Transcript Next Gen?

Next Gen?
My Experience
 Youth
group growing up (Volunteer)
 Uni Christian groups (Volunteer)
 Café Gen Y (Volunteer)
 Gold Coast North (Part time)
 Bardon (Part time)
What is a Young Adult?
 Age
Psychologist Erik Erison states 20 to 40
Some studies 18 to 21
Others 18 to 24
Others 18 to 30
What do you think?
For this use NCLS Y.A. ages 18 to 30
What is a Young Adult?
 Interests?
Interweb (Memes, Youtube, etc.)
Own business
Many forms of Technology
What do you think?
Next Gen Y?
D. Kinnaman 43% drop “teens to “adulthood”
ABoS “no religion” rise from 0.4% in 1901 to
15.5% in 2001 to 22.3% in 2011
Less than 10% Aus. pop attend church
NCLS Study states 80% leave by 30
NCLS Study 25,000 young adults left last 10 yrs
29% of Aus Pop only 3% of Churches
 Have
been hurt
 Adult life doesn’t mix
 Distractions
 Sceptical
 Exhausted/Time is limited
 I don’t get it
 Doesn’t understand needs
St Hilary’s Study
 The
Power of Legacy
 Staffing
 Community
 Small Groups
 Training
 Involvement
 Focus on Transitions
What Can We Do?
 Have
a meal as a group (Fellowship)
 Teach them creatively about the Bible
 Socials/Activities that engage
Church Service
 Analyse
current service
 Make service current and always
changing with trends and needs
 Focus every aspect on the non-churched
 Focused gifting
What Can We Do?
 Have
a meal as a group (Fellowship)
 Teach them creatively about the Bible
 Socials/Activities that engage
The biggest need is this:
 Get to know them one on one
Do not try and mass produce believers
Do not play the number game
Do not play the comparison game
Give them a reason to believe
Time = Impact
"These relationships would not be solely
focused on spiritual growth, but should
integrate the pursuit of faith with the whole
Discipleship cont...
 Take
Jesus example
 Choose three potential (Peter, John and
 Pray
 1 hour per week/fortnight
 Spend approx. 1 hour preparing
 Preferably same gender
Choose someone
Write on piece of paper
Commit to yourself, to God and to this
person that you will input into their life and
help them grow
Volunteer advice
hour/week dedicated
 Current groups/events/activities
 Camps/Mountain top experiences
 Payment
Other Ideas?
 Alpha
 Emmaus,
Ichthus, SU Camps, Other camps
 Uni Christian groups
 Other denominations
Don’t Give Up
 Discouragement
is a large part of youth
 But don’t confuse with over doing it
 Church
seems hopeless
 Keep striving
 Discipleship/bible study/social
 You
Lost Me by David Kinnaman
 unchristian by David Kinnaman & Gabe
 Deep and Wide by Andy Stanley
 LCA Study by Tom Schmidt