World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs)

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Transcript World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs)

National Science Foundation
World Radiocommunication
Conferences (WRCs)
Tomas E. Gergely
Summer School on Spectrum
Management and Radio Astronomy
Green Bank, June 2002
National Science Foundation
WRCs: Introduction
WRCs Are a Big Deal!
WRC-00 Attended by:
 2037 delegates
from 150 countries
 83 companies
 326 observers
from 95 organizations
 Over 500 Documents
For a Feel of a WRC (WRC97), as Experienced by An
Astronomer, see:
17 July 2015
National Science Foundation
WRCs: History (1)
 1865
First International Telegraph Convention signed in Paris by the 20 founding
members, and the International Telegraph Union (ITU) established
 1906 First International Radiotelegraph Conference held in Berlin signs the first
International Radiotelegraph Convention. The annex to this Convention contained
the first regulations governing wireless telegraphy. Expanded and revised by
numerous radio conferences, these are now known as the Radio Regulations
 1927 Washington D.C. Conference held to establish the International Radio
Consultative Committee (CCIR)
 1932 Madrid Conference, decides to combine the International Telegraph
Convention of 1865 and the International Radiotelegraph Convention of 1906 to
form the International Telecommunication Convention, and to change the name of
the Union to International Telecommunication Union.
 1947 Atlantic City Conference held with the aim of developing and modernizing the
organization. The ITU becomes a UN specialized agency. The International
Frequency Registration Board (IFRB) is established to coordinate the increasingly
complicated task of managing the radio-frequency spectrum. The Table of
Frequency Allocations, introduced in 1912, is declared mandatory.
 1959 CCIR sets up a study group responsible for studying space
 1963 Geneva, Extraordinary Administrative Conference for space communications
held to allocate frequencies to the various space services.
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National Science Foundation
WRCs: History (2)
New Regulations (in Particular, Frequency Allocations) Are
Adopted at and by WRCs, and Are Incorporated Into the RR
 Before 1993 WRCs came in two
flavors:Specialized and GWARCs, and were held on an “as
needed” basis
 WRCs held between 1979 and
1979 G-WARC (WARC-79)
1983 Mobile WARC (WARC
1984 HFBC WARC (HFBC-84)
1985 WARC on Geostationary
Orbit Use (ORB-85)
1987 HFBC WRC (HFBC-87)
1987 Mobile WARC (WARC
1988 WARC on Geostationary
Orbit Use (ORB-85)
1992 WARC for Dealing with
Allocations in Certain Parts
of the Spectrum (WARC-92)
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 Since 1993 WRCs Have Been
Held Regularly, at 2-3 Year
Intervals, With Unrestricted
WRCs held since 1993:
Geneva 1995 (WRC-95)
Geneva 1997 (WRC-97)
Istanbul 2000 (WRC-00)
Caracas 2003 (WRC-03)
2006 (WRC-06)
National Science Foundation
Radio Astronomy at WRCs
 1950 Zurich URSI GA Need to have frequency bands reserved for radio astronomy
discussed for the first time.
 1959 WARC, Geneva, Ch. Seeger, RA Representative (4 months, at $15 per diem!):Radio
Astronomy recognized as a “service”
 Protection provided to the HI line in the RR
 Footnote protection provided to other bands
 Further discussions and “studies” at Space WARC-63
 IUCAF formed, to prepare RA positions for WARC-63
 1963 Space WARC, Geneva:
 IUCAF participates for the first time
 OH line discovery announced, secondary allocations to main OH lines made
 1971 WARC-ST, Geneva:
 Allocations made up to 275 GHz
 Table allocations to RA: OH (1665 & 1667 MHz), NH3 (23.7 GHz)
and HCN(86.3 and 88.6 GHz)
 Footnote allocations to 7 other lines
 Recommendation on the Shielded Area of the Moon Reserved for RA
 1979 G-WARC, Geneva, 14 RA Representatives for various periods, 6 weeks
 16 bands allocated in the Table to RA, up to 116 GHz
 18 bands allocated by footnote above 140 GHz above 140 GHz
 Recommendation 66 approved, first concerns about out-of-band emissions
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National Science Foundation
Radio Astronomy at WRCs (2)
