Transcript Slide 1

Short Breaks
Provider Forum
• Welcome
• Please sign in on our register
• Help yourself to coffee and
tea (outside the hall)
• Find a seat anywhere
• Talk to other people!
Short Breaks Providers Forum
November 2014
• Plan for today & breaks
• Learning & development workshops
• Short breaks activities public consultation
9.30am - 3.30pm
26 November 2014
The Plaza, Havant
9.30am – 3.30pm
11 February 2015
Alton Maltings Centre
• An intro to learning disability
• An intro to communication and learning
• An intro to autism
• Conversations with Parents/Carers and
general disability awareness
• Practical Inclusion
• Makaton – 2 hour taster, 1 day, 2 days
Short breaks
activities public consultation
01962 846370
[email protected]
Short breaks
activities public consultation
• Open until 12th December
• Open to ALL – activity providers,
parents/carers, children/young people,
public and professionals
Short breaks
activities public consultation
• Additional work with children & young people with
• Independent advocacy organisations
• Spending time with various short breaks
activities/groups, pupil forums
Planning the
• Discussion with Hampshire Parent / Carer Network reps
• Your feedback from the June Provider forum
• Work with advocacy organisations
• Children and Young People Select Committee
• The Short Breaks Project team
• Information about Gateway card holders and usage
• Hampshire are proud of the Short Breaks
programme, where we have all worked as
partners to improve the opportunities available to
disabled children, and the chance for families to
take a break
• Previous savings programmes have bypassed our
programme but we cannot guarantee that this
Short breaks
activities – the budget context
• Proposed budget reduction is £1.85 million
• Total Children with Disabilities budget is £19.7m
for this year
HCC or an external partner?
• The service could continue to run ‘in-house’, or
could be managed by someone else, like a
voluntary organisation.
Decision-making about grants
• Involvement of local people in decisions about
their services, and using their local knowledge
• What is practical/workable/effective when less
money is in budget?
• How would your area fit into 2,4 or 8 grant panels?
Children’s Access to Short breaks
• Limit/Cap on the number of hours or sessions –
how much & how to manage this?
• Increase charges to parents?
• Only offer short breaks to children aged between
5 and 18?
Children’s Access to Short breaks
• Family Self Assessment - a checklist with various
factors, updated annually?
• Only children eligible for the Disabled Children’s team
(specialist social work service) can access breaks?
• Money given to families as a direct payment
The Community Buddy scheme
For 7-19 year-olds to do a leisure activity they
choose e.g. cinema, the park.
• Should the Buddy scheme continue?
• Who should manage it?
• How would a limit of 3,6 or 9 hours per month
• Should the age range change?
Support For Individuals
Supports inclusion for children 0-19 to join in mainstream
activities – pays for disability-specific resources/training, or
support person – e.g. dance class, Scouts/Brownies, helper
in swimming lesson
• Should Support for individuals continue?
• Who should manage it?
• Should support be time-limited, or have a
maximum funding amount?
Children and Young People Select Committee
• Comprising County Councillors
• Task and Finish Group
• 9 Recommendations
Timescales & future funding
Councillor Decision Day – Wednesday 21st January
HCC or a partner?
• Large grants – shorter application time end of January to
• Smaller grants – March onwards
Please check & read
grant guidance notes, as these will change
Thank you for coming
Open until 12th December