Transcript Slide 1

Partnerships between UNEP and
donors (Part IV)
With Governments:
1. Belgium
2. Ireland
4. Norway
5. Sweden
With the European Commission
With the UN Foundation/UNFIP
With the UN Development Account
3. Netherlands
Partnerships with Governments
Funding for selected priority areas/clusters
Certain flexibility
Multi year funding (predictability)
Various implementation methods (projects,
costed workplans etc.)
Operated through Partnership Trust Funds
Overall coordination by PCMU
Government priorities
Poverty alleviation
International development agenda/MDGs
National frameworks (UNDAF, PRSPs)
Priorities identified by recipient countries
Achievement of sustainable and tangible
results measured against clear baseline data
(to be reflected in proposals and reports)
Government priorities (cont)
Strategic programmes/clusters instead of projects
Contribution to national development cooperation
Cooperation with other (UN) organizations
Interdivisional cooperation within UNEP
Efficient and effective delivery of agreed
project/programme (concerns about delays, under
utilization of funds and lack of performance
European Commission
• MoU between UNEP and EC
• Possibilities for direct grants
• UNEP participation in targeted calls for proposals
(based on EC priorities):
DED selects/ prioritizes proposals for submission
UNEP Brussels monitors calls and provides guidance
UNEP Brussels submits finalized proposals to EC
EC informs DED on outcome of application
European Commission ( cont)
UN-EC Financial Administrative Framework
Agreement (FAFA)
Support from UNEP Brussels Office
United Nations Foundation
Established as a public charity by Ted Turner in 1998
Funds are released through the UN Fund for International
Partnership (UNFIP)
General Programme areas are:
 Environment (including climate change, sustainable energy
and biodiversity)
 Women and population
 Children’s health
 Peace, security and human rights
Priorities include:
 MDG’s
 National development plans and priorities
United Nations Foundation (cont)
 Probability of high impact
 Partnerships with other organizations
 Innovation
 Added value
 Effective communication strategy
UN organizations compete for funding, e.g. UNESCO
received grants for biodiversity and UNDP for energy
Matching grants from other donors are required for most
projects (funds channeled through UNF/UNFIP)
Total funding for UNEP: about $50 million. Trend towards
decrease in funding
5% Programme support cost
(1% for UNHQ)
UN Development Account
• Established by the GA in 1999
• Managed by UN DESA (from New York)
• Operates on a biennial basis with specific themes and
funding for supplementary development projects
• For the 2006-2007 biennium (5th “tranche”) the theme is
“Supporting progress towards the internationally agreed
development goals, through knowledge-management,
networking and partnerships”
UN Development Account (cont)
Priorities include:
 Capacity building
 Impact at field level
 Multiplier and demonstration effects
 Sustainability
 Cooperating with other UN entities (especially Regional
Economic Commissions)
 Use of ICT
Amounts are allotted from UNHQ
Total funding for UNEP: $3.5 million (Project size $230,000$640,000)
No Programme support cost
Processes for obtaining funding
Cycles and processes vary, but there are common elements
ED/DED approach donors at political level for initial commitment
Request for proposals after dialogue with or indication from donor
(finding of common priorities) or after formal call for proposal
PCMU coordinates and compiles for selection/prioritization by ED/DED
(Senior) UNEP officials are welcome to discuss issues with donors, but
formal submissions on behalf of UNEP are made only by ED/DED
Scrutiny by donors and comparison with other agencies
Comments by donors/requests for revision
(Annual) reporting in partnership context (coordinated by PCMU)20