 1987 Mob-WARC, Geneva, 1 RA Representative
 Limited Impact on RA
 1988 WARC-Orb, Geneva, 1 RA Representative
 1992 WARC, Malaga-Torremolinos, 9 RA Representatives (6 IUCAF, 3 on Nat.
 Frequencies allocated to IRIDIUM, 1612 MHz allocation upgraded to
primary, RR 733E approved
 1993 WRC, Geneva, 2 RA Representatives, both IUCAF
 Conference to determine Agenda and timing of future conferences only
 1995 WRC, Geneva, 9 RA Representatives (5 IUCAF, 4 on National Delegations
 Frequencies allocated to Teledesic (Broad-band systems), various
footnotes protecting RA approved Radio Regs “simplified”
 1997 WRC, Geneva, 14 RA Representatives (7 IUCAF, 7 on National Delegations)
 Aggregate interference pfd’s make first appearance, FSS allocated to
40.5-42.5 GHz
 Recommendation 66 is revised
 15 GHz radio astronomy allocation is protected to specific pfd level
 Protection of RA at 42 GHz is addressed
 2000 WRC, Istanbul, 17 RA representatives (3 IUCAF, 14 on National Delegations)
 71- 275 GHz spectrum realigned to accommodate passive needs
 3 RA bands protected to specific pfd levels from adjacent satellite
 42 GHz RA allocations protected
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National Science Foundation
The ITU Framework
International Uses of the Radio Spectrum Are Regulated by the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU), an Organ of the
United Nations, Through the Radio Regulations
The Radio Regulations Constitute an International Treaty on All
Aspects of Radiocommunications, Covering the Use of the RadioFrequency Spectrum by Radiocommunication Services (ITU
The International Table of Allocations Is Part of the Radio
Regulations (Article 5). Within the Current Practices of the ITU,
Radiocommunication Is Considered to Encompass the Spectrum
Below 3 000 GHz, but at Present, Spectrum Allocations Cover Only
up to 275 GHz
This is Likely to Change:
 Proposal to the Plenipot Conference (Sept. 2002) to Extend ITU Mandate to
Optical Wavelengths, Essentially Without Limits
 WRC-06 Is Likely to Tackle Allocations up to 1 000 GHz
Countries Are Sovereign With Regard to the Use of the Radio
Spectrum (And Regulation) Within National Borders and Have No
Obligation to Adopt or Follow the International Table of Allocations
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National Science Foundation
How Do WRCs Impact
Radio Astronomy?
Directly Through:
In-Band Sharing
Adjacent Band Allocations (Satellite Downlinks)
Establishing (or not establishing) Standards (e.g.
Spurious Emissions, Frequency Tolerances, etc.)
Other Regulations (e.g. Coordination Zones)
Mandating Studies That May Affect The Status Of Radio
Astronomy In Various Regions Of The Spectrum
Other Regulations (e.g. Coordination Zones around Radio
Observatories, Earth Stations, etc. )
Placing Radio Astronomy Issues (or Related Issues)
The Agenda of Future WRCs
17 July 2015
National Science Foundation
How Do WRCs Work:
Agendas and Proposals
The scope of each WRC is limited by its Agenda
Each WRC develops and formally adopts a draft Agenda
(contained in a Resolution) for the next conference, and a
provisional agenda for the one after.
Currently Agendas have many unrelated items, e.g: A.I. 1.15 (WRC03)
 to review the results of studies concerning the radionavigation-satellite service in
accordance with Resolutions 604(WRC-2000), 605(WRC-2000), and 606 (WRC-2000);
The draft Agenda for each WRC must be formally approved by the
ITU Administrative Council, which meets annually. Once approved,
the Agenda is submitted to Member States for final adoption and
often there is considerable fight over Agenda Items
 WRCs work by considering Proposals that may be submitted only
by Member Administrations of the ITU in good standing
The deadline to submit proposals is set (usually) some six months
prior to the beginning of the WRC (and is routinely ignored)
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National Science Foundation
Proposals: An Example
WRC-2000 Agenda Item 1.14
To review the results of the studies on the feasibility of implementing non-GSO MSS feeder
links in the 15.43-15.63 GHz in accordance with Resolution 123 (WRC-97).
