The National Vitamin A Program: Objective

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Nepal Vitamin A Program Objectives

• reduce child mortality and prevent xerophthalmia through supplementation of children 6-60 months of age with high-dose vitamin A capsules • reduce vitamin A deficiency to a level that no longer constitutes a public health problem.

Nepal Vitamin A Program Implementation Strategy

• • • • • twice yearly supplementation community-based female volunteers (FCHVs) vit A and health education monitoring and evaluation

Nepal Vitamin A Program Implementation Strategy

Nepali Technical Assistance Group (NTAG) • • • • • training logistics support assistance with education and promotional activities field supervision monitoring and evaluation.

FCHV giving Vitamin A


Nepal Vitamin A Program

All 75 Districts are covered now NVAP Initiated Districts

Child Deaths Averted by Vitamin A Supplementation 50000 90 92 96 96 100 90 86 86 92 40000 80 35,329 29,120 30000 60 26,698 20,880 20000 40 16,365 14,727 12,581 8,486 10000 20 0 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 Estimated Child Deaths Averted Coverage (6-59 months) 1999/00 2000/01 0

Trend in Under-Five Mortality

200 150 196 158 161 Based on 2001 DHS Based on 1996 DHS Projected from 1996 Projected from 2001 118 126 100 91 94 75 73 56 50 0 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003

Trend based on the equation: Y = 211.66 exp -0.1379x


Nepal Vitamin A Program Elements of Success

• community-based, female community health volunteers • slow, consistent, gradual expansion • GON ownership, enabling policy environment • donor coordination • community empowerment and ownership • support systems strengthened • NTAG

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