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Report on main ESDIN PTB related activities

AGILE 2010 Pre-conference Workshop,

European Persistent Geospatial Testbed for Research and Education (PTB),

Guimaraes, 11 th May, 2010,

Chris Higgins, EDINA, University of Edinburgh,

[email protected]

• • • An eContent


Best Practice Network project Started September 2008 Coordinated by EuroGeographics • 1.






Key goal : help member states, candidate countries and EFTA States prepare their data for INSPIRE Annex 1 spatial data themes and improve access: Coordinate Reference Systems Administrative Boundaries Cadastral Parcels Hydrography Transport Networks Geographical Names

ESDIN project info (

Lantmäteriet The Finnish Geodetic Institute Statens kartverk Helsinki University of Technology National Land Survey of Finland Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen IGN Belgium EDINA, University Edinburgh 1Spatial EuroGeographics IGN France National Technical University of Athens Kadaster Geodan Software Development & Technology Universität Münster Interactive Instruments Bundesamt für Eich und Vermessungswesen Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity Romania Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

Specific Objectives:

• Implement Annex 1 INSPIRE compliant web based services which support the aggregation of harmonised data across borders and across themes • Aggregate data through development of INSPIRE web services at different levels of resolution.

• Demonstrate the integration of local reference information with pan European reference information.

• Test INSPIRE Implementation Rules and specifications in a live environment and recommend improvements.

High level overview of Tasks:


• Pan-European products from EuroGeographics made available as ESDIN ExM services: – EuroGlobalMap – EuroRegionalMap, EuroBoundaryMap • Large scale ExM services from various NMCAs dependent upon licencing

Relevance of the PTB for ESDIN

• Good stakeholder engagement as PTB is well representative of European academic SDI interest • Good coordination with key groups such as JRC, EuroSDR, AGILE, GIGAS, etc.

• In relation to the Desciption of Work (DoW): • Network of universities matches expected results and success indicators • Good match with target users and there needs • PTB emphasis on persistance matches sustainability

Mention of the Academic Sector in the DoW #1

Expected Results

: “

Seamless INSPIRE- conformant access to the above data through a distributed technical architecture to key elements within the European academic sector

” A significant number of academic users using INSPIRE conformant ExM data and geoprocessing services, enabling research and education predicated on harmonised data capable of being combined with additional content. This will be a significant contribution towards the establishment of a European academic SDI through involvement of the European Persistant Testbed for Research and education (PTB)”

Mention of the Academic Sector in the DoW #2

Target users and there needs

: “European academic sector. To maximise benefit to the European Economic area. Students, researchers, etc, should have access to services which allow them to be educated and conduct research using the highest quality interoperable pan-European data available from the NMCAs.”

Long term goal – DoW #3


: “UEDIN will continue, with the agreement of EuroGeographics, to make pan-European datasets based view and download services available to the academic sector post project for a minimum of 6 months and longer if funding becomes available. The latter will be possible as ESDIN, and related projects, will lay the foundations for a European academic SDI.

Progress – PTB phase 1

• EDINA/UniBW. Cross Border Use Case • Demonstrated that it is possible to enable access control for WMS v1.1 without altering the interface • It is possible to integrate protected WMS with Shibboleth-based federated Identity Management

PTB Phase2 CfP text… Solicited proposals from organisations who showed…

“Willingness to participate in an “access management federation of European universities” project as part of an OGC Authentication Interoperability Experiment. The objective here is to demonstrate securely sharing licensed data across the European academic sector using OGC Web Services”

Access Management Phase2 responses from:





EDINA, University of Edinburgh FIUGINET (Finnish Universities Geoinformatics Network) and CSC — IT Center for Science Ltd Technical University of Dresden Centre for Geospatial Science, University of Nottingham

OGC Interoperability Experiments

• Intended as a relatively simple, low overhead, means for OGC members to get together and advance specific technical objectives within the OGC baseline • Facilitated by OGC staff • More lightweight than the OGC Web Services initiatives • Focussed on specific interoperability issues • Effort is viewed as voluntary and supported by in-kind contributions by participating member organisations • Duration normally around 6 months

Authentication Interoperability Experiment

• • OpenGIS Project Document 09-092r1 Test standard ways of transferring authentication information between OGC clients and OGC services • The following mechanisms will be tested: • HTTP Authentication • • • • HTTP Cookies SSL/X509, SAML Shibboleth OpenID • WS-Security • From OGC perspective, the main output will be an OGC Engineering Report that may be upgraded to a best practice document

Current Status

• Sept 2009: pre-Kickoff meeting at the Darmstadt OGC Technical Committee (TC) meeting • • • Dec 2009: formal Kickoff at the Mountain View TC Tentative end date June 2010 IE participants: • NGA; Secure Dimensions; CubeWerx; NASA (Pat Cappelare); The Carbon Project; 52North; WhereGroup; EDINA; BRGM; Lat/Lon; DSTL (UK MOD); German Mapping Authority; Army Geospatial Center; ESRI; Interactive Instruments

Access Management Phase2 – whats happening #1 Two parallel strands of activity - One

• Engagement of a small number of ESDIN NMCAs: Kadaster, Fomi, KMS, OSGB (through EDINA) • Shibboleth federation of Service Providers and Identity Providers share GI through INSPIRE compliant web services simulated • WMS and WFS • Two client applications supplied by EDINA

Access Management Phase2 – whats happening #2 Two parallel strands of activity - Two

• Engagement of the PTB Universities named above • Shibboleth federation of Service Providers and Identity Providers share GI through INSPIRE compliant web services simulated • WMS and WFS, and possibly other W*S • Two client applications supplied by EDINA


• Too early • IE ends late June • Activity beyond June (ESDIN end Mar 2011), but what?

• Cross federation issues out of scope for IE but of obvious interest?

• Link with INSPIRE testing (ESDIN WP12)?

• What set of attributes required for pan-European authorisation issues?

• Workflows?

Any questions?

[email protected]