Allocation to services
Region 2
Remove the 15.43-15.63 GHz space-to-Earth allocation from the Tables of Article RR S5
Region 1
Region 3
15.43 – 15. 63
FIXED SATELLITE (space-to-Earth) (Earth-to-space)
MOD S5.511A
Background Information: Studies conducted subject to Resolution 123 (WRC-97) dealt with
two aspects
1. Need for the allocation to non-GSO MSS feeder links in the band 15.43-15.63 GHz (space-toEarth);
2. feasibility of implementing non-GSO MSS feeder links in the band 15.43-15.63 GHz (spaceto-Earth) regarding protection of RAS, EESS (passive) and SRS (passive) operating in the band
15.35-15.4 GHz.
The results of the studies, as reported in the CPM report, showed that it should be feasible to
implement the existing non-GSO MSS feeder downlinks in the band 15.43-15.63 GHz taking into
account the protection requirements for RAS and other passive services in this band. Providing
that the existing non-GSO MSS feeder downlinks systems planning to use this band can provide
the required protection to the passive services, the ITU-R studies did not identify any additional
technical or operational disadvantages with respect to the existing systems.
The CPM report also concludes that, for future non-GSO MSS systems using the space-to-Earth
allocation at 15.43-15.63 GHz substantial mitigation techniques would be required to adequately
protect the RAS from harmful interference.
The technical studies also concluded that, because of high levels of suppression of out-of-band
emissions required, use of the band 15.43-15.63 GHz for space-to-Earth feeder links should not
extend beyond non-GSO MSS satellite networks for which advanced publication information has
been received by the Bureau prior to WRC-2000.
Feasibility of implementing feeder links of non-geostationary satellite
networks in the mobile-satellite service in the band 15.43 – 15.63 GHZ (spaceto-earth) while taking into account the protection of the radio astronomy
service, the earth exploration-satellite (passive) service and the space research
(passive) service in the band 15.35 – 15.4 GHZ
The ITU-R studies concluded that the space-to-Earth operation of non-GSO MSS feeder links in
parts of the 15.43-15.63 band is significantly difficult and sometimes impossible, due to technical
limitations that would have to be imposed on the feeder links.
The ITU-R studies complied with the Res. 123 (WRC-97) provisions completely and hence
covered all issues related to Agenda item 1.14. Taking into account that Res. 123 (WRC-97) has
attained its objectives and aims, it would be appropriate to suppress it.
Suppress Resolution 123
Modify S5.511A as follows:
Use of the band 15.43-15.63 GHz by the fixed satellite service
(space-to-Earth (see Resolution 123 (WRC-97)) and Earth-to-space) is limited to
feeder links of non-geostationary systems in the mobile-satellite service, subject to
coordination under No. S911A.
In the space-to-Earth direction, the use of this band is limited to feeder links of nonGSO MSS systems for which advanced publication information has been received
prior to WRC-2000 the minimum earth station elevation angle above and gain
towards the local horizontal plane and the minimum coordination distances to
protect an earth station from harmful interference shall be in accordance with
Recommendation ITU-R S.1341. Also in the space-to-Earth direction, harmful
interference shall not be caused to stations of the radio astronomy service using the
band 15.35-15.4 GHz. The threshold levels of interference and associated power
flux-density limits, which are detrimental to the radio astronomy service, are given
in Recommendation ITU-R RA.769-1 for 98% of the time. Special measures will
need to be employed to protect the radio astronomy service in the band 15.35-15.4
GHz. (WRC-97)
Common CITEL proposals were developed to reflect this point of views.
