence tool
• Combination of dual diagnosis capability
framework mapped to KSF (which guides NOS)
• Mapping occupational competences to job roles in
relation to dual diagnosis
• Gaps in JDs- e.g. mental health in-reach don’t
have substance use competences (DANOS) yet
will require competence to identify and perform a
screening assessment of substance misuse
Data from participants applications
Baseline data from questionnaire sent to managers
Course evaluation occurs per session
Intensive post course evaluation using structured
Screening template re-rated
Further practice development opportunities and
Course team evaluation and modifications to the
Skills for health evaluation template
• Number of different types of workers involved
Prison service
Health (primary health, mental health inreach)
Drugs (CARATs)
Offender managers
• Release for training
– No backfill monies
– Lack of suitable venues within prisons
• Implementation after training
– Ongoing supervision?
– Booster sessions
Challenges continued
• Access to offenders for interventions
– Movement of offenders- lack of consistency of care
– Access for face to face contact
– Lack of privacy
• Different competence frameworks
– Mental health NOS
– Health and social care