Transcript Slide 1

Anomalous ionospheric conductances
caused by plasma turbulence in highlatitude E-region electrojets
Y. S. Dimant and M. M. Oppenheim
Center for Space Physics, Boston University
[email protected]
Session SA33A: Anomalous ionospheric conductances caused by plasma
turbulence in high-latitude E-region electrojets
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
1:40PM – 6:00PM
Paper SA33A-2165
2012 AGU Fall Meeting
Monday–Friday, December 3–7, 2012, San Francisco, California, USA
During periods of intense geomagnetic activity, electric fields penetrating
from the Earth's magnetosphere to the high-latitude E-region ionosphere drive strong
currents named electrojets and excite plasma instabilities.
These instabilities give rise to plasma turbulence that induces nonlinear
currents and strong anomalous electron heating observed by radars. This plays an
important role in magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling by increasing the ionospheric
conductances and modifying the global energy flow. The conductances determine the
cross-polar cap potential saturation level and the evolution of field-aligned (Birkeland)
currents. This affects the entire behavior of the near-Earth plasma.
A quantitative understanding of anomalous conductance and global energy
transfer is important for accurate modeling of the geomagnetic storm/substorm
evolution. Our theoretical analysis, supported by recent 3D fully kinetic particle-in-cell
simulations, shows that during strong geomagnetic storms the inclusion of anomalous
conductivity can more than double the total Pedersen conductance - the crucial factor
responsible for magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling through the current closure. This
helps explain why existing global MHD codes developed for predictive modeling of
space weather and based on laminar conductivities systematically overestimate the
cross-polar cap potentials by a factor of two or close.
• Global magnetospheric MHD codes with normal
conductances often overestimate the cross-polar cap
potential (up to a factor of two).
• During magnetic (sub)storms, strong convection DC
electric field drives plasma instabilities in the E region
• E-region instabilities create turbulence: density
perturbations coupled to electric field modulations
• Anomalous conductance due to E-region turbulence
could account for the overestimate of the cross-polar
cap potential.
Location: Lower Ionosphere
Energy flow in Solar-Terrestrial System
Solar Corona
Solar Wind
Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
Anomalous conductivity
• Instability-driven plasma density irregularities
coupled to turbulent electrostatic field:
– 1: Turbulent field gives rise to anomalous electron
heating (AEH). Reduced recombination leads to
plasma density increases.
– 2: Electron density irregularities and turbulent
electrostatic fields create wave-induced nonlinear
currents (NC).
• Both processes affect macroscopic ionospheric
conductances important for MagnetosphereIonosphere current system.
Anomalous electron heating
During magnetospheric
storms/substorms, Eregion turbulence at the
high latitude electrojet
heats up electrons
dramatically, affecting
ionospheric conductance.
This temperature elevation
is induced mainly by
turbulent electric fields.
The small turbulent field
component parallel to B0
plays a crucial role.
25 mV/m
(at higher latitudes)
125 mV/m
(Foster and Erickson, 2000)
Recent observation:
Te > 4000K at E0=160 mV/m
(Bahcivan, 2007)
(Stauning & Olesen,
1989, E0=82 mV/m)
Characteristics of E-region Waves
• Electrostatic waves nearly perpendicular to B0 , k||  k
• Low-frequency,    en
• E-region ionosphere (90-130km): dominant collisions with neutrals
- Magnetized electrons: e   en (E x B drift)
- Unmagnetized ions:
i   in
(Attached to neutrals)
• Waves are driven by strong DC electric field, E0  B0
• Damped by collisional diffusion (ion Landau damping for FB)
Major E-region instabilities
Driven by large-scale DC electric field
• Farley-Buneman (two-stream) instability
Caused by ion inertia
• Gradient drift (cross-field) instability
Caused by density gradients
• Thermal (electron and ion) instabilities
Caused by frictional heating
Ion kinetic effects are crucial: need PIC simulations
Small parallel fields are important: need 3-D simulations!
Threshold electric field
Equatorial ionosphere
High-latitude ionosphere
FB: Farley-Buneman instability
1: Ion magnetization boundary
IT: Ion thermal instability
2: Combined instability boundary
ET: Electron thermal instability
CI: Combined (FB + IT + ET) instability
[Dimant & Oppenheim, 2004]
AEH: Heuristic Model of Turbulence
(comparison with Stauning and Olesen [1989])
100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135
h, km
E = 82 mV/m
[Milikh and Dimant, 2003]
Plasma Heating (PIC simulations)
Ionization-Recombination Mechanism
• Turbulent electric fields heat electrons.
• Elevated electron temperature does not affect
conductivities directly, but …
– Hot electrons reduce plasma recombination rate.
– Reduced recombination (presumed given ionization
source) increases E-region plasma density.
• Higher plasma density increases all
conductivities in proportion.
• Not sufficient and slowly developing (tens of
seconds) mechanism!
Test LFM Simulation with Modified
Conductivities: Cross-Polar Cap Potential
(Merkin et al. 2005)
ANEL: ANomalous ELectron heating recombination-density effect on conductivities
Non-Linear Current
1. FB turbulence: electron density perturbations
(ridges and troughs) with oppositely directed
turbulent electrostatic fields.
2. E x B drift of magnetized electrons has opposite
directions in ridges and troughs.
3. More electrons drift in ridges than in troughs.
• This forms an average DC current, mainly
in the Pedersen to E0 direction.
• The modified Pedersen conductivity is
most important for current closure.
• Fast-developing and robust mechanism!
Quasi-stationary waves
n  0
n  0
V n,i  V Ph
n  0
_ +
n  0
V0  E0  B0 B0
e E
 e 2 ,
ViPed 
mi i
Farley-Buneman Turbulence (PIC
Non-Linear Current
E 0  B0
NC and M-I Energy Exchange
(including Anomalous Heating)
• Energy deposition for E-region turbulence and heating:
– Total energy input from fields to particles: E j
– Normal Joule heating: W0  E0  j0
– Saturated turbulence in a periodic box:  E   j  0
– Turbulent energy: work by external field E0 on waveinduced nonlinear current, WAEH  E0  jNL
j  j0  jNL
jNL  e  n Vi   Ve 
• Small turbulent fields parallel to B0 are crucial for
anomalous electron heating!
Anomalous Pedersen Conductivity
(extreme convection field)
0: Undisturbed (“normal”) conductivity
1: Anomalous conductivity with nonlinear current (NC)
2: Anomalous conductivity with NC + AEH effect
[Dimant and Oppenheim, 2011]
Anomalous Pedersen Conductivity
(strong convection field)
0: Undisturbed (“normal”) conductivity
1: Anomalous conductivity with nonlinear current (NC)
2: Anomalous conductivity with NC + AEH effect
[Dimant and Oppenheim, 2011]
• Convection field drives E-region instabilities:
– Turbulent fields cause anomalous heating
– Irregularities and fields create nonlinear current
• Both anomalous effects lead to increased
• Can explain lower than in conventional
models values of cross-polar cap potentials
• Should be included in global MHD models!