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National Science Foundation
Future Agendas
Technical Studies
Com 1
Com 2
17 July 2015
Com 3
Com 6
National Science Foundation
A I 1.6
MSS < 1 GHz
A I 1.11
1.4 GHz
406 MHz
A I 1.9
(42 GHz)
A I 1.4
A I 1.16
10.7 GHz
A I 1.13
RNSS at 5 GHz
A I 1.15.1
A I 1.5
18.6-18.8 GHz
A I 1.17
15 GHz
A I 1.14
A I 1.10
20/30 GHz
Main Committees
A I 1.15.2
Essential To Radio Astronomy
Interest To Radio Astronomy
No Radio Astronomy Interest
17 July 2015
A I 1.3
A I 1.1
National Science Foundation
How Do WRCs Work:
Proposals Are Attributed to the Various Subcommittees and
Introduced in Detail
Subcommittees or Drafting Groups Are Formed Until a Manageable
Size is Reached (Often Nested 5-6 Levels Deep)
Consensus is Sought in the Subgroups, Many Meetings May Be
Necessary to Resolve an Issue
If Consensus Is Reached, The Consensus Proposal Is Elevated to
the Parent Group for Approval (and so on, until it reaches the
If Consensus Is Impossible to Reach, Chairman of Parent Group IS
Votes Are Taken Only as a Last Recourse, When All Attempts at
Reaching Consensus Failed
Often There Is only a Partial Resolution of an Issue, With
Resolutions for Further Studies, and the Issue Revisited at the
Next WRC
Much (but not all!) Depends on the Chairpersons’ ability to conduct
the Meetings and Force Consensus
17 July 2015
National Science Foundation
How Do WRCs Work:
Compromise is sought to the maximum extent possible, votes are
avoided as much as possible
One country, one vote rule favors the formation of (regional) blocs
Delegations, representing members (e.g. IUCAF), work by trying to
influence Administrations by:
Information Papers
Addressing the Floor, if Allowed to Do So
Any other way possible, (some legal, some less so)
Radio Astronomers participate through:
• National Delegations (participate in developing national
positions, delegation meetings, as spokespersons, etc., they
are however, bound by national positions )
• IUCAF (free to lobby, not bound by [but usually also unable to
influence] national positions)
• Both necessary, some countries allow participation in both,
others don’t
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National Science Foundation
Consensus Reached : Mm-wave
Allocations (WRC-00)
17 July 2015
Systems Above 71 GHz Are Under
Development, But Are Not Yet
Operational, So No Costly Assets
Needed to Be Relocated
Astronomers coordinated proposals
very closely and carefully during the
process leading up to the WRC. This
resulted in nearly identical proposals
by the three large regional groups
within the ITU (CITEL, CEPT and APT)
Astronomy Proposals Were Also
Carefully Coordinated With Remote
Sensing Community (and Amateurs)
Flexibility Shown By Astronomy
Community In Developing Proposals
Active Services Distracted By Many
Other WRC Related Concerns
Few Active Commercial Requirements
in This Spectral Region Yet (But
Situation Changing Rapidly, e.g. FCC
Push to Commercialize 90- 94 GHz
15 )
National Science Foundation
Consensus Not Reached:
40 GHz Allocations
The Issue
Radio Astronomy Allocations
at 42.5-43.5 GHz (7-mm
continuum) and a) the 42.821
GHz, 43.122 GHz and 43.423 GHz
SiO lines (listed in RR 5.149 and
in Rec. ITU-R RA.314) and b) the
42.159 GHz SiO line (not listed in
either of the above) need to be
protected from Unwanted
Emissions of Satellite Downlinks
(FSS and BSS) intending to
operate in the adjacent lower
17 July 2015
VLA image of two protoplanetary disks in a molecular cloud in the
constellation Taurus. The colors represent relative intensity, or
brightness, of the radio emission coming from these disks; red is
strong emission and blue is weak emission. The scale bar shows a
distance of 20 Astronomical Units (AU). An Astronomical Unit is the
distance between Earth and the Sun. In our own Solar System, the
planet Uranus is about 19 AU from the Sun.
National Science Foundation
Consensus Not Reached:
40 GHz Allocations
 Situation until WRC-97:
 BSS Allocation in 40.5-42.5 GHz Band - Never Implemented
WRC-97: FSS Downlink Allocation made in 40.5-42.5 GHz band, in spite of
Radio Astronomy opposition
 Allocation subject to conditions specified in Res. 128 (WRC-97) and Res. 129
• Identify measures (technical and operational) to protect RA from harmful
interference from emissions in 41.5-42.5 GHz band. Identify measures to
decrease susceptibility of RA stations (Res 128)
• Allocation (41.5-42.5 GHz) not to be implemented until above accomplished
• Other sharing issues in the full 40.5-42.5 GHz band (Res. 129)
• Some “studies” performed by the radio astronomy community. Help requested
from satellite industry, but no satellite studies performed.
• Pressures from many countries and Fixed Service interests to segment allocation
40.5-41.5 GHz portion for FSS
41.5- 42.5 GHz for Fixed Service
 WRC-00:
 Allocation provisionally subject to S5.551G, pfd limit imposed in the 42.5-43.5
GHz band, from all space stations operating in the 40.5-42.5 GHz band.
