Transcript Document

UMass Boston Space Planning Presentation to Faculty Council April 7, 2014


A Look Back

▸ 1988-2006 - Substructure Review • Rate of deterioration outpaced scope of repairs; Walker Parking forecasted structural failure • Closed garage in 2006 – decision to pursue interim stabilization ▸ 2005 – NEASC Review • “lack of attention to the substructure impairs the campus’ reputation and functionality” and “a facilities master plan is needed in advance of assigning facilities and space to programs”

A Look Back

▸ 2006-2007 – Strategic Plan (2008-2010) • Increase enrollment to 15,000 by 2010 • • Create a 25-year Master Plan to ensure thoughtful growth of campus Bring instructional and research space up to state of-the-art standards - new construction and upgrades • • Create a welcoming campus environment Provide campus housing options (2,000 beds) ▸ 2006-2008 – hired Chan Krieger • Engaged in inclusive decision-making process with internal and external stakeholders

A Look Back

▸ Study Findings • Condition of physical plant more profound than other campuses – i.e. substructure • • Facilities had reached the end of their useful life – i.e. Science Center Campus lacked space to meet its current and future enrollment goals ▸ Master Plan Priorities – Improve and Grow • Fix substandard space for campus community • Re-purpose existing space for current and future needs • Build new academic and student life facilities

Planning for 15,000 Students

▸ Used a more proactive approach to assessing space, facilities, technology, and infrastructure needs ▸ Developed capital/debt service plans in support of Strategic Plan and Master Plan ▸ established priorities within limited financial resources ▸ Undertook detailed planning studies to assess space and infrastructure needs ▸ focused on present day building code requirements

Planning for 15,000 Students (cont.)

▸ Strategic Plan and Master Plan Priorities ▸ Address enrollment growth, research priorities and new programs ▸ ▸ ISC – Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environment, Psychology, CPCT, Developmental Sciences Research Center GAB1 – classrooms, Art, Performing Arts, Chemistry teaching labs ▸ Ensure thoughtful growth and address infrastructure limits – UC/RR ▸ Deferred maintenance needs will continue to pull resources away from other priorities

Detailed Planning Milestones – 2006 to Present

Master Plan Utilities Master Plan ISC Study Master Plan/Phase 1 EENF GAB No. 1 Designer RFP Space Allocation Plan Utility Corridor and Roadway Project Existing Conditions Report

Project Development and Decision-making Process

Convened Executive Steering Committees  comprised of Vice Chancellors; formulated vision and conceptual program, oversight of project development and implementation • Established Programming Advisory Committees  comprised of deans, dept./program directors to develop recommended space programs • Facility User Groups  Faculty, staff, and students work with architects to develop space needs

Planning for 18,000 Students and Beyond

• Fulfilling the Promise 2010-2025 • 25,000 students by 2025 • The path forward presents an opportunity to set priorities but requires several antecedents to occur - • need to better align growth in existing and new programs with space needs • continue to consistently grow enrollment • obtain greater state support for capital projects • successfully manage campus operations over the next 4-5 years of construction

Planning for 18,000 Students and Beyond

▸ Strategic Plan and Master Plan Priorities ▸ Address enrollment growth, research priorities and new programs ▸ ▸ Renovations to existing academic buildings (REAB) – classrooms and Science Center programs GAB2 – classrooms and academic programs ▸ ▸ Additional utilities capacity (trigeneration) Residence halls ▸ Parking garage #1 ▸ Future academic buildings – what are the priorities?

▸ Student life, athletics, other campus needs

Project Interdependencies and Sequencing


Estimated Project Completion

▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ISC – Fall 2014 GAB1 – Fall 2015 UC/RR – Winter 2016 Power Facility – 2016 REAB – Spring 2017 GAB2 – Spring 2018 ▸ ▸ Parking Garage – fall 2016* Residence Halls – Fall 2017* * dependent on available funding