Information Assurance Small Business Association’s (IASBA

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Transcript Information Assurance Small Business Association’s (IASBA

Information Assurance Small Business Association
Building the Bridges
February 6, 2008
Why Are We Here?
Celebrate the formal kickoff of IASBA
Review IASBA’s genesis, membership and intended value to the US
IA marketplace
To open a dialogue between NSA, Large IA Businesses, Small IA
Businesses and IASBA
To start building bridges among the NSA IA communities
(Government, Large Business, Academia, Other Associations and
Small Businesses)
3:00 - 3:05:
Welcome and Introduction (Mr. John Nicolettos - IASBA
3:05 - 3:30:
Message from the IASBA (Mr. John Nicolettos)
3:30 - 4:00:
Keynote Address (Mr. Richard Schaeffer - Director,
Information Assurance Directorate)
4:00 - 4:30:
Keynote Address (Mr. Curt Dukes - Director, NSA/CSS
Commercial Solutions Center)
4:30 - 4:55:
Keynote Address (Ms. Debbie Jacquez – Senior Vice
President, Systems Engineering Department, L-3 Services, Inc.)
4:55 - 5:00:
Closing Thoughts (Mr. John Nicolettos)
5:00 - 6:30:
IASBA Message
Background for Today’s Event
Overview of the Information Assurance Small Business
Association (IASBA)
Initial characterization of IASBA Membership
Pathways to More Effective Partnerships
Focus for Today
IASBA recognizes the need for Small Business representation within
the entire US IA marketplace
IASBA Board of Directors has chosen a strategy of managed growth
First step is to concentrate on the NSA IA Mission as a prototype
Expand into other US IA market segments using “lessons learned”
from NSA partnership
IASBA Strategy of Managed Growth
Has Initial Focus on NSA
Small Businesses in the US
Employ over half of all private sector employees
Represent 99.7% of all employers
Represent 23 – 27 million companies
Generate 60 to 80% of net new jobs annually
Account for over 44% of the total United States payroll
Produce over 13 times more patents per employee than large
patenting firms do
Make up 97% of all identified exporters
Produce 29% of known export value
Small business prime contracts represent more than 23% of the
total contract value across the federal government
Small Businesses are Significant Contributors
with Excellent Track Records of Achievement
Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy, “Small Business by the Numbers” June 2004.
Past Relationship Between
NSA IA Organizations and SB Community
Direct contracts with NSA IA organizations:
• Specific to a particular NSA IA organization
• Specific Small Business chosen by NSA IA technical staff
• Often small, sole-source efforts
Matched small business capabilities directly to NSA’s IA needs
Encouraged direct interaction between NSA IA and SBC technical &
management staff
• SBC keenly aware of NSA’s IA missions, challenges and priorities
• NSA IA knowledgeable of SBC capabilities and personnel
Current Relationship Between
NSA IA Organizations and SB Community
SBC consists of a large number of small IA focused
businesses (Est. 70 - 90)
NSA IA contracts are mainly with large business primes
SBC IA capabilities typically integrated into prime’s team
by providing resources on specific tasks
SBC access to NSA IA’s technical or management staff
typically constrained to specific tasks
Very few small business IA prime contracts
NSA IA organizations must achieve their missions under very
demanding conditions:
• Budgetary constraints
• Ever increasing needs for services
• Demanding, complex and interdependent customer needs and
Formal acquisition framework of statutory, regulatory and policy
Meeting these challenges requires NSA to develop creative,
flexible and responsive solutions
Small businesses traditionally provide creativity, technology and
responsiveness to the marketplace
The SBC Has the Required Characteristics and Capabilities…
“Bridges” are Needed to Better Connect
the NSA IA and SB Communities
IASBA Founding Members
SAFE Operations
Charles Baggett
Bay State
Ron Bruce
David Gauvin
G2, Inc.
Paul Green
Gemini Security Solutions
Peter Hesse
MTI, Inc.
Judith McCarty
TRIPRO Consulting
Brian McElroy
Cynergy Group
Terri Merz
A&N Associates, Inc.
John Nicolettos
The Agency Consulting Group
Doug Oakley
System/Technology Development Corp.
Ron Oklewicz
Secure Technologies Group
Dave Pyle
Cyber Defense Agency
Sami Saydjari
Praxis Engineering
Jerry Schepers
TRESYS Technology
Craig Sutherland
The Van Dyke Technology Group
Gary Van Dyke
Tailored Access, LLC
Steve Wolverton
IASBA Mission
Be an advocate for small businesses supporting the US IA
Provide the SBC with an identity and “consensus” voice to
communicate needs and capabilities more effectively
Educate and communicate on behalf of the IA SBC to other
stakeholders (e.g., government, large businesses, academia and
other trade associations)
Foster the increased and improved interaction among small
businesses for providing better and more effective solutions to the
NSA IA Mission
IASBA Status
IASBA is Chartered as a not-for-profit Association – July 10th, 2007
• Not-For-Profit 501 C(6) association charted in Maryland
• Advocacy and education focus… not marketing or lobbying
• Membership - revenues of less than $23M (3 yr. avg.)
• Associate memberships - to large businesses, government and
Managed by a Board of Directors elected from SBC membership
Administrative / financial infrastructures in place & functioning
Outreach programs initiated:
• NSA - IA Mission and Acquisition
• Large businesses in NSA IA marketplace
• Other formal and informal IA organizations and associations
Characterization data call of founding members collected, analyzed
and presented
Web portal up
IASBA Portal (Who We Are) (including the hyphen!)
The Other Portal (Who We Are Not!) (International Arab Social Betterment Association)
IASBA Board of Directors
President - John Nicolettos (A&N Associates, Inc.)
Treasurer - Judith McCarty (MTI, Inc.)
Secretary - Brian McElroy (TRIPRO Consulting)
Board Members
• Doug Oakley (The Agency Consulting Group)
• Steve Wolverton (Tailored Access, LLC)
• Dave Pyle (Secure Technologies Group)
• Mary Stassie (The Van Dyke Technology Group)
• Executive Director - Yuriy Dzambasow (A&N Associates)
• Assistant Secretary/Treasurer - Rachael Toren (A&N Associates)
Characterization of IASBA Members
Representation of IA Small Businesses
(In Your Backyard!)
A&N Associates, Inc.
FMS Secure Solutions
Red Arch Solutions
Responsive Consulting Services
G2, Inc.
SAFE Operations
Aspect Security
Gemini Security Solutions
Secure Enterprise Engineering
Assured Decisions
Information Security Systems
Secure Methods, Inc.
Bay State
Information Business Solutions
Secure Technologies Group, LLC
Carter-Lee Systems
MTI, Inc.
Tailored Access, LLC
Minerva Engineering
The Agency Consulting Group
Cynergy Group of Baltimore
Nieto Engineering
TRESYS Technology
dNovus RDI
NorthStar Consulting Solutions
TRIPRO Consulting
NuParadigm Government Systems
Trusted Mission Security
Engineering Solutions, Inc.
The Van Dyke Technology Group
Enterprise Consulting, Inc.
Pangia Technologies, LLC
Varen Technologies
Exceptional Software Strategies
Praxis Engineering
Waterman Engineering
Expert Consultants, Inc.
Wood Consulting Services
Initial Profile of IASBA Membership
Included 17 companies out of the 70 to 90 small businesses in IA Market
Total cleared professionals: 346
Average years in business: 7
Staff certifications: CISSP, CAP, CISM, PMP, CCDA, ISSEP, GIAC, CCNA
SCIF and laboratory space available
Approved accounting systems: NSA, GSA and/or DCAA approved rate
Offices other than HQ: 8 (from New York to Florida)
Clients and customers that span Federal, State and Local governments as
well as commercial enterprises
A highly skilled and diversified workforce comprised of highly experienced leaders
committed to a long-term relationship with NSA composed of companies with
excellent track records of achievement
IASBA Membership is Growing!
Our Chartered Members
M inerva
E n g in e e rin g
Secure Communications
Pathways to More Effective Partnerships
IASBA’s Value
Efficient/centralized majority voice representing the SBC of IA
Bidirectional communications bridges between the SBC its IA
customer organizations and large business partners
Convenient access to aggregated SBC IA capabilities for the benefit
of NSA IA customer organizations and large business partners
Mechanism to unite small businesses with IA experience to
understand and focus on major NSA IA challenges
Industry pathway for attracting and mentoring small businesses
with technologies, capabilities or processes of value to the NSA IA
Promotes socializing and networking within the SBC, and between
the SBC and its large business partners and IA customer
Model for other Departments and/or Agencies
Engaging the IASBA
The Federal Acquisition Regulations (5.102) - explicitly encourages acquisition
officials to work with industry trade associations:
As a knowledgeable contact for reliable market research
To obtain source lists of trade association members
To support determinations on contractor past performance
Participating in interactive, on-line communication sharing among industry, acquisition
personnel, and customers
Assisting local trade associations in disseminating notification of procurement actions to
their members
Joint Ethics Regulation, DOD 5500.7-R (See Article VI, Section 5)
DoD employees may serve as DoD liaisons to non-Federal entities when…there is a
significant and continuing DoD interest to be served by such representation
Liaisons serve as part of their official DoD duties…and represent only DoD interests to the
non-Federal entity in an advisory capacity
Liaisons may not be involved in matters of management or control of the non-Federal
Liaisons may officially represent DoD in discussions of matters of mutual interest with nonFederal entities providing it is made clear to the non-Federal entities that the opinions
expressed by liaisons do not bind DoD or any DoD Component to any action
Foundation for Building Bridges
NSA’s Contribution
• A senior level “champion” or “set of champions” that can represent NSA’s IA
Mission needs
A specific NSA-wide strategy for re-engaging with its IA SBC
Broad-based NSA senior management support to build a “bi-directional
communications bridges” between NSA organizations requiring IA services and
Large Business Contribution
• Senior leadership commitment to, and support of the IASBA
• Participation in dialogues with the SBC focused on synergizing competencies and
capabilities for the fulfillment of NSA's IA mission
Participation in joint advocacy and education efforts that promote and advertise
the IA capabilities of both communities
Recognition of, and respect for the individual identities and capabilities of your
small business partners
Foundation for Building Bridges (cont.)
SBC’s Contribution
• Senior leadership commitment and support to the IASBA, to include
monetary and personnel resources
Unrelenting dedication to crafting and shaping the IASBA to serve all
constituents in the NSA IA marketplace
Focus on applying the formidable capabilities and resources of the
entire IA SBC to the NSA IA mission
“Building The Bridges”
Keynote Speakers
Mr. Richard Schaeffer – Director, Information Assurance Directorate
Mr. Curt Dukes – Director, NSA/CSS Commercial Solutions Center
Ms. Debbie A. Jacquez – Senior Vice President, Systems Engineering
Department, Intelligence Solutions Division, L-3 Services, Inc.
Closing Thoughts
The Beginning… Thank You