 Studies to go on under Res. 128, issue to be revisited at WRC-03
 Possibility of deletion of BBS from 41-41.5 GHz also studied.
17 July 2015
National Science Foundation
WRC Output
The output of a WRC is contained in the
 “Final Acts”, a Treaty Document. (In the U.S.
it has to be ratified by the U.S. Senate. This may
take a lo… time!
Administrations may except themselves from
complying with some provisions of the Final
Acts, through the mechanism of taking a
“reservation”. These are appended to the Final
In the U.S. Implementation of the FA of the WRC
follows the two track process
 NTIA, usually through an AH group of the IRAC
 FCC, through NPRMs
17 July 2015
National Science Foundation
WRC Preparations:
The International Process
Preparations for the (Next) WRC Start As Soon As One
Ends. They Are Channeled Towards the Conference
Preparatory Meeting (CPM), That Prepares a Report
Containing the “Technical” Basis for the Various Agenda
First CPM Meeting, Held Immediately After the WRC,
Determines the Content and Organization of the CPM
Report, Based on the WRC Agenda
Studies, Mandated in WRC Resolutions Are Carried Out (or
not!) in the Various Study Groups
“Responsible” SGs Draft CPM Text, With Input From Other
“Interested” SGs
Draft CPM Report Is Put Together by Chapter Rapporteurs
Second CPM Meeting Held, Usually 6 Months Before the
WRC, to Finalize CPM Report
CPM Meetings Have Become Very Political and Often
Serve to Stake Out Preliminary Positions for the WRC,
Rather Than Attempting to Solve Technical Issues
17 July 2015
National Science Foundation
WRC-03 Agenda Items of
Interest to Radio Astronomy (1)
AI 1.8
to consider issues related to unwanted
 1.8.1 consideration of the results of studies regarding the boundary
between spurious and out-of-band emissions, with a view to including
the boundary in Appendix S3;
 1.8.2 consideration of the results of studies, and proposal of any
regulatory measures regarding the protection of passive services from
unwanted emissions, in particular from space service transmissions, in
response to recommends 5 and 6 of Recommendation 66 (Rev.WRC2000);
AI 1.11
to consider possible extension of the allocation
to the mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space) on a secondary
basis in the band 14-14.5 GHz to permit operation of the
aeronautical mobile-satellite service as stipulated in
Resolution 216 (Rev.WRC-2000);
AI 1.13
to consider regulatory provisions and possible
identification of existing frequency allocations for services
which may be used by high altitude platform stations, taking
into account No. S5.5RRR and the results of the ITU-R studies
conducted in accordance with Resolutions 122 (Rev.WRC2000) and 734 (WRC-2000); [31 GHz]
17 July 2015
National Science Foundation
WRC-03 Agenda Items of
Interest to Radio Astronomy (2)
AI 1.15
to review the results of studies concerning
the radionavigation-satellite service in accordance with
Resolutions 604 (WRC-2000), 605 (WRC-2000) and 606
(WRC-2000); [5 GHz]
AI 1.16
to consider allocations on a worldwide basis
for feeder links in bands around 1.4 GHz to the non-GSO
MSS with service links operating below 1 GHz, taking into
account the results of ITU-R studies conducted in
response to Resolution 127 (Rev.WRC-2000), provided
that due recognition is given to the passive services,
taking into account No. S5.340; [1.4 GHz]
A. 1.32
to consider technical and regulatory
provisions concerning the band 37.5-43.5 GHz, in
accordance with Resolutions 128 (Rev.WRC-2000) and 8
17 July 2015
National Science Foundation
 Findlay, J.W. “IUCAF and Frequencies for Radio Astronomy”, in IAU Colloquium
No. 112 (D. L.Crawford, ed.), Light Pollution, Radio Interference and Space Debris,
1991, Astr. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser. , Vol. 17
 Robinson, B. “Frequency Allocation: The First Forty Years”, Ann. Rev. Astron.
Astrophys., 1999, 37, 65
Kuiper, T. B. H. ,”WRC-97, Geneva, Nov. 2-7”, at:
Websites of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU):
17 